Greiner, Andreas ; Buchholz, Viola ; Agarwal, Seema:
Wound dressing of wine plants by polymer nanofibers for the prevention of the ESCA disease.
Veranstaltung: Applied Nanotechnology for Food and Agriculture - PM Session
, 18.03.2014
, Marriott Dallas City Center, 650 N Pearl St, Dallas, TX 75201, United States.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
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The so-called ESCA disease causes wide-spread irreparable damage to wine plants and spoils the taste of wine. The ESCA disease is caused by a variety of fungi which colonize in the wood of wine plants. These fungi invade the plant through fresh cuts or injuries of the wine plants. This contribution reports on the design of polymer nanofiber nonwovens of biodegradable polyesters as possible wound coverage for the blocking of fungi spores in order to prevent the ESCA disease.