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PersonAnzahl der Einträge: 3.
Beck, Erwin ; Rehder, H. ; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef ; Kokwaro, John O.:
Alpine Plant Communities of Mt. Elgon : An altitutdinal Transect along the Koitoboss Route.
In: Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum.
Bd. 190
- S. 1-12.
ISSN 0012-8317
Beck, Erwin ; Rehder, H. ; Pongratz, Paul ; Scheibe, Renate ; Senser, Margot:
Ecological analysis of the boundary between the afroalpine vegetation types 'Dendrosenecio Woodlands' and 'Senecio Brassica-Lobelia Keniensis community' on Mt. Kenya.
In: Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum.
Bd. 172
- S. 1-11.
ISSN 0012-8317
Rehder, H. ; Beck, Erwin ; Kokwaro, John O. ; Scheibe, Renate:
Vegetation analysis of the Upper Teleki Valley (Mt. Kenya) and adjacent areas.
In: Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum.
Bd. 171
- S. 1-8.
ISSN 0012-8317
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