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MAFIA Release 3 : The new version of the general purpose electromagnetic design code family


Bartsch, Michael ; Dehler, Micha ; Dohlus, Martin ; Fischerauer, Alice ; Fischerauer, Gerhard ; Hahne, Peter ; Klatt, Reinhard ; Krawczyk, Frank ; Schütt, Petra ; Steffen, Bernhard ; Weiland, Thomas ; Wipf, Susan G. ; Zhang, Min:
MAFIA Release 3 : The new version of the general purpose electromagnetic design code family.
In: Marin, Pierre ; Mandrillon, Pierre (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2nd European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 90). - Gif-sur-Yvette : Editions Frontières , 1990 . - S. 249-251
ISBN 2-86332-090-4


The MAFIA group of fully three dimensional computer codes for the solution of Maxwell's equations is already well established. The system has demonstrated its accuracy and usefulness in the successful design of many accelerator components. The 2D capabilities have now been extended beyond the original frequency and time-domain solution to include a new static solver for electro- and magnetostatic fields, a particle-in-cell code and an eddy-current module for the treatment of laminated and/or solid iron cores excited by low frequency currents. In addition the two-dimensional codes URMEL and TBCI together with the self-consistent version, TBCI-SF, that solves the field equations and the equations of motion in parallel, have been implemented in the new program family. This creates a wide-ranging CAD package which will enable many aspects of a problem to be investigated within a unified computing environment.

Weitere Angaben

Publikationsform: Aufsatz in einem Buch
Begutachteter Beitrag: Nein
Zusätzliche Informationen: Author affiliations: TH Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany; DESY, Hamburg, Germany; KFA Jülich, Jülich, Germany.
Institutionen der Universität: Fakultäten > Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften > Lehrstuhl Mess- und Regeltechnik > Lehrstuhl Mess- und Regeltechnik - Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Fischerauer
Titel an der UBT entstanden: Nein
Themengebiete aus DDC: 600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften > 620 Ingenieurwissenschaften
Eingestellt am: 26 Jul 2024 08:36
Letzte Änderung: 26 Jul 2024 08:36