Title data
Communications Regulation in the Age of Digital Convergence : Legal and Economic Perspectives.
ed.: Krämer, Jan ; Seifert, Stefan
Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe
ISBN 978-3-86644-387-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5445/KSP/1000011867
Abstract in another language
The communications industry is currently undergoing a tremendous transformation. Changes driven by the digitalization and the convergence of communications networks and devices are making a dramatic impact on society and economic growth. This book brings together a distinguished panel of lawyers and economists from academia, industry, and regulatory bodies who present their insight into the phenomenon of convergence. The contributions cover a number of the relevant topics in communications regulation, such as technological and network neutrality, the digital dividend, and incentives to invest and innovate. They highlight the fact that the technological advancements have caused major changes in the regulatory frameworks both in Europe and the US. These changes continue to pose regulatory challenges with respect to ensuring a level playing field for competition. However, until now many regulatory legacies of the analog age have remained unchanged and need to be reconsidered in the age of digital convergence.