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Professur Agrarökosystemforschung - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christiane Werner Pinto

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Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 48.

Artikel in einer Zeitschrift

Costa e Silva, Filipe ; Correia, Alexandra C. ; Piayda, Arndt ; Dubbert, Maren ; Rebmann, Corinna ; Cuntz, Matthias ; Werner, Christiane ; David, Jorge Soares ; Pereira, João Santos:
Effects of extremely dry winter on net ecosystem carbon exchange and tree phenology at a cork oak woodland.
In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Bd. 204 (2015) . - S. 48-57.

Brewitt, Katrin ; Pinol, Josep ; Werner, Christiane ; Beyschlag, Wolfram ; Espadaler, Xavier ; Pérez Hidalgo, Rolando ; Platner, Christian:
Evaluating the importance of trophobiosis in a Mediterranean ant community : a stable isotope analysis.
In: Insectes Sociaux. Bd. 62 (2015) Heft 1 . - S. 81-95.

Piayda, Arndt ; Dubbert, Maren ; Werner, Christiane ; Correia, Alexandre Vaz ; Pereira, João Santos ; Cuntz, Matthias:
Influence of woody tissue and leaf clumping on vertically resolved leaf area index and angular gap probability estimates.
In: Forest Ecology and Management. Bd. 340 (2015) . - S. 103-113.

Piayda, Arndt ; Dubbert, Maren ; Rebmann, Corinna ; Kolle, Olaf ; Costa e Silva, Filipe ; Correia, Alexandra C. ; Pereira, João Santos ; Werner, Christiane ; Cuntz, Matthias:
Drought impact on carbon and water cycling in a Mediterranean Quercus suber L. woodland during the extreme drought event in 2012.
In: Biogeosciences. Bd. 11 (2014) Heft 24 . - S. 7159-7178.

Piayda, Arndt ; Dubbert, Maren ; Rebmann, Corinna ; Kolle, Olaf ; Costa e Silva, Filipe ; Correia, Alexandra C. ; Pereira, João Santos ; Werner, Christiane ; Cuntz, Matthias:
Drought impact on carbon and water cycling in a Mediterranean Quercus suber L. woodland during the extreme drought event in 2012.
In: Biogeosciences Discussions. Bd. 11 (2014) . - S. 10365-10417.

Dubbert, Maren ; Mosena, Alexander ; Piayda, Arndt ; Cuntz, Matthias ; Correia, Alexandra C. ; Pereira, João Santos ; Werner, Christiane:
Influence of tree cover on herbaceous layer development and carbon and water fluxes in a Portuguese cork oak woodland.
In: Acta Oecologica. Bd. 59 (2014) . - S. 35-45.

Piedrahita, Paolo ; Meise, Kristine ; Werner, Christiane ; Krüger, Oliver ; Trillmich, Fritz:
Lazy sons, self-sufficient daughters : are sons more demanding?
In: Animal Behaviour. Bd. 98 (2014) . - S. 69-78.

Dubbert, Maren ; Cuntz, Matthias ; Piayda, Arndt ; Werner, Christiane:
Oxygen isotope signatures of transpired water vapor : the role of isotopic non-steady-state transpiration under natural conditions.
In: New Phytologist. Bd. 203 (2014) Heft 4 . - S. 1242-1252.

Jardine, Kolby ; Wegener, Frederik ; Abrell, Leif ; van Haren, Joost ; Werner, Christiane:
Phytogenic Biosynthesis and Emission of Methyl Acetate.
In: Plant, Cell & Environment. Bd. 37 (2014) Heft 2 . - S. 414-424.

Dubbert, Maren ; Piayda, Arndt ; Cuntz, Matthias ; Correia, Alexandra C. ; Costa e Silva, Filipe ; Pereira, João Santos ; Werner, Christiane:
Stable oxygen isotope and flux partitioning demonstrates understory of an oak savanna contributes up to half of ecosystem carbon and water exchange.
In: Frontiers in Plant Science. Bd. 5 (2014) . - 530.

Dubbert, Maren ; Cuntz, Matthias ; Piayda, Arndt ; Máguas, Cristina ; Werner, Christiane:
Partitioning evapotranspiration – Testing the Craig and Gordon model with field measurements of oxygen isotope ratios of evaporative fluxes.
In: Journal of Hydrology. Bd. 496 (2013) . - S. 142-153.

Jeglinski, Jana W. E. ; Goetz, Kimberley T. ; Werner, Christiane ; Costa, Daniel P. ; Trillmich, Fritz:
Same size – same niche? Foraging niche separation between sympatric juvenile Galapagos sea lions and adult Galapagos fur seals.
In: Journal of Animal Ecology. Bd. 82 (2013) Heft 3 . - S. 694-706.

Mestre, Laia ; Pinol, Josep ; Barrientos, José Antonio ; Espadaler, Xavier ; Brewitt, Katrin ; Werner, Christiane ; Platner, Christian:
Trophic structure of the spider community of a Mediterranean citrus grove : A stable isotope analysis.
In: Basic and Applied Ecology. Bd. 14 (2013) Heft 5 . - S. 413-422.

Jeglinski, Jana W. E. ; Werner, Christiane ; Robinson, Patrick W. ; Costa, Daniel P. ; Trillmich, Fritz:
Age, body mass and environmental variation shape the foraging ontogeny of Galapagos sea lions.
In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. Bd. 453 (2012) . - S. 279-296.

Rascher, Katherine G. ; Hellmann, Christine ; Máguas, Cristina ; Werner, Christiane:
Community scale 15N isoscapes : tracing the spatial impact of an exotic N2-fixing invader.
In: Ecology Letters. Bd. 15 (2012) Heft 5 . - S. 484-491.

Jardine, Kolby ; Barron-Gafford, G. A. ; Norman, J. P. ; Abrell, Leif ; Monson, Russell ; Meyers, K. T. ; Pavao-Zuckerman, M. ; Dontsova, K. ; Kleist, E. ; Werner, Christiane ; Huxman, T. E.:
Green leaf volatiles and oxygenated metabolite emission bursts from mesquite branches following light-dark transitions.
In: Photosynthesis Research. Bd. 113 (2012) Heft 1-3 . - S. 321-333.

Unger, Stephan ; Máguas, Cristina ; Pereira, João Santos ; David, Teresa S. ; Werner, Christiane:
Interpreting post-drought rewetting effects on soil and ecosystem carbon dynamics in a Mediterranean oak savannah.
In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Bd. 154/155 (2012) . - S. 9-18.

Werner, Christiane ; Schnyder, Hans ; Cuntz, Matthias ; Keitel, C. ; Zeeman, Matthias J. ; Dawson, T. E. ; Badeck, Franz-W. ; Brugnoli, E. ; Ghashghaie, Jaleh ; Grams, Thorsten E. E. ; Kayler, Zachary ; Lakatos, M. ; Lee, X. ; Máguas, Cristina ; Ogée, Jérôme ; Rascher, Katherine G. ; Siegwolf, Rolf ; Unger, Stephan ; Welker, J. ; Wingate, L. ; Gessler, A.:
Progress and challenges in using stable isotopes to trace plant carbon and water relations across scales.
In: Biogeosciences. Bd. 9 (2012) Heft 8 . - S. 3083-3111.

Dubbert, Maren ; Rascher, Katherine G. ; Werner, Christiane:
Species-specific differences in temporal and spatial variation in δ13C of plant carbon pools and dark-respired CO2 under changing environmental conditions.
In: Photosynthesis Research. Bd. 113 (2012) Heft 1-3 . - S. 297-309.

Rascher, Katherine G. ; Große-Stoltenberg, André ; Máguas, Cristina ; Meira-Neto, João Augusto Alves ; Werner, Christiane:
Acacia longifolia invasion impacts vegetation structure and regeneration dynamics in open dunes and pine forests.
In: Biological Invasions. Bd. 13 (2011) Heft 5 . - S. 1099-1113.

Stahl, Vanessa Maliya ; Beyschlag, Wolfram ; Werner, Christiane:
Dynamic niche sharing in dry acidic grasslands : a 15N labelling experiment.
In: Plant and Soil. Bd. 344 (2011) Heft 1-2 . - S. 389-400.

Kueffer, Christoph ; Niinemets, Ülo ; Drenovsky, Rebecca E. ; Kattge, Jens ; Milberg, Per ; Poorter, Hendrik ; Reich, Peter B. ; Werner, Christiane ; Westoby, Mark ; Wright, Ian J.:
Fame, glory and neglect in meta-analyses (Letter).
In: Trends in Ecology & Evolution. Bd. 26 (2011) Heft 10 . - S. 493-494.

Hellmann, Christine ; Sutter, Rabea ; Rascher, Katherine G. ; Máguas, Cristina ; Correia, Otilia ; Werner, Christiane:
Impact of an exotic N2-fixing Acacia on composition and N status of native Mediterranean species.
In: Acta Oecologica. Bd. 37 (2011) Heft 1 . - S. 43-50.

Werner, Christiane ; Schnyder, Hans ; Badeck, Franz-W. ; Brugnoli, E. ; Cuntz, Matthias ; Dawson, T. E. ; Ghashghaie, Jaleh ; Grams, Thorsten E. E. ; Kayler, Zachary ; Keitel, C. ; Lakatos, M. ; Lee, X. ; Máguas, Cristina ; Ogée, Jérôme ; Rascher, Katherine G. ; Siegwolf, Rolf ; Unger, Stephan ; Welker, J. ; Wingate, L. ; Zeeman, Matthias J. ; Gessler, A. ; Cohn, B.:
Linking carbon and water cycles using stable isotopes across scales : progress and challenges.
In: Biogeosciences Discussions. Bd. 8 (2011) . - S. 2659-2719.

Máguas, Cristina ; Rascher, Katherine G. ; Martins-Loução, Maria Amélia ; Carvalho, P. ; Pinho, P. ; Ramos, M. ; Correia, Otilia ; Werner, Christiane:
Responses of woody species to spatial and temporal ground water changes in coastal sand dune systems.
In: Biogeosciences. Bd. 8 (2011) Heft 12 . - S. 3823-3832.

Reyers, Mark ; Krüger, Andreas ; Werner, Christiane ; Pinto, Joaquim G. ; Zacharias, Stefan ; Kerschgens, Michael:
The Simulation of the Opposing Fluxes of Latent Heat and CO2 over Various Land-Use Types : Coupling a Gas Exchange Model to a Mesoscale Atmospheric Model.
In: Boundary-Layer Meteorology. Bd. 139 (2011) Heft 1 . - S. 121-141.

Rascher, Katherine G. ; Große-Stoltenberg, André ; Máguas, Cristina ; Werner, Christiane:
Understory invasion by Acacia longifolia alters the water balance and carbon gain of a Mediterranean pine forest.
In: Ecosystems. Bd. 14 (2011) Heft 6 . - S. 904-919.

Werner, Christiane ; Máguas, Cristina:
Carbon isotope discrimination as a tracer of functional traits in a Mediterranean macchia plant community.
In: Functional Plant Biology. Bd. 37 (2010) Heft 5 . - S. 467-477.

Unger, Stephan ; Máguas, Cristina ; Pereira, João Santos ; Aires, Luis M. ; David, Teresa S. ; Werner, Christiane:
Disentangling drought-induced variation in ecosystem and soil respiration using stable carbon isotopes.
In: Oecologia. Bd. 163 (2010) Heft 4 . - S. 1043-1057.

Werner, Christiane:
Do isotopic respiratory signals trace changes in metabolic fluxes?
In: New Phytologist. Bd. 186 (2010) Heft 3 . - S. 569-571.

Werner, Christiane ; Zumkier, Ulrich ; Beyschlag, Wolfram ; Máguas, Cristina:
High competitiveness of a resource demanding invasive acacia under low resource supply.
In: Plant Ecology. Bd. 206 (2010) Heft 1 . - S. 83-96.

Unger, Stephan ; Máguas, Cristina ; Pereira, João Santos ; David, Teresa S. ; Werner, Christiane:
The influence of precipitation pulses on soil respiration : Assessing the “Birch Effect” by stable carbon isotopes.
In: Soil Biology & Biochemistry. Bd. 42 (2010) Heft 10 . - S. 1800-1810.

Wegener, Frederik ; Beyschlag, Wolfram ; Werner, Christiane:
The magnitude of diurnal variation in carbon isotopic composition of leaf dark respired CO2 correlates with the difference between δ13C of leaf and root material.
In: Functional Plant Biology. Bd. 37 (2010) Heft 9 . - S. 849-858.

Rascher, Katherine G. ; Máguas, Cristina ; Werner, Christiane:
On the use of phloem sap δ13C as an indicator of canopy carbon discrimination.
In: Tree Physiology. Bd. 30 (2010) Heft 12 . - S. 1499-1514.

Unger, Stephan ; Máguas, Cristina ; Pereira, João Santos ; Aires, Luis M. ; David, Teresa S. ; Werner, Christiane:
Partitioning carbon fluxes in a Mediterranean oak forest to disentangle changes in ecosystem sink strength during drought.
In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Bd. 149 (2009) Heft 6-7 . - S. 949-961.

Priault, Pierrick ; Wegener, Frederik ; Werner, Christiane:
Pronounced differences in diurnal variation of carbon isotope composition of leaf respired CO2 among functional groups.
In: New Phytologist. Bd. 181 (2009) Heft 2 . - S. 400-412.

Werner, Christiane ; Wegener, Frederik ; Unger, Stephan ; Nogués, Salvador ; Priault, Pierrick:
Short-term dynamics of isotopic composition of leaf respired CO2 upon darkening : measurements and implications.
In: Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. Bd. 23 (2009) Heft 16 . - S. 2428-2438.

Werner, Christiane ; Hasenbein, Nils ; Maia, Rodrigo ; Beyschlag, Wolfram ; Máguas, Cristina:
Evaluating high time-resolved changes in carbon isotope ratio of respired CO2 by a rapid in-tube incubation technique.
In: Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. Bd. 21 (2007) Heft 8 . - S. 1352-1360.

Werner, Christiane ; Unger, Stephan ; Pereira, João Santos ; Maia, Rodrigo ; Kurz-Besson, Cathy ; David, Teresa S. ; David, Jorge Soares ; Máguas, Cristina:
Importance of short-term dynamics in carbon isotope ratios of ecosystem respiration (δ13CR) in a Mediterranean oak woodland and linkage to environmental factors.
In: New Phytologist. Bd. 172 (2006) Heft 2 . - S. 330-346.

Peperkorn, Ralf ; Werner, Christiane ; Beyschlag, Wolfram:
Phenotypic Plasticity of an Invasive Acacia versus Two Native Mediterranean Species.
In: Functional Plant Biology. Bd. 32 (2005) Heft 10 . - S. 933-944.

Aufsatz in einem Buch

Rascher, Katherine G. ; Máguas, Cristina ; Correia, Otilia ; Werner, Christiane:
Tracing Seasonal Changes in Water Use of an Invasive Acacia and a Native Pine in Southern Portugal by Measurement of Sap Flow.
In: Fernández, E. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the VIIth International Workshop on Sap Flow : Seville, Spain, October 21 - 24, 2008. - Leuven : ISHS, 2009 . - S. 209-216 . - (Acta Horticulturae ; 846 )

Werner, Christiane ; Peperkorn, Ralf ; Máguas, Cristina ; Beyschlag, Wolfram:
Competitive balance between the alien invasive Acacia longifolia and native Mediterranean species.
In: Tokarska-Guzik, Barbara (Hrsg.): Plant Invasions : Human perception, ecological impacts and management. - Weikersheim : Margraf, 2008 . - S. 261-275

Máguas, Cristina ; Ferreira, J. ; Pereira, A. ; Martins-Loução, Maria Amélia ; Marchante, Hélia ; Marchante, Elizabete ; Scheck, C. ; Freitas, Helena ; Ramos, M. ; Werner, Christiane ; Correia, Otilia:
Acacia longifolia invasiveness on Portuguese coastal dune systems : Environmental and plant community changes.
In: Rokich, D. (Hrsg.): MedEcos XI : conference proceedings : the International Mediterranean Ecosystems Conference, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Sunday 2 - Wednesday 5 September 2007. - West Perth : Kings Park &​ Botanic Garden, 2007

Pereira, A. ; Correia, Otilia ; Ramos, M. ; Werner, Christiane ; Máguas, Cristina:
Different responses to water stress of the invasive Acacia longifolia versus native Mediterranean dune species.
In: Rokich, D. (Hrsg.): MedEcos XI : conference proceedings : the International Mediterranean Ecosystems Conference, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Sunday 2 - Wednesday 5 September 2007. - West Perth : Kings Park &​ Botanic Garden, 2007

Tu, Kevin P. ; Bowen, Gabriel J. ; Hemming, Debbie ; Kahmen, Ansgar ; Knohl, Alexander ; Lai, Chun-Ta ; Werner, Christiane:
Stable isotopes as indicators, tracers and recorders of ecological change : synthesis and outlook.
In: Dawson, Todd E. (Hrsg.): Stable isotopes as indicators of ecological change. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007 . - S. 399-405 . - (Terrestrial Ecology Series )

Werner, Christiane ; Unger, Stephan ; Pereira, João Santos ; Ghashghaie, Jaleh ; Máguas, Cristina:
Temporal dynamics in δ13C of ecosystem respiration in response to environmental changes.
In: Dawson, Todd E. (Hrsg.): Stable isotopes as indicators of ecological change. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007 . - S. 193-210 . - (Terrestrial Ecology Series )


Dippold, Michaela A.:
Metabolic Pathways of Amino Acids, Monosaccharides and Organic Acids in Soils assessed by Position-Specific Labeling.
Bayreuth , 2014 . - XX, 295, A3 S.
( Dissertation, 2013 , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)

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