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Mapping the potential distribution of "Rhododendron arboreum Sm. ssp. nilagiricum" (Zenker) Tagg (Ericaceae), an endemic plant using ecological niche modelling

Title data

Giriraj, Amarnath ; Irfan-Ullah, Mohammed ; Ramesh, B. R. ; Karunakaran, P. V. ; Jentsch, Anke ; Murthy, Manchi Sri Ramachandra:
Mapping the potential distribution of "Rhododendron arboreum Sm. ssp. nilagiricum" (Zenker) Tagg (Ericaceae), an endemic plant using ecological niche modelling.
In: Current Science. Vol. 94 (2008) Issue 12 . - pp. 1605-1612.
ISSN 0011-3891

Abstract in another language

Rhododendron arboreum Sm. ssp. nilagiricum (Zenker)Tagg, a tree species endemic to the southern Western Ghats of peninsular India, is restricted to a narrow topographic and bioclimatic niche. Since informationon ecological and geographic extent of the species is lacking, we used Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction(GARP), an ecological niche modelling (ENM) method to model its spatial distribution. The model is developed based on its occurrence in the Western Ghats, in relation to topographic and environmental variables. Prediction of R. arboreum ssp. nilagiricumin the Western Ghats is strongly related to local climatic conditions in terms of annual temperature, precipitationand diurnal temperature ranges and not so much dependent on altitudinal variations. The numerous bioclimatic, topographic and anthropogenic factors have led to the formation of islands of species distribution, restricted to the Nilgiri, Anamalai, Palni and Meghamalai hills of the Western Ghats. Predictions allow identification of key areas for in situ conservation of the species and prioritize areas falling in the ecological extent of the species for conservation.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Additional notes: BAYCEER99708
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences > Department of Earth Sciences > Professor Disturbance Ecology
Faculties > Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences > Department of Earth Sciences > Professor Disturbance Ecology > Professor Disturbance Ecology - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anke Jentsch
Research Institutions > Research Centres > Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research- BayCEER
Faculties > Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculties > Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences > Department of Earth Sciences
Research Institutions
Research Institutions > Research Centres
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 500 Science
Date Deposited: 18 Jun 2015 06:35
Last Modified: 03 Nov 2022 13:12