Aslandukov, Andrii ; Aslandukov, Matvii ; Dubrovinskaia, Natalia ; Dubrovinsky, Leonid:
Domain Auto Finder (DAFi) program : the analysis of single-crystal X-ray diffraction data from polycrystalline samples.
In: Journal of Applied Crystallography.
Bd. 55
Heft 5
- S. 1383-1391.
ISSN 1600-5767
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576722008081
This paper presents the Domain Auto Finder (DAFi) program and its application to the analysis of single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD) data from multiphase mixtures of microcrystalline solids and powders. Superposition of numerous reflections originating from a large number of single-crystal domains of the same and/or different (especially unknown) phases usually precludes the sorting of reflections coming from individual domains, making their automatic indexing impossible. The DAFi algorithm is designed to quickly find subsets of reflections from individual domains in a whole set of SC-XRD data. Further indexing of all found subsets can be easily performed using widely accessible crystallographic packages. As the algorithm neither requires a priori crystallographic information nor is limited by the number of phases or individual domains, DAFi is powerful software to be used for studies of multiphase polycrystalline and microcrystalline (powder) materials. The algorithm is validated by testing on X-ray diffraction data sets obtained from real samples: a multi-mineral basalt rock at ambient conditions and products of the chemical reaction of yttrium and nitrogen in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell at 50 GPa. The high performance of the DAFi algorithm means it can be used for processing SC-XRD data online during experiments at synchrotron facilities.