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Association of Psychosocial and Perceived Environmental Factors with Park-Based Physical Activity among Elderly in Two Cities in China and Germany

Title data

Wagner, Petra ; Duan, Yan Ping ; Zhang, Ru ; Wulff, Hagen ; Brehm, Walter:
Association of Psychosocial and Perceived Environmental Factors with Park-Based Physical Activity among Elderly in Two Cities in China and Germany.
In: BMC Public Health. Vol. 20 (2020) . - 55.
ISSN 1471-2458

Abstract in another language

Background:Urban parks play an important role in promoting physical activity (PA) among adults and especiallyamong older city residents. According to the socioecological approach the association of physical environmentsand psychosocial factors in the context of park-based PA of elderly have not been systematically examined untilnow, let alone the relevance of the city (urban area) on a cross-cultural level. This study investigated selectedaspects of (1) the association of psychosocial and park environmental factors with park-based physical activity(PBPA) of older people; and (2) the moderating effect of city on the association of these factors with PBPA.Methods:A face-to-face survey was conducted of a mixed-culture sample from different urban surroundings inHong Kong (HK) and Leipzig (L). In six parks of eachcity physically active elderly (> = 60 years; HK:n=306;L:n= 311)were recruited. Multiple linear regressions were used to analyse the association between psychosocial factors andperceived environmental factors withPBPA and the moderating effect of city.Results:Controlled for demographic variables, all other psychosocial factors were significantly related to PBPA, exceptsocial support. In terms of environmental factors, PBPA was positively associated with safety, attractiveness, features andnegatively associated with park time distance. Controlled for demographic variables, psychosocial and environmentalfactors, the moderating effect of city on the associationsof park features and park time distance with PBPA was notsignificant in HK. In contrast, there was a significant positive relationship for park features and a negative relationship forpark time distance with PBPA in L.Conclusions:Psychosocial and perceived environmental factors significantly influence PBPA of older people. Citymoderates the associations of these factors and independently contributes to park-based PA of the elderly. The differentinteractions of environmental factors and urban area for PBPAof elderly can support policy makers on the municipal levelin choosing adequate strategies for promoting PA of older people in parks.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Keywords: Urban Park; Park-based physical activity; Psychosocial and perceived environmental factors; Cities; Elderly; Mixed-culture sample
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Department of Sport Science
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Former Professors > Chair Sport Science II - Sport Governance and Event Management - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Brehm
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Former Professors
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 700 Arts and recreation
700 Arts and recreation > 790 Sports, games, entertainment
Date Deposited: 28 Jan 2020 10:38
Last Modified: 02 Jun 2023 06:35