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Partisan Warfare : Training, Commitment and the Politics of Entertainment

Title data

Ernst, Wolf-Dieter:
Partisan Warfare : Training, Commitment and the Politics of Entertainment.
In: Performance Research. Vol. 14 (2009) Issue 2 . - pp. 114-118.
ISSN 1352-8165

Official URL: Volltext

Abstract in another language

This article discusses the ambiguity of the performer's training. While training is certainly helpful to maintain the position of a professional entertainer, it also signifies the disciplinary effect this business demands day by day. This ambiguity becomes apparent int "We are all Marlene Dietrich FOR" by the Islandic Dance Company. The group links entertainment and (military) discipline in a thought provocing way: Extreme bodily disciplination and affirmative interaction with the audience collide. This leaves ample room to reflect the political impact of training in both the performing arts and in education.

Abstract in another language

Der Artikel geht dem Moment der Unentscheidbarkeit zwischen Affirmation und Kritik körperlichen Trainings in den darstellendesn Künsten nach. Während man sich sicher einig ist, dass ein professionelles Training dauerhaftere Arbeitsmöglichkeiten im Unterhaltungsbereich verspricht, führt es gleichzeitig auch immer die Unterwerfung des Körpers unter eine rigide Disziplin vor. In "We are all Marlene Dietrich FOR" der Islandic Dance Company wird diese Ambiguität des Trainings zum Kern der Aufführung: Extreme körperliche Fähigkeiten kollidieren mit einer völligen Affirmation von Unterhaltung, die in der Animation des Publikums gipfelt. Die politische Dimension von Trainingsprozessen wird damit ausgestellt und der Refeflexion zugänglich gemacht.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Keywords: Dance, Performance, Training, Politics of Performance
Subject classification: Performance Studies
Institutions of the University: Faculties
Faculties > Faculty of Languages and Literature
Faculties > Faculty of Languages and Literature > Chair African Studies II
Faculties > Faculty of Languages and Literature > Professor Theatre and Media Studies
Faculties > Faculty of Languages and Literature > Professor Theatre and Media Studies > Professor Theatre and Media Studies - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Ernst
Profile Fields > Emerging Fields > Cultural Encounters and Transcultural Processes
Profile Fields
Profile Fields > Emerging Fields
Result of work at the UBT: No
DDC Subjects: 700 Arts and recreation > 700 Arts
Date Deposited: 16 Mar 2015 12:42
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2015 12:42