Veröffentlichungen "Gaibazzi, Paolo"

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Anzahl der Einträge: 32.

Buch / Monografie

EurAfrican Borders and Migration Management : Political Cultures, Contested Spaces, and Ordinary Lives.
Hrsg.: Gaibazzi, Paolo ; Bellagamba, Alice ; Dünnwald, Stephan
New York : Palgrave Macmillan , 2017
ISBN 978-1-349-94972-4


Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Bush Bound : young men and rural permanence in migrant West Africa.
Oxford ; New York : Berghahn Books , 2015
ISBN 978-1-78238-779-4

Artikel in einer Zeitschrift

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Potentiality in crisis : Making and living the potential in Angola’s boom and bust.
In: History and Anthropology. (15 Februar 2022) .
ISSN 0275-7206

Beneduce, Roberto ; Damon, Lisa ; Gaibazzi, Paolo ; Machinya, Johannes ; Monz, Katharina:
Comment décoloniser la recherche sur la migration africaine? Quelques idées.
In: Cosmopolis. (2020) Heft 3-4 . - S. 66-79.
ISSN 2030-028X

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Frontiers of Externalisation : Borders and temporality in the Euro-African zone.
In: Paideuma. Bd. 66 (2020) . - S. 219-234.
ISSN 0078-7809

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Moving-with-Others : Restoring Viable Relations in Emigrant Gambia.
In: Migration and Society. Bd. 2 (2019) Heft 1 . - S. 26-39.
ISSN 2574-1306

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Stalling (for time) : Temporalities of Business in the Angolan Oil Crisis.
In: Africa : Rivista Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche. N.S. Bd. 1 (2019) Heft 2 . - S. 9-24.
ISSN 2612-6702

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
West African Strangers and the Politics of Inhumanity in Angola.
In: American Ethnologist. Bd. 45 (2018) Heft 4 . - S. 470-481.
ISSN 1548-1425

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
From Expulsion to Extortion : Deportability, Predatory Policing and West African Migrants in Angola.
In: Citizenship Studies. Bd. 21 (2017) Heft 8 . - S. 969-983.
ISSN 1469-3593

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Post-slavery refractions : Subjectivity and slave descent in a Gambian life story.
In: Africa. Bd. 86 (2016) Heft 3 . - S. 405-424.
ISSN 1750-0184

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Sovranità e controllo diffuso della mobilità nel regime dei visti.
In: Antropologia. Bd. 3 (2016) Heft 2 . - S. 47-60.
ISSN 2420-8469

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
The quest for luck : fate, fortune, work and the unexpected among Gambian Soninke hustlers.
In: Critical African Studies. Bd. 7 (2015) Heft 3 . - S. 227-242.
ISSN 2040-7211

Gaibazzi, Paolo ; Gardini, Marco:
The work of fate and fortune in Africa.
In: Critical African Studies. Bd. 7 (2015) Heft 3 . - S. 203-209.
ISSN 2040-7211

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Visa problem : Certification, kinship, and the production of "ineligibility" in the Gambia.
In: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Bd. 20 (2014) Heft 1 . - S. 38-55.
ISSN 1467-9655

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Cultivating hustlers : the agrarian ethos of Soninke migration.
In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Bd. 39 (2013) Heft 2 . - S. 259-275.
ISSN 1469-9451

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Diaspora without homeland : slave descendants and the cultural politics of ancestry in the Upper Gambia River Valley.
In: Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales. Bd. 29 (2013) Heft 1 . - S. 23-43.
ISSN 1777-5418

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
The rank effect : post-emancipation immobility in a Soninke village.
In: The Journal of African History. Bd. 53 (2012) Heft 2 . - S. 215-234.
ISSN 1469-5138

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Qui, nell'Altrove : giovani, migrazione e immaginazione geo-sociale nel Gambia rurale.
In: Mondi Migranti. (2010) Heft 3 . - S. 117-129.
ISSN 1972-4896

Aufsatz in einem Buch

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Back Way to Babylon : (Unauthorized) Migration and Postcolonial Consciousness in the Gambia.
In: Gualtieri, Claudia (Hrsg.): Migration and the Contemporary Mediterranean : Shifting Cultures in Twenty-First-Century Italy and Beyond. - Oxford : Peter Lang , 2018 . - S. 245-262
ISBN 978-1-78707-351-7

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Frontiers of Exodus : Activists, Border Regimes and Euro-Mediterranean Encounters After the Arab Spring.
In: Gaibazzi, Paolo ; Bellagamba, Alice ; Dünnwald, Stephan (Hrsg.): EurAfrican Borders and Migration Management : Political Cultures, Contested Spaces, and Ordinary Lives. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan , 2017 . - S. 197-217
ISBN 978-1-349-94971-7

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
The Homing of the Diaspora : Ancestral Households and the Politics of Domestic Centering in Rural Gambia, West Africa.
In: Carment, David ; Sadjed, Ariane (Hrsg.): Diaspora as Cultures of Cooperation. - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan , 2017 . - S. 91-109
ISBN 978-3-319-32891-1

Gaibazzi, Paolo ; Bellagamba, Alice ; Dünnwald, Stephan:
Introduction : An Afro-Europeanist Perspective on EurAfrican Borders.
In: Gaibazzi, Paolo ; Bellagamba, Alice ; Dünnwald, Stephan (Hrsg.): EurAfrican Borders and Migration Management : Political Cultures, Contested Spaces, and Ordinary Lives. - New York : Palgrave McMillan , 2017 . - S. 3-28
ISBN 978-1-349-94971-7

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Two Soninke "Slave" Descendants and their Family Biographies.
In: Bellagamba, Alice ; Green, Sandra E. ; Klein, Martin A. (Hrsg.): African Voices on Slavery and the Slave Trade. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2013 . - S. 522-535
ISBN 978-0-521-19470-9

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
"God's Time is the Best" : Religious Imagination and the Wait for Emigration in The Gambia.
In: Graw, Knut ; Schielke, Samuli (Hrsg.): The Global Horizon : expectations of migration in Africa and the Middle East. - Leuven : Leuven University Press , 2012 . - S. 121-135
ISBN 978-90-5867-906-2

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Home as Transit : Would-Be Migrants and Immobility in Gambia.
In: Streiff-Fénart, Jocelyne ; Segatti, Aurelia (Hrsg.): The Challenge of the Threshold : Border Closures and Migration Movements in Africa. - Lanham : Lexington Books , 2012 . - S. 163-176
ISBN 978-0-7391-6510-2

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Migrazione, Coesione e Translocalità nell'Unità Domestica Soninke (Gambia Orientale).
In: Bellagamba, Alice (Hrsg.): Migrazioni : Dal Lato dell'Africa. - Pavia : Edizioni Altravista , 2011 . - S. 81-102
ISBN 978-88-95458-34-2

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
"I'm Nerves!" : Struggling with Immobility in a Soninke Village (The Gambia).
In: Grätz, Tilo (Hrsg.): Mobility, Transnationalism and Contemporary African Societies. - Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publ. , 2010 . - S. 106-137
ISBN 978-1-4438-1853-7

Gaibazzi, Paolo ; Bellagamba, Alice:
"Babilonia", oppure? : Mobilità internazionale e logiche d'appartenenza nella Repubblica del Gambia.
In: Bellagamba, Alice (Hrsg.): Inclusi/Esclusi : Prospettive africane sulla cittadinanza. - Torino : UTET Univ. , 2009 . - S. 86-115
ISBN 978-88-6008-250-3

Bellagamba, Alice ; Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Nient'altro da votare : Dinamiche di partecipazione politica e disillusione nella Repubblica del Gambia (Africa Occidentale).
In: Viti, Fabio (Hrsg.): Dipendenza personale, lavoro e politica. - Modena : Il Fiorino , 2008
ISBN 978-88-7549-241-0


Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Rezension von: Smith, Daniel Jordan: To Be a Man Is Not a One‐Day Job : Masculinity, Money, and Intimacy in Nigeria. Chicago, 2017.
In: American Anthropologist. Bd. 121 (2019) Heft 1 . - S. 285-286.
ISSN 0002-7294

Gaibazzi, Paolo:
Rezension von: Buggenhagen, Beth: Muslim Families in Global Senegal : Money Takes Care of Shame. Bloomington, 2012.
In: Journal of Religion in Africa. Bd. 43 (2013) Heft 4 . - S. 480-481.
ISSN 1570-0666

Vollständiges Zeitschriftenheft

Fate and Fortune in Africa.
Hrsg.: Gaibazzi, Paolo ; Gardini, Marco
Critical African Studies. Bd. 7 (2015) Heft 3 .
ISSN 2040-7211

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