Title data
Bodenschatz, Eberhard ; Kaiser, Matthias ; Kramer, Lorenz ; Pesch, Werner ; Weber, Andreas ; Zimmermann, Walter:
Patterns and Defects in Liquid Crystals.
In: Coullet, Pierre ; Huerre, Patrick
New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern-Forming Phenomena. -
: Springer US
. - pp. 111-124
. - (NATO ASI Series : Series B, Physics
; 237
ISBN 978-1-4684-7481-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4684-7479-4_20
Abstract in another language
The nonlinear behavior of electrohydrodynamic convection in planarly aligned nematic liquid crystals is reviewed. Based on two-dimensional, universal envelope descriptions we present new results on undulated roll structures in the vicinity of a normal-to-oblique roll transition, wavelength selection by the Eckhaus processes, dynamics and ordering of defects in travelling roll patterns (also applicable to homogeneous Hopf bifurcations), and mean-flow induced turbulence.