Projects: SFB 611
Group by: Year | Person Jump to: B Number of items: 4. B
Bebendorf, Mario ; Hardesty, Sean:
Adaptive cross approximation of tensors arising in the discretization of boundary integral operator shape derivatives. In: Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. Vol. 37 (2013) Issue 1 . - pp. 60-67. DOI:
Bebendorf, Mario ; Kühnemund, Andreas ; Rjasanow, S.:
An equi-directional generalization of adaptive cross approximation for higher-order tensors. In: Applied Numerical Mathematics. Vol. 74 (2013) . - pp. 1-16. DOI:
Bebendorf, Mario ; Bollhöfer, Matthias ; Bratsch, Michael:
Hierarchical matrix approximation with blockwise constraints. In: BIT Numerical Mathematics. Vol. 53 (2013) Issue 2 . - pp. 311-339. DOI:
Bebendorf, Mario ; Venn, Raoul:
Constructing nested bases approximations from the entries of non-local operators. In: Numerische Mathematik. Vol. 121 (2012) Issue 4 . - pp. 609-635. DOI: To include this list on the University's CMS, please refer to this help page.
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