Institutions of the University of Bayreuth Central research institutes
Number of items at this level: 15144. 2025
Lomoschitz, Andrea ; Meyer, Julia ; Guitart, Tanit ; Krepl, Miroslav ; Lapouge, Karine ; Hayn, Clara ; Schweimer, Kristian ; Simon, Bernd ; Šponer, Jiří ; Gebauer, Fátima ; Hennig, Janosch:
The Drosophila RNA binding protein Hrp48 binds a specific RNA sequence of the msl-2 mRNA 3' UTR to regulate translation.
In: Biophysical Chemistry.
Vol. 316
- 107346.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpc.2024.107346
Hamano, Keiko ; Gillmann, Cedric ; Golabek, Gregor J. ; Lourenço, Diogo ; Westall, Frances:
The evolutionary divergence of Mars, Venus, and Earth.
In: Anbar, Ariel ; Weis, Dominique
Treatise on Geochemistry. 3 Edition. Volume 7. Worlds Beyond. -
: Elsevier,
. - pp. 541-574
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-99762-1.00104-2
Wilkens, Vincent ; Shatto, Christopher ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Weiser, Frank ; Otto, Rüdiger ; Guerrero-Campos, María ; Jentsch, Anke ; Medina, Félix M. ; Marrero, Patricia ; Nogales, Manuel ; Vetaas, Ole R. ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl:
Volcanic eruption and wildfires as compounding drivers of first-year seedling establishment in Canary pine.
In: Forest Ecology and Management.
Vol. 578
- 122468.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2024.122468
Yin, Yuqing ; Aslandukov, Andrii ; Bykov, Maxim ; Laniel, Dominique ; Aslandukova, Alena ; Pakhomova, Anna ; Fedotenko, Timofey ; Zhou, Wenju ; Akbar, Fariia Iasmin ; Hanfland, Michael ; Glazyrin, Konstantin ; Giacobbe, Carlotta ; Lawrence Bright, Eleanor ; Garbarino, Gaston ; Jia, Zhitai ; Dubrovinskaia, Natalia ; Dubrovinsky, Leonid:
Polytypism of Incommensurately Modulated Structures of Crystalline Bromine upon Molecular Dissociation under High Pressure.
In: Physical Review B.
(September 2024)
- 104111.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.104111
Helbig, Christoph ; Hillenbrand, Martin:
Principles of a Circular Economy for Batteries.
In: Passerini, Stefano ; Barelli, Linda ; Baumann, Manuel ; Peters, Jens ; Weil, Marcel
Emerging Battery Technologies to Boost the Clean Energy Transition. Cost, Sustainability, and Performance Analysis. -
: Springer,
. - pp. 13-25
. - (The Materials Research Society Series
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007521
Wang, Xiaotong ; Zhang, Qinghua ; Zhao, Chen ; Li, Haifeng ; Zhang, Baodan ; Zeng, Guifan ; Tang, Yonglin ; Huang, Zhongyuan ; Hwang, Inhui ; Zhang, Haitang ; Zhou, Shiyuan ; Qiu, Yongfu ; Xiao, Yinguo ; Cabana, Jordi ; Sun, Cheng-Jun ; Amine, Khalil ; Sun, Yang ; Wang, Qingsong ; Xu, Gui-Liang ; Gu, Lin ; Qiao, Yu ; Sun, Shi-Gang:
Achieving a high-performance sodium-ion pouch cell by regulating intergrowth structures in a layered oxide cathode with anionic redox.
In: Nature Energy.
Vol. 9
Issue 2
- pp. 184-196.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01425-2
Maradesa, Adeleke ; Py, Baptiste ; Huang, Jake ; Lu, Yang ; Iurilli, Pietro ; Mrozinski, Aleksander ; Law, Ho Mei ; Wang, Yuhao ; Wang, Zilong ; Li, Jingwei ; Xu, Shengjun ; Meyer, Quentin ; Liu, Jiapeng ; Brivio, Claudio ; Gavrilyuk, Alexander ; Kobayashi, Kiyoshi ; Bertei, Antonio ; Williams, Nicholas J. ; Zhao, Chuan ; Danzer, Michael A. ; Zic, Mark ; Wu, Phillip ; Yrjänä, Ville ; Pereverzyev, Sergei ; Chen, Yuhui ; Weber, André ; Kalinin, Sergei V. ; Schmidt, Jan Philipp ; Tsur, Yoed ; Boukamp, Bernard A. ; Zhang, Qiang ; Gaberšček, Miran ; O’Hayre, Ryan ; Ciucci, Francesco:
Advancing electrochemical impedance analysis through innovations in the distribution of relaxation times method.
In: Joule.
Vol. 8
Issue 7
- pp. 1958-1981.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2024.05.008
Abrego, Nerea ; Furneaux, Brendan ; Hardwick, Bess ; Somervuo, Panu ; Palorinne, Isabella ; Aguilar-Trigueros, Carlos A. ; Andrew, Nigel R. ; Babiy, Ulyana V. ; Bao, Tan ; Bazzano, Gisela ; Bondarchuk, Svetlana N. ; Bonebrake, Timothy C. ; Brennan, Georgina L. ; Bret-Harte, Syndonia ; Bässler, Claus ; Cagnolo, Luciano ; Cameron, Erin K. ; Chapurlat, Elodie ; Creer, Simon ; D'Acqui, Luigi P. ; de Vere, Natasha ; Desprez-Loustau, Marie-Laure ; Dongmo, Michel A. K. ; Dyrholm Jacobsen, Ida B. ; Fisher, Brian L. ; Flores de Jesus, Miguel ; Gilbert, Gregory S. ; Griffith, Gareth W. ; Gritsuk, Anna A. ; Gross, Andrin ; Grudd, Håkan ; Halme, Panu ; Hanna, Rachid ; Hansen, Jannik ; Holst Hansen, Lars ; Hegbe, Apollon D. M. T. ; Hill, Sarah ; Hogg, Ian D. ; Hultman, Jenni ; Hyde, Kevin D. ; Hynson, Nicole A. ; Ivanova, Natalia ; Karisto, Petteri ; Kerdraon, Deirdre ; Knorre, Anastasia ; Krisai-Greilhuber, Irmgard ; Kurhinen, Juri ; Kuzmina, Masha ; Lecomte, Nicolas ; Lecomte, Erin ; Loaiza, Viviana ; Lundin, Erik ; Meire, Alexander ; Mešić, Armin ; Miettinen, Otto ; Monkhouse, Norman ; Mortimer, Peter ; Müller, Jörg ; Nilsson, R. Henrik ; Nonti, Puani Yannick C. ; Nordén, Jenni ; Nordén, Björn ; Norros, Veera ; Paz, Claudia ; Pellikka, Petri ; Pereira, Danilo ; Petch, Geoff ; Pitkänen, Juha-Matti ; Popa, Flavius ; Potter, Caitlin ; Purhonen, Jenna ; Pätsi, Sanna ; Rafiq, Abdullah ; Raharinjanahary, Dimby ; Rakos, Niklas ; Rathnayaka, Achala R. ; Raundrup, Katrine ; Rebriev, Yury A. ; Rikkinen, Jouko ; Rogers, Hanna M. K. ; Rogovsky, Andrey ; Rozhkov, Yuri ; Runnel, Kadri ; Saarto, Annika ; Savchenko, Anton ; Schlegel, Markus ; Schmidt, Niels Martin ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Skjøth, Carsten ; Stengel, Elisa ; Sutyrina, Svetlana V. ; Syvänperä, Ilkka ; Tedersoo, Leho ; Timm, Jebidiah ; Tipton, Laura ; Toju, Hirokazu ; Uscka-Perzanowska, Maria ; van der Bank, Michelle ; van der Bank, F. Herman ; Vandenbrink, Bryan ; Ventura, Stefano ; Vignisson, Solvi R. ; Wang, Xiaoyang ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Wijesinghe, Subodini N. ; Wright, S. Joseph ; Yang, Chunyan ; Yorou, Nourou S. ; Young, Amanda ; Yu, Douglas W. ; Zakharov, Evgeny V. ; Hebert, Paul D. N. ; Roslin, Tomas ; Ovaskainen, Otso:
Airborne DNA reveals predictable spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi.
In: Nature.
Vol. 631
- pp. 835-842.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07658-9
Amelung, Wulf ; Tang, Ni ; Siebers, Nina ; Aehnelt, Michaela ; Eusterhues, Karin ; Felde, Vincent J. M. N. L. ; Guggenberger, Georg ; Kaiser, Klaus ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid ; Klumpp, Erwin ; Knief, Claudia ; Kruse, Jens ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Mikutta, Robert ; Peth, Stephan ; Ray, Nadja ; Prechtel, Alexander ; Ritschel, Thomas ; Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Woche, Susanne K. ; Wu, Bei ; Totsche, Kai U.:
Architecture of soil microaggregates : Advanced methodologies to explore properties and functions.
In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.
Vol. 187
Issue 1
- pp. 17-50.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202300149
Puls, Sebastian ; Nazmutdinova, Elina ; Kalyk, Fariza ; Woolley, Henry M. ; Thomsen, Jesper Frost ; Cheng, Zhu ; Fauchier-Magnan, Adrien ; Gautam, Ajay ; Gockeln, Michael ; Ham, So-Yeon ; Hasan, Md Toukir ; Jeong, Min-Gi ; Hiraoka, Daiki ; Kim, Jong Seok ; Kutsch, Tobias ; Lelotte, Barthélémy ; Minnmann, Philip ; Miß, Vanessa ; Motohashi, Kota ; Nelson, Douglas Lars ; Ooms, Frans ; Piccolo, Francesco ; Plank, Christian ; Rosner, Maria ; Sandoval, Stephanie E. ; Schlautmann, Eva ; Schuster, Robin ; Spencer-Jolly, Dominic ; Sun, Yipeng ; Vishnugopi, Bairav S. ; Zhang, Ruizhuo ; Zheng, Huang ; Adelhelm, Philipp ; Brezesinski, Torsten ; Bruce, Peter G. ; Danzer, Michael A. ; El Kazzi, Mario ; Gasteiger, Hubert ; Hatzell, Kelsey B. ; Hayashi, Akitoshi ; Hippauf, Felix ; Janek, Jürgen ; Jung, Yoon Seok ; McDowell, Matthew T. ; Meng, Ying Shirley ; Mukherjee, Partha P. ; Ohno, Saneyuki ; Roling, Bernhard ; Sakuda, Atsushi ; Schwenzel, Julian ; Sun, Xueliang ; Villevieille, Claire ; Wagemaker, Marnix ; Zeier, Wolfgang G. ; Vargas-Barbosa, Nella M.:
Benchmarking the reproducibility of all-solid-state battery cell performance.
In: Nature Energy.
Vol. 9
- pp. 1310-1320.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-024-01634-3
León Ninin, José M. ; Muehe, E. Marie ; Kölbl, Angelika ; Higa Mori, Alejandra ; Nicol, Alan ; Gilfedder, Benjamin Silas ; Pausch, Johanna ; Urbanski, Livia ; Lüders, Tillmann ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta:
Changes in arsenic mobility and speciation across a 2000-year-old paddy soil chronosequence.
In: Science of the Total Environment.
Vol. 908
- 168351.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168351
Reiter, Ernesto J. ; Weigel, Robert ; Walentowski, Helge ; Loguercio, Gabriel A. ; Fierke, Jonas ; Neri Winter, Ariel F. ; Simon, Alois ; Kotowska, Martyna M. ; Joelson, Natalia Z. ; Caselli, Marina ; Leuschner, Christoph:
Climate vulnerability of Nothofagus pumilio, Nothofagus dombeyi and Austrocedrus chilensis in northern Patagonia's temperate forests.
In: Forest Ecology and Management.
Vol. 572
- 122261.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2024.122261
Zhang, Kang ; Chen, Yilong ; Zhu, Yuanlong ; Zheng, Qizheng ; Tang, Yonglin ; Yu, Dongyan ; Liu, Qirui ; Luo, Haiyan ; Yin, Jianhua ; Zeng, Linhui ; Jiao, Wen ; Liu, Na ; Wang, Qingsong ; Zheng, Lirong ; Zhang, Jing ; Wang, Yongchen ; Zhang, Baodan ; Yan, Yawen ; Huang, Huan ; Shen, Chong-Heng ; Qiao, Yu ; Sun, Shi-Gang:
Depth-of-Discharge Dependent Capacity Decay Induced by the Accumulation of Oxidized Lattice Oxygen in Li-Rich Layered Oxide Cathode.
In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
- e202419909.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202419909
Salomon, Sophia ; Grubmüller, Eric ; Kropf, Philipp ; Nickl, Elisa ; Rühl, Anna ; Weigel, Selina ; Becker, Felix ; Antonio Vital, Ana Leticia ; Laforsch, Christian ; Schott, Matthias ; Mair, Magdalena:
Effects of dissolved organic matter on the toxicity of micro- and nanoplastic particles to Daphnia : a meta-analysis.
In: Microplastics and Nanoplastics.
Vol. 4
- 11.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s43591-024-00088-4
Hoffmann, Sascha W. ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Voit, Thomas ; Grothoff, Auguste Maria ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Rössler, Andreas ; Niedrist, Tobias ; Lackner, Helmut K. ; Moser, Othmar:
Effects of Interrupting Prolonged Sitting with Light-Intensity Physical Activity on Inflammatory and Cardiometabolic Risk Markers in Young Adults with Overweight and Obesity : Secondary Outcome Analyses of the SED-ACT Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial.
In: Biomolecules.
Vol. 14
Issue 8
- 1029.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/biom14081029
Hoffmann, Sascha W. ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Voit, Thomas ; Grothoff, Auguste Maria ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Rössler, Andreas ; Lackner, Helmut K. ; Moser, Othmar:
Effects of light‐intensity physical activity on cardiometabolic parameters in young adults with overweight and obesity : The SED‐ACT randomized controlled crossover trial.
In: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
Vol. 26
Issue 9
- pp. 3849-3859.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/dom.15732
Schierbauer, Janis ; Sanfilippo, Sabrina ; Grothoff, Auguste Maria ; Fehr, Ulrich ; Hoffmann, Sascha W. ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Voit, Thomas ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Moser, Othmar:
Einfluss von kohlenhydrat- und fettreichen Mahlzeiten mit und ohne anschließende physische Aktivität auf den Blutglukoseverlauf bei Menschen mit Typ 2 Diabetes : Eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Crossover-Studie.
In: Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel.
Vol. 19
Issue S1
- S87.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0044-1785409
Büttner, Markus ; Alt, Christoph ; Kenter, Tobias ; Köstler, Harald ; Plessl, Christian ; Aizinger, Vadym:
Enabling Performance Portability for Shallow Water Equations on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs with SYCL.
Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. -
New York, NY
. - 11
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3659914.3659925
Kipping, Lydia ; Jehmlich, Nico ; Moll, Julia ; Noll, Matthias ; Gossner, Martin M. ; Van Den Bossche, Tim ; Edelmann, Pascal ; Borken, Werner ; Hofrichter, Martin ; Kellner, Harald:
Enzymatic machinery of wood-inhabiting fungi that degrade temperate tree species.
In: The ISME Journal.
Vol. 18
Issue 1
- wrae050.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ismejo/wrae050
Zhu, Da-Peng ; Li, Huan ; Kong, Hua ; Algeo, Thomas J. ; Bouvier, Audrey ; Liu, Biao ; Wu, Jing-Hua ; Hu, Xiao-Jun ; Wu, Qian-Hong:
Evolution of skarn to quartz-vein mineralization : Insights from the Tongshanling Cu–Pb–Zn deposit, South China.
In: Ore Geology Reviews.
Vol. 166
- 105952.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2024.105952
Hegazy, Mohamed Barakat Zakaria ; Zander, Judith ; Weiß, Morten ; Simon, Christopher ; Gerschel, Philipp ; Sanden, Sebastian A. ; Smialkowski, Mathias ; Tetzlaff, David ; Kull, Tobias ; Marschall, Roland ; Apfel, Ulf-Peter:
FeNi₂S₄ : A Potent Bifunctional Efficient Electrocatalyst for the Overall Electrochemical Water Splitting in Alkaline Electrolyte.
In: Small.
Vol. 20
Issue 31
- 2311627.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202311627
Bolze, Alfred ; Lauerer, Marianne ; Horbach, Heinz-Dieter ; Hertel, Eduard ; Kruse, Julia ; Feulner, Martin ; Stahlmann, Reinhold ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Breitfeld, Matthias ; Aas, Gregor:
Flora von Bayreuth und Umgebung : alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen im Bayerischen Messtischblatt 6035, Bayreuth mit Text, Bildern und Verbreitungskarten ; Ergebnisse der floristischen Kartierung von 2009-2021.
. -
480 p.
Strandberg, Nichola A. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Gosling, William D. ; Fall, Patricia L. ; Prebble, Matiu ; Stevenson, Janelle ; Wilmshurst, Janet M. ; Sear, David A. ; Langdon, Peter G. ; Edwards, Mary E. ; Nogué, Sandra:
Floristic homogenization of South Pacific islands commenced with human arrival.
In: Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Vol. 8
- pp. 511-518.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-023-02306-3
Popovic, Gordana ; Mason, Tanya Jane ; Drobniak, Szymon Marian ; Marques, Tiago André ; Potts, Joanne ; Joo, Rocío ; Altwegg, Res ; Burns, Carolyn Claire Isabelle ; McCarthy, Michael Andrew ; Johnston, Alison ; Nakagawa, Shinichi ; McMillan, Louise ; Devarajan, Kadambari ; Taggart, Patrick Leo ; Wunderlich, Alison ; Mair, Magdalena ; Martínez-Lanfranco, Juan Andrés ; Lagisz, Malgorzata ; Pottier, Patrice:
Four principles for improved statistical ecology.
In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Vol. 15
Issue 2
- pp. 266-281.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.14270
Ovaskainen, Otso ; Abrego, Nerea ; Furneaux, Brendan ; Hardwick, Bess ; Somervuo, Panu ; Palorinne, Isabella ; Andrew, Nigel R. ; Babiy, Ulyana V. ; Bao, Tan ; Bazzano, Gisela ; Bondarchuk, Svetlana N. ; Bonebrake, Timothy C. ; Brennan, Georgina L. ; Bret-Harte, Syndonia ; Bässler, Claus ; Cagnolo, Luciano ; Cameron, Erin K. ; Chapurlat, Elodie ; Creer, Simon ; D’Acqui, Luigi P. ; de Vere, Natasha ; Desprez-Loustau, Marie-Laure ; Dongmo, Michel A. K. ; Dyrholm Jacobsen, Ida B. ; Fisher, Brian L. ; Flores de Jesus, Miguel ; Gilbert, Gregory S. ; Griffith, Gareth W. ; Gritsuk, Anna A. ; Gross, Andrin ; Grudd, Håkan ; Halme, Panu ; Hanna, Rachid ; Hansen, Jannik ; Holst Hansen, Lars ; Hegbe, Apollon D. M. T. ; Hill, Sarah ; Hogg, Ian D. ; Hultman, Jenni ; Hyde, Kevin D. ; Hynson, Nicole A. ; Ivanova, Natalia ; Karisto, Petteri ; Kerdraon, Deirdre ; Knorre, Anastasia ; Krisai-Greilhuber, Irmgard ; Kurhinen, Juri ; Kuzmina, Masha ; Lecomte, Nicolas ; Lecomte, Erin ; Loaiza, Viviana ; Lundin, Erik ; Meire, Alexander ; Mešić, Armin ; Miettinen, Otto ; Monkhause, Norman ; Mortimer, Peter ; Müller, Jörg ; Nilsson, R. Henrik ; Nonti, Puani Yannick C. ; Nordén, Jenni ; Nordén, Björn ; Paz, Claudia ; Pellikka, Petri ; Pereira, Danilo ; Petch, Geoff ; Pitkänen, Juha-Matti ; Popa, Flavius ; Potter, Caitlin ; Purhonen, Jenna ; Pätsi, Sanna ; Rafiq, Abdullah ; Raharinjanahary, Dimby ; Rakos, Niklas ; Rathnayaka, Achala R. ; Raundrup, Katrine ; Rebriev, Yury A. ; Rikkinen, Jouko ; Rogers, Hanna M. K. ; Rogovsky, Andrey ; Rozhkov, Yuri ; Runnel, Kadri ; Saarto, Annika ; Savchenko, Anton ; Schlegel, Markus ; Schmidt, Niels Martin ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Skjøth, Carsten ; Stengel, Elisa ; Sutyrina, Svetlana V. ; Syvänperä, Ilkka ; Tedersoo, Leho ; Timm, Jebidiah ; Tipton, Laura ; Toju, Hirokazu ; Uscka-Perzanowska, Maria ; van der Bank, Michelle ; van der Bank, F. Herman ; Vandenbrink, Bryan ; Ventura, Stefano ; Vignisson, Solvi R. ; Wang, Xiaoyang ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Wijesinghe, Subodini N. ; Wright, S. Joseph ; Yang, Chunyan ; Yorou, Nourou S. ; Young, Amanda ; Yu, Douglas W. ; Zakharov, Evgeny V. ; Hebert, Paul D. N. ; Roslin, Tomas:
Global Spore Sampling Project : A global, standardized dataset of airborne fungal DNA.
In: Scientific Data.
Vol. 11
- 561.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-03410-0
Zhang, Baodan ; Wu, Xiaohong ; Luo, Haiyan ; Yan, Hao ; Chen, Yilong ; Zhou, Shiyuan ; Yin, Jianhua ; Zhang, Kang ; Liao, Hong-Gang ; Wang, Qingsong ; Zou, Yeguo ; Qiao, Yu ; Sun, Shi-Gang:
Gradient Interphase Engineering Enabled by Anionic Redox for High-Voltage and Long-Life Li-Ion Batteries.
In: Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Vol. 146
Issue 7
- pp. 4557-4569.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.3c11440
Schmeddes, Jonas ; Muffler, Lena ; Barbeta, Adrià ; Beil, Ilka ; Bolte, Andreas ; Holm, Stefanie ; Karitter, Pascal ; Klisz, Marcin ; Löf, Magnus ; Nicolas, Manuel ; Peñuelas, Josep ; Vitasse, Yann ; Weigel, Robert ; Kreyling, Juergen:
High phenotypic variation found within the offspring of each mother tree in Fagus sylvatica regardless of the environment or source population.
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography.
Vol. 33
- pp. 470-481.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13794
Schweidler, Simon ; Botros, Miriam ; Strauss, Florian ; Wang, Qingsong ; Ma, Yanjiao ; Velasco, Leonardo ; Cadilha Marques, Gabriel ; Sarkar, Abhishek ; Kübel, Christian ; Hahn, Horst ; Aghassi-Hagmann, Jasmin ; Brezesinski, Torsten ; Breitung, Ben:
High-entropy materials for energy and electronic applications.
In: Nature Reviews Materials.
Vol. 9
Issue 4
- pp. 266-281.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41578-024-00654-5
Joshi, Sagar Avadhutrao ; Pazhaniswamy, Sivaraj ; Plank, Christian ; Danzer, Michael A. ; Hou, Haoqing ; Cheong, Jun Young ; Breu, Josef ; Agarwal, Seema:
High‐Performance, Flame‐Retardant, Binder‐Free Li‐Hectorite‐Polybenzimidazole Fiber Separator for Li‐Ion Batteries.
In: Macromolecular Materials and Engineering.
Vol. 309
Issue 9
- 2300389.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/mame.202300389
Chao, Anne ; Chiu, Chun‐Huo ; Hu, Kai‐Hsiang ; van der Plas, Fons ; Cadotte, Marc W. ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Thorn, Simon ; Mori, Akira S. ; Scherer‐Lorenzen, Michael ; Eisenhauer, Nico ; Bässler, Claus ; Delory, Benjamin M. ; Feldhaar, Heike ; Fichtner, Andreas ; Hothorn, Torsten ; Peters, Marcell K. ; Pierick, Kerstin ; von Oheimb, Goddert ; Müller, Jörg:
Hill–Chao numbers allow decomposing gamma multifunctionality into alpha and beta components.
In: Ecology Letters.
Vol. 27
- e14336.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14336
Strobel, Paul ; Henning, Theresa ; Bliedtner, Marcel ; Mosher, Stella G. ; Rahimova, Humay ; Haberzettl, Torsten ; Kirsten, Kelly L. ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Power, Mitchell J. ; Zech, Michael ; Zech, Roland:
Holocene fire dynamics and their climatic controls on the southern Cape coast of South Africa : A 7.2 ka multi-proxy record from the peatland Vankervelsvlei.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews.
Vol. 325
- 108464.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108464
Purevjav, Narangoo ; Tomioka, Naotaka ; Yamashita, Shigeru ; Shinoda, Keiji ; Kobayashi, Sachio ; Shimizu, Kenji ; Ito, Motoo ; Fu, Suyu ; Gu, Jesse ; Hoffmann, Christina ; Lin, Jung-Fu ; Okuchi, Takuo:
Hydrogen incorporation mechanism in the lower-mantle bridgmanite.
In: American Mineralogist.
Vol. 109
Issue 6
- pp. 1036-1044.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2022-8680
Leifsson, Christopher ; Buras, Allan ; Klesse, Stefan ; Baittinger, Claudia ; Bat-Enerel, Banzragch ; Battipaglia, Giovanna ; Biondi, Franco ; Stajić, Branko ; Budeanu, Marius ; Čada, Vojtěch ; Cavin, Liam ; Claessens, Hugues ; Čufar, Katarina ; de Luis, Martin ; Dorado-Liñán, Isabel ; Dulamsuren, Choimaa ; Garamszegi, Balázs ; Grabner, Michael ; Hacket-Pain, Andrew ; Hansen, Jon Kehlet ; Hartl, Claudia ; Huang, Weiwei ; Janda, Pavel ; Jump, Alistair S. ; Kazimirović, Marko ; Knutzen, Florian ; Kreyling, Jürgen ; Land, Alexander ; Latte, Nicolas ; Lebourgeois, François ; Leuschner, Christoph ; Longares, Luis A. ; Martinez del Castillo, Edurne ; Menzel, Annette ; Motta, Renzo ; Muffler-Weigel, Lena ; Nola, Paola ; Panayatov, Momchil ; Petritan, Any Mary ; Petritan, Ion Catalin ; Popa, Ionel ; Roibu, Cǎtǎlin-Constantin ; Rubio-Cuadrado, Álvaro ; Rydval, Miloš ; Scharnweber, Tobias ; Camarero, J. Julio ; Svoboda, Miroslav ; Toromani, Elvin ; Trotsiuk, Volodymyr ; van der Maaten-Theunissen, Marieke ; van der Maaten, Ernst ; Weigel, Robert ; Wilmking, Martin ; Zlatanov, Tzvetan ; Rammig, Anja ; Zang, Christian S.:
Identifying drivers of non-stationary climate-growth relationships of European beech.
In: Science of the Total Environment.
Vol. 937
- 173321.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173321
Biberger, Simon ; Spies, Maximilian ; Schötz, Konstantin ; Kahle, Frank-Julian ; Leupold, Nico ; Moos, Ralf ; Grüninger, Helen ; Köhler, Anna ; Panzer, Fabian:
Improved Control of Perovskite Thin Film Fabrication via Reactive Spin coating based on Real-Time In-Situ Feedback from Optical Spectroscopy.
Event: 26. International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Electronic Materials (ICSM 24)
, 23-28 June 2024
, Dresden, Germany.
(Conference item: Conference
Zhou, Bei ; An, Siyu ; Kitsche, David ; Dreyer, Sören L. ; Wang, Kai ; Huang, Xiaohui ; Thanner, Jannik ; Bianchini, Matteo ; Brezesinski, Torsten ; Breitung, Ben ; Hahn, Horst ; Wang, Qingsong:
Improved Performance of High‐Entropy Disordered Rocksalt Oxyfluoride Cathode by Atomic Layer Deposition Coating for Li‐Ion Batteries.
In: Small Structures.
Vol. 5
Issue 7
- 2400005.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/sstr.202400005
Siegert, Tobias ; Haddadi Barzoki, Fatemeh ; Griesbach, Marco ; Greve, Christopher ; Moos, Ralf ; Herzig, Eva M. ; Köhler, Anna ; Grüninger, Helen:
Influence of Particle Size on the Formation of Solid Solutions Between MAPbI 3 and MAPbBr3.
Event: DPG-Frühjahrstagung
, 17.03.-22.03.2024
, Berlin.
(Conference item: Conference
Niedner-Boblenz, Annika ; Monecke, Thomas ; Hennig, Janosch ; Klostermann, Melina ; Hofweber, Mario ; Davydova, Elena ; Gerber, André P. ; Anosova, Irina ; Mayer, Wieland ; Müller, Marisa ; Heym, Roland Gerhard ; Janowski, Robert ; Paillart, Jean-Christophe ; Dormann, Dorothee ; Zarnack, Kathi ; Sattler, Michael ; Niessing, Dierk:
Intrinsically disordered RNA-binding motifs cooperate to catalyze RNA folding and drive phase separation.
In: Nucleic Acids Research.
Vol. 52
Issue 22
- pp. 14205-14228.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkae1107
Lüers, Johannes ; Foken, Thomas:
Das Klima des Bayreuther Raumes - im Wandel.
In: Bolze, Alfred ; Lauerer, Marianne ; Horbach, Heinz-Dieter ; Hertel, Eduard ; Kruse, Julia ; Feulner, Martin ; Stahlmann, Reinhold ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Breitfeld, Matthias ; Aas, Gregor
Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth
Flora von Bayreuth und Umgebung : alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen im Bayerischen Messtischblatt 6035, Bayreuth mit Text, Bildern und Verbreitungskarten ; Ergebnisse der floristischen Kartierung von 2009-2021. -
: Selbstverlag,
. - pp. 10-15
Bohl, Valentin ; Hollmann, Nele Merret ; Melzer, Tobias ; Katikaridis, Panagiotis ; Meins, Lena ; Simon, Bernd ; Flemming, Dirk ; Sinning, Irmgard ; Hennig, Janosch ; Mogk, Axel:
The Listeria monocytogenes persistence factor ClpL is a potent stand-alone
In: eLife.
Vol. 12
- pp. 1-26.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.92746
Liu, Xiaofei ; Tian, Ye ; Heinzle, Jakob ; Salas, Erika ; Kwatcho- Kengdo, Steve ; Borken, Werner ; Schindlbacher, Andreas ; Wanek, Wolfgang:
Long- term soil warming decreases soil microbial necromass carbon by adversely affecting its production and decomposition.
Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research, Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Center of Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
In: Global Change Biology.
Vol. 30
Issue 6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17379
Liu, Xiaofei ; Heinzle, Jakob ; Tian, Ye ; Salas, Erika ; Kwatcho Kengdo, Steve ; Borken, Werner ; Schindlbacher, Andreas ; Wanek, Wolfgang:
Long‐term soil warming changes the profile of primary metabolites in fine roots of Norway spruce in a temperate montane forest.
Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Center of Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
In: Plant, Cell & Environment.
Vol. 47
Issue 11
- pp. 4212-4226.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.15019
Liu, Cijie ; Zhang, Dawei ; Li, Wei ; Trindell, Jamie A. ; King, Keith A. ; Bishop, Sean R. ; Sugar, Joshua D. ; McDaniel, Anthony H. ; Smith, Andrew I. ; Salinas, Perla A. ; Coker, Eric N. ; Clauser, Arielle L. ; Velayutham, Murugesan ; Neuefeind, Joerg C. ; Yang, Jingjing ; De Santiago, Héctor A. ; Ma, Liang ; Wang, Yi ; Wang, Qiang ; Li, Wenyuan ; Wang, Qingsong ; Li, Qingyuan ; Tian, Hanchen ; Ngan Tran, Ha Ngoc ; Li, Xuemei ; Robinson, Brandon ; Deibel, Angela M. ; Collins, Gregory ; Thieu, Nhat Anh ; Hu, Jianli ; Khramtsov, Valery V. ; Luo, Jian ; Liu, Xingbo:
Manganese-based A-site high-entropy perovskite oxide for solar thermochemical hydrogen production.
In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
Vol. 12
Issue 7
- pp. 3910-3922.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/D3TA03554A
Zhang, Baodan ; Zhang, Haitang ; Luo, Haiyan ; Hua, Haiming ; Wu, Xiaohong ; Chen, Yilong ; Zhou, Shiyuan ; Yin, Jianhua ; Zhang, Kang ; Liao, Hong-Gang ; Wang, Qingsong ; Zou, Yeguo ; Qiao, Yu ; Sun, Shi-Gang:
Manipulated Fluoro-Ether Derived Nucleophilic Decomposition Products for Mitigating Polarization-Induced Capacity Loss in Li-Rich Layered Cathode.
In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
Vol. 63
Issue 6
- e202316790.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202316790
Wierer, Amelie ; von Hoermann, Christian ; Benbow, M. Eric ; Büchner, Christiane ; Feldhaar, Heike ; Fiderer, Christian ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Rietz, Janine ; Schlüter, Jens ; Zeitzler, Johannes ; Lackner, Tomáš ; Bässler, Claus ; Heurich, Marco ; Müller, Jörg:
Mechanisms determining the multi-diversity of carrion visiting species along a gradient of carrion body mass.
In: Oecologia.
Vol. 206
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-024-05611-1
Álvarez, Lucía ; Haubrich, Kevin ; Iselin, Louisa ; Gillioz, Laurent ; Ruscica, Vincenzo ; Lapouge, Karine ; Augsten, Sandra ; Huppertz, Ina ; Choudhury, Nila-Roy ; Simon, Bernd ; Masiewicz, Pawel ; Lethier, Mathilde ; Cusack, Stephen ; Rittinger, Katrin ; Gabel, Frank ; Leitner, Alexander ; Michlewski, Gracjan ; Hentze, Matthias ; Allain, Frédéric H. T. ; Castello, Alfredo ; Hennig, Janosch:
The molecular dissection of TRIM25's RNA-binding mechanism provides key insights into its antiviral activity.
In: Nature Communications.
Vol. 15
Issue 1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-52918-x
Rolf, Markus ; Laermanns, Hannes ; Horn, Julia ; Kienzler, Lukas ; Pohl, Christian ; Dierkes, Georg ; Kernchen, Sarmite ; Laforsch, Christian ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Bogner, Christina:
Multi-method analysis of microplastic distribution by flood frequency and local topography in Rhine floodplains.
In: Science of the Total Environment.
Vol. 927
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171927
Klesse, Stefan ; Peters, Richard L. ; Alfaro‐Sánchez, Raquel ; Badeau, Vincent ; Baittinger, Claudia ; Battipaglia, Giovanna ; Bert, Didier ; Biondi, Franco ; Bosela, Michal ; Budeanu, Marius ; Čada, Vojtěch ; Camarero, J. Julio ; Cavin, Liam ; Claessens, Hugues ; Cretan, Ana‐Maria ; Čufar, Katarina ; de Luis, Martin ; Dorado‐Liñán, Isabel ; Dulamsuren, Choimaa ; Espelta, Josep Maria ; Garamszegi, Balazs ; Grabner, Michael ; Gricar, Jozica ; Hacket‐Pain, Andrew ; Hansen, Jon Kehlet ; Hartl, Claudia ; Hevia, Andrea ; Hobi, Martina ; Janda, Pavel ; Jump, Alistair S. ; Kašpar, Jakub ; Kazimirović, Marko ; Keren, Srdjan ; Kreyling, Juergen ; Land, Alexander ; Latte, Nicolas ; Lebourgeois, François ; Leuschner, Christoph ; Lévesque, Mathieu ; Longares, Luis A. ; del Castillo, Edurne Martinez ; Menzel, Annette ; Merela, Maks ; Mikoláš, Martin ; Motta, Renzo ; Muffler, Lena ; Neycken, Anna ; Nola, Paola ; Panayotov, Momchil ; Petritan, Any Mary ; Petritan, Ion Catalin ; Popa, Ionel ; Prislan, Peter ; Levanič, Tom ; Roibu, Catalin‐Constantin ; Rubio‐Cuadrado, Álvaro ; Sánchez‐Salguero, Raúl ; Šamonil, Pavel ; Stajić, Branko ; Svoboda, Miroslav ; Tognetti, Roberto ; Toromani, Elvin ; Trotsiuk, Volodymyr ; van der Maaten, Ernst ; van der Maaten‐Theunissen, Marieke ; Vannoppen, Astrid ; Vašíčková, Ivana ; von Arx, Georg ; Wilmking, Martin ; Weigel, Robert ; Zlatanov, Tzvetan ; Zang, Christian ; Buras, Allan:
No Future Growth Enhancement Expected at the Northern Edge for European Beech due to Continued Water Limitation.
In: Global Change Biology.
Vol. 30
Issue 10
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17546
Lipoma, Lucrecia ; Kambach, Stephan ; Díaz, Sandra ; Sabatini, Francesco María ; Damasceno, Gabriella ; Kattge, Jens ; Wirth, Christian ; Abella, Scott R. ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Belote, Travis R. ; Bernhardt‐Römermann, Markus ; Craven, Dylan ; Dolezal, Jiri ; Eisenhauer, Nico ; Isbell, Forest ; Jentsch, Anke ; Kreyling, Jürgen ; Lanta, Vojtech ; Le Stradic, Soizig ; Lepš, Jan ; Manninen, Outi ; Mariotte, Pierre ; Reich, Peter B. ; Ruppert, Jan C. ; Schmidt, Wolfgang ; Tilman, David ; van Ruijven, Jasper ; Wagg, Cameron ; Wardle, David A. ; Wilsey, Brien ; Bruelheide, Helge:
No general support for functional diversity enhancing resilience across terrestrial plant communities.
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography.
Vol. 33
Issue 10
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13895
Moos, Ralf ; Hennerici, Lukas ; Kita, Elisabeth ; Leupold, Nico ; Linz, Mario ; Paulus, Daniel ; Schneider, Jürgen ; Schönauer-Kamin, Daniela ; Sozak, Mutlucan ; Werner, Robin ; Kita, Jaroslaw:
Novel applications of the powder aerosol deposition method in the field of energy conversion and energy storage.
Event: 14th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Systems
, 18-22 August 2024
, Budapest, Hungary.
(Conference item: Conference
Hagen, Gunter ; Streibl, Benedikt ; Mittereder, Andreas ; Herrmann, Julia ; Müller, Andreas ; Hartmann, Ingo ; Brüggemann, Dieter ; Moos, Ralf:
On the emissions of wood-log fueled fireplaces : correlation of continuous gas sensor data with particle spectra analysis.
Event: 27th ETH Nanoparticles Conference
, June 10-14, 2024
, Zurich, Switzerland.
(Conference item: Conference
Biberger, Simon ; Spies, Maximilian ; Schötz, Konstantin ; Kahle, Frank-Julian ; Leupold, Nico ; Moos, Ralf ; Grüninger, Helen ; Köhler, Anna ; Panzer, Fabian:
Optical In-Situ spectroscopy and reactive spin coating for improved control of perovskite thin film fabrication.
Event: DPG-Frühjahrstagung
, 17.03.-22.03.2024
, Berlin.
(Conference item: Conference
Guillon, Olivier ; Roitzheim, C. ; Finsterbusch, M. ; Tietz, F. ; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D. ; Wätzig, K. ; Beaupain, J. P. ; Baumgärtner, C. ; Schlaier, J. ; Yanev, S. ; Zapp, N. ; Auer, H. ; Vinnichenko, M. ; Nikolowski, K. ; Partsch, M. ; Kusnezoff, M. ; Kim, K. J. ; Gobena, H. ; Weinmann, S. ; Rupp, J. L. M. ; Hennerici, Lukas ; Schamel, Maximilian ; Kita, Jaroslaw ; Danzer, Michael A. ; Moos, Ralf:
Oxide-Based Solid-State Batteries.
Event: Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Europe
, 13-16 May 2024
, Strasbourg, France.
(Conference item: Conference
Chen, Hui ; Schumacher, Marcel ; Ianiro, Alessandro ; Stank, Tim Julian ; Janoszka, Nicole ; Chen, Chen ; Azhdari, Suna ; Hellweg, Thomas ; Gröschel, André H.:
Photocleavable Polymer Cubosomes : Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Photorelease.
In: Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Vol. 146
Issue 21
- pp. 14776-14784.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.4c02651
Lauerer, Marianne ; Bolze, Alfred ; Stahlmann, Reinhold:
Punktgenau! Methoden zur Erfassung der Flora von Bayreuth.
In: Bolze, Alfred ; Lauerer, Marianne ; Horbach, Heinz-Dieter ; Hertel, Eduard ; Kruse, Julia ; Feulner, Martin ; Stahlmann, Reinhold ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Breitfeld, Matthias ; Aas, Gregor
Flora von Bayreuth und Umgebung : alle Farn- und Blütenpflanzen im Bayerischen Messtischblatt 6035, Bayreuth mit Text, Bildern und Verbreitungskarten ; Ergebnisse der floristischen Kartierung von 2009-2021. -
: Selbstverlag,
. - pp. 45-49
Yui, Hiroharu ; Urashima, Shu-hei ; Onose, Morihiko ; Morita, Mayu ; Komatani, Shintaro ; Nakai, Izumi ; Abe, Yoshinari ; Terada, Yasuko ; Homma, Hisashi ; Motomura, Kazuko ; Ichida, Kiyohiro ; Yokoyama, Tetsuya ; Nagashima, Kazuhide ; Aléon, Jérôme ; Alexander, Conel M. O’D. ; Amari, Sachiko ; Amelin, Yuri ; Bajo, Ken-ichi ; Bizzarro, Martin ; Bouvier, Audrey ; Carlson, Richard W. ; Chaussidon, Marc ; Choi, Byeon-Gak ; Dauphas, Nicolas ; Davis, Andrew M. ; Fujiya, Wataru ; Fukai, Ryota ; Gautam, Ikshu ; Haba, Makiko K. ; Hibiya, Yuki ; Hidaka, Hiroshi ; Hoppe, Peter ; Huss, Gary R. ; Iizuka, Tsuyoshi ; Ireland, Trevor R. ; Ishikawa, Akira ; Itoh, Shoichi ; Kawasaki, Noriyuki ; Kita, Noriko T. ; Kitajima, Kouki ; Kleine, Thorsten ; Krot, Sasha ; Liu, Ming-Chang ; Masuda, Yuki ; Moynier, Frédéric ; Nguyen, Ann ; Nittler, Larry ; Pack, Andreas ; Park, Changkun ; Piani, Laurette ; Qin, Liping ; Di Rocco, Tommaso ; Russell, Sara S. ; Sakamoto, Naoya ; Schönbächler, Maria ; Tafla, Lauren ; Tang, Haolan ; Terada, Kentaro ; Usui, Tomohiro ; Wada, Sohei ; Wadhwa, Meenakshi ; Walker, Richard J. ; Yamashita, Katsuyuki ; Yin, Qing-Zhu ; Yoneda, Shigekazu ; Young, Edward D. ; Zhang, Ai-Cheng ; Nakamura, Tomoki ; Naraoka, Hiroshi ; Noguchi, Takaaki ; Okazaki, Ryuji ; Sakamoto, Kanako ; Yabuta, Hikaru ; Abe, Masanao ; Miyazaki, Akiko ; Nakato, Aiko ; Nishimura, Masahiro ; Okada, Tatsuaki ; Yada, Toru ; Yogata, Kasumi ; Nakazawa, Satoru ; Saiki, Takanao ; Tanaka, Satoshi ; Terui, Fuyuto ; Tsuda, Yuichi ; Watanabe, Sei-ichiro ; Yoshikawa, Makoto ; Tachibana, Shogo ; Yurimoto, Hisayoshi:
Pyrrhotites in asteroid 162173 Ryugu : Records of the initial changes on their surfaces with aqueous alteration.
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Vol. 379
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2024.06.016
Linz, Mario ; Bühner, Florian ; Paulus, Daniel ; Hennerici, Lukas ; Guo, Yiran ; Mereacre, Valeriu ; Mansfeld, Ulrich ; Seipenbusch, Martin ; Kita, Jaroslaw ; Moos, Ralf:
Revealing the Deposition Mechanism of the Powder Aerosol Deposition Method Using Ceramic Oxide Core-Shell Particles.
In: Advanced Materials.
Vol. 36
Issue 7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202308294
Marques, Alexandra ; Bonn, Aletta ; Castro, Antonio J. ; Chaudhary, Abhishek ; Felipe-Lucia, María R. ; Kastner, Thomas ; Koellner, Thomas ; Lancker, Kira ; Lopez Hoffman, Laura ; Meyer, Carsten ; Pfister, Stephan ; Rabeschini, Gabriela ; Willemen, Louise ; Schulp, Catharina J. E.:
The role of nature's contributions to people in sustaining international trade of agricultural products.
In: People and Nature.
Vol. 6
Issue 2
- pp. 410-421.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10607
Sozak, Mutlucan ; Hennerici, Lukas ; Schamel, Maximilian ; Linz, Mario ; Knies, Sofie ; Kita, Jaroslaw ; Bianchini, Matteo ; Danzer, Michael A. ; Moos, Ralf:
Room temperature fabrication of battery components via Powder Aerosol Deposition.
Event: 16th International Battery Conference
, April 10-11, 2024
, Münster, Germany.
(Conference item: Conference
Hagen, Gunter ; Herrmann, Julia ; Wöhrl, Thomas ; Streibl, Benedikt ; Moos, Ralf:
Sensors in Biomass Combustion Exhaust.
Event: Future of Emission Control
, 21.-23.07.2024
, Karlsruhe, Germany.
(Conference item: Conference
Paarmann, Sabine ; Schreiber, Markus ; Chahbaz, Ahmed ; Hildenbrand, Felix ; Stahl, Gereon ; Rogge, Marcel ; Dechent, Philipp ; Queisser, Oliver ; Frankl, Sebastian Dominic ; Morales Torricos, Pablo ; Lu, Yao ; Nikolov, Nikolay I. ; Kateri, Maria ; Sauer, Dirk Uwe ; Danzer, Michael A. ; Wetzel, Thomas ; Endisch, Christian ; Lienkamp, Markus ; Jossen, Andreas ; Lewerenz, Meinert:
Short‐Term Tests, Long‐Term Predictions : Accelerating Ageing Characterisation of Lithium‐Ion Batteries.
In: Batteries & Supercaps.
Vol. 7
Issue 11
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.202300594
Fang, Xu ; Colina Blanco, Andrea Ester ; Christl, Iso ; Le Bars, Maureen ; Straub, Daniel ; Kleindienst, Sara ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta ; Zhao, Fang-Jie ; Kappler, Andreas ; Kretzschmar, Ruben:
Simultaneously decreasing arsenic and cadmium in rice by soil sulfate and limestone amendment under intermittent flooding.
In: Environmental Pollution.
Vol. 347
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123786
Jemec Kokalj, Anita ; Kalčíková, Gabriela ; Selonen, Salla ; Bosker, Thijs ; Drobne, Damjana ; Dvorakova, Darina ; Hofman, Jakub ; Hurley, Rachel ; Kernchen, Sarmite ; Laforsch, Christian ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; van Loon, Sam ; Redondo-Hasselerharm, Paula E. ; Saartama, Vili ; Šmídová, Klára ; Tsagkaris, Aristeidis S. ; Zantis, Laura J. ; Nizzetto, Luca ; van Gestel, Cornelis A. M.:
Strategy towards producing relevant and reliable data for the hazard assessment of micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils.
In: TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry.
Vol. 172
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Hansen, Sönke ; Rüther, Tom ; Mennenga, Mark ; Helbig, Christoph ; Ohnemüller, Gregor ; Vysoudil, Filip ; Wolf, Constantin ; Rosemann, Bernd ; Pavón, Sandra ; Michaelis, Alexander ; Vietor, Thomas ; Döpper, Frank ; Herrmann, Christoph ; Danzer, Michael A.:
A structured approach for the compliance analysis of battery systems with regard to the new EU Battery Regulation.
In: Resources, Conservation & Recycling.
Vol. 209
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2024.107752
Tang, Yonglin ; Zhang, Qinghua ; Zuo, Wenhua ; Zhou, Shiyuan ; Zeng, Guifan ; Zhang, Baodan ; Zhang, Haitang ; Huang, Zhongyuan ; Zheng, Lirong ; Xu, Juping ; Yin, Wen ; Qiu, Yongfu ; Xiao, Yinguo ; Zhang, Qiaobao ; Zhao, Tiqing ; Liao, Hong-Gang ; Hwang, Inhui ; Sun, Cheng-Jun ; Amine, Khalil ; Wang, Qingsong ; Sun, Yang ; Xu, Gui-Liang ; Gu, Lin ; Qiao, Yu ; Sun, Shi-Gang:
Sustainable layered cathode with suppressed phase transition for long-life sodium-ion batteries.
In: Nature Sustainability.
Vol. 7
Issue 3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-024-01288-9
Schönl, Florian ; Demleitner, Martin ; Angermann, Jörg ; Fässler, Pascal ; Lamparth, Iris ; Rist, Kai ; Schnur, Thomas ; Catel, Yohann ; Rosenfeldt, Sabine ; Ruckdäschel, Holger:
Synthesis and evaluation of novel urethane macromonomers for the formulation of fracture tough 3D printable dental materials.
In: Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
Vol. 160
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2024.106737
Aslandukov, Andrii ; Liang, Akun ; Ehn, Amanda ; Trybel, Florian ; Yin, Yuqing ; Aslandukova, Alena ; Akbar, Fariia Iasmin ; Ranieri, Umbertoluca ; Spender, James ; Howie, Ross T. ; Bright, Eleanor Lawrence ; Wright, Jonathan ; Hanfland, Michael ; Garbarino, Gaston ; Mezouar, Mohamed ; Fedotenko, Timofey ; Abrikosov, Igor A. ; Dubrovinskaia, Natalia ; Dubrovinsky, Leonid ; Laniel, Dominique:
Synthesis of LaCN₃, TbCN₃, CeCN5, and TbCN₅ Polycarbonitrides at Megabar Pressures.
In: Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Vol. 146
Issue 26
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.4c06068
Chanyshev, Artem ; Martirosyan, Naira ; Wang, Lin ; Chakraborti, Amrita ; Purevjav, Narangoo ; Wang, Fei ; Kim, Eun Jeong ; Tang, Hu ; Fedotenko, Timofey ; Bhat, Shrikant ; Farla, Robert ; Katsura, Tomoo:
Thermal Equation of State of Cubic Silicon Carbide at High Pressures.
In: ChemPhysChem.
Vol. 25
Issue 9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007946
Wild, Andreas J. ; Steiner, Franziska A. ; Kiene, Marvin ; Tyborski, Nicolas ; Tung, Shu‐Yin ; Köhler, Tina ; Carminati, Andrea ; Eder, Barbara ; Groth, Jennifer ; Vahl, Wouter K. ; Wolfrum, Sebastian ; Lüders, Tillmann ; Laforsch, Christian ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Vidal, Alix ; Pausch, Johanna:
Unraveling root and rhizosphere traits in temperate maize landraces and modern cultivars : Implications for soil resource acquisition and drought adaptation.
In: Plant, Cell & Environment.
Vol. 47
Issue 7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.14898
Shatto, Christopher ; Weiser, Frank ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Stahlmann, Reinhold ; Shrestha, Samip ; Guerrero-Campos, María ; Medina, Félix Manuel ; Nogales, Manuel ; Jentsch, Anke ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl:
Volcanic tephra deposition dataset based on interpolated field measurements following the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain.
In: Data in Brief.
Vol. 52
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.109949
Foken, Thomas ; Goldberg, Valeri:
Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, die Verdunstung zu reduzieren.
In: Lozán, José L. ; Graßl, Hartmut ; Kasang, Dieter ; Quante, Markus ; Sillmann, Jana
Warnsignal Klima : Herausforderung Wetterextreme ; Ursachen, Auswirkungen & Handlungsoptionen. -
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Gould, Elliot ; Fraser, Hannah S. ; Parker, Timothy H. ; Nakagawa, Shinichi ; Griffith, Simon C. ; Vesk, Peter A. ; Fidler, Fiona ; Hamilton, Daniel G. ; Abbey-Lee, Robin N. ; Abbott, Jessica K. ; Aguirre, Luis A. ; Alcaraz, Carles ; Aloni, Irith ; Altschul, Drew ; Arekar, Kunal ; Atkins, Jeff W. ; Atkinson, Joe ; Baker, Chris ; Barrett, Meghan ; Bell, Kristian ; Bello, Suleiman Kehinde ; Beltrán, Iván ; Berauer, Bernd ; Bertram, Michael Grant ; Billman, Peter D. ; Blake, Charlie K. ; Blake, Shannon ; Bliard, Louis ; Bonisoli-Alquati, Andrea ; Bonnet, Timothée ; Bordes, Camille Nina Marion ; Bose, Aneesh P. H. ; Botterill-James, Thomas ; Boyd, Melissa Anna ; Boyle, Sarah A. ; Bradfer-Lawrence, Tom ; Bradham, Jennifer ; Brand, Jack A. ; Brengdahl, Martin I. ; Bulla, Martin ; Bussière, Luc ; Camerlenghi, Ettore ; Campbell, Sara E. ; Campos, Leonardo L. F. ; Caravaggi, Anthony ; Cardoso, Pedro ; Carroll, Charles J. W. ; Catanach, Therese A. ; Chen, Xuan ; Chik, Heung Ying Janet ; Choy, Emily Sarah ; Christie, Alec Philip ; Chuang, Angela ; Chunco, Amanda J. ; Clark, Bethany L. ; Contina, Andrea ; Covernton, Garth A. ; Cox, Murray P. Cox ; Cressman, Kimberly A. ; Crouch, Connor Davidson ; D'Amelio, Pietro B. ; de Sousa, Alexandra Allison ; Döbert, Timm Fabian ; Dobler, Ralph ; Dobson, Adam J. ; Doherty, Tim S. ; Drobniak, Szymon M. ; Duffy, Alexandra Grace ; Duncan, Alison B. ; Dunn, Robert P. ; Dunning, Jamie ; Dutta, Trishna ; Eberhart-Hertel, Luke ; Elmore, Jared Alan ; Elsherif, Mahmoud Medhat ; English, Holly M. ; Ensminger, David C. ; Ernst, Ulrich Rainer ; Ferguson, Stephen M. ; Fernández-Juricic, Esteban ; Ferreira-Arruda, Thalita ; Fieberg, John ; Finch, Elizabeth A. ; Fiorenza, Evan A. ; Fisher, David N. ; Fontaine, Amélie ; Forstmeier, Wolfgang ; Fourcade, Yoan ; Frank, Graham S. ; Freund, Cathryn A. ; Fuentes-Lillo, Eduardo ; Gandy, Sara L. ; Gannon, Dustin G. ; García-Cervigón, Ana I. ; Garretson, Alexis C. ; Ge, Xuezhen ; Geary, William L. ; Géron, Charly ; Gilles, Marc ; Girndt, Antje ; Gliksman, Daniel ; Goldspiel, Harrison B. ; Gomes, Dylan G. E. ; Good, Megan Kate ; Goslee, Sarah C. ; Gosnell, J. Stephen ; Grames, Eliza M. ; Gratton, Paolo ; Grebe, Nicholas M. ; Greenler, Skye M. ; Griffioen, Maaike ; Griffith, Daniel M. ; Griffith, Frances J. ; Grossman, Jake J. ; Güncan, Ali ; Haesen, Stef ; Hagan, James G. ; Hager, Heather A. ; Harrison, Natasha Dean ; Hasnain, Sarah Syedia ; Havird, Justin Chase ; Heaton, Andrew ; Herrera-Chaustre, María Laura ; Howard, Tanner J. ; Hsu, Bin-Yan ; Iannarilli, Fabiola ; Iranzo, Esperanza C. ; Iverson, Erik N. K. ; Jimoh, Saheed Olaide ; Johnson, Douglas H. ; Johnsson, Martin ; Jorna, Jesse ; Jucker, Tommaso ; Jung, Martin ; Kačergytė, Ineta ; Kaltz, Oliver ; Ke, Alison ; Kelly, Clint D. ; Keogan, Katharine ; Keppeler, Friedrich Wolfgang ; Killion, Alexander K. ; Kim, Dongmin ; Kochan, David P. ; Korsten, Peter ; Kothari, Shan ; Kuppler, Jonas ; Kusch, Jillian M. ; Lagisz, Malgorzata ; Lalla, Kristen Marianne ; Larkin, Daniel J. ; Larson, Courtney L. ; Lauck, Katherine S. ; Lauterbur, M. Elise ; Law, Alan ; Léandri-Breton, Don-Jean ; Lembrechts, Jonas ; L'Herpiniere, Kiara ; Lievens, Eva J. P. ; de Lima, Daniela Oliveira ; Lindsay, Shane ; Luquet, Martin ; Macphie, Kirsty H. ; Mair, Magdalena ; Malm, Lisa E. ; Mammola, Stefano ; Mandeville, Caitlin P. ; Manhart, Michael ; Manrique-Garzon, Laura Milena ; Mäntylä, Elina ; Marchand, Philippe ; Marshall, Benjamin Michael ; Martin, Charles A. ; Martin, Dominic Andreas ; Martin, Jake Mitchell ; Martinig, April Robin ; McCallum, Erin S. ; McCauley, Mark ; McNew, Sabrina M. ; Meiners, Scott J. ; Merkling, Thomas ; Michelangeli, Marcus ; Moiron, Maria ; Moreira, Bruno ; Mortensen, Jennifer ; Mos, Benjamin ; Muraina, Taofeek Olatunbosun ; Murphy, Penelope Wrenn ; Nelli, Luca ; Niemelä, Petri ; Nightingale, Josh ; Nilsonne, Gustav ; Nolazco, Sergio ; Nooten, Sabine S. ; Novotny, Jessie Lanterman ; Olin, Agnes Birgitta ; Organ, Chris L. ; Ostevik, Kate L. ; Palacio, Facundo Xavier ; Paquet, Matthieu ; Parker, Darren James ; Pascall, David J. ; Pasquarella, Valerie J. ; Paterson, John Harold ; Payo-Payo, Ana ; Pedersen, Karen Marie ; Perez, Grégoire ; Perry, Kayla I. ; Pottier, Patrice ; Proulx, Michael J. ; Proulx, Raphaël ; Pruett, Jessica L. ; Ramananjato, Veronarindra ; Randimbiarison, Finaritra Tolotra ; Razafindratsima, Onja H. ; Rennison, Diana J. ; Riva, Federico ; Riyahi, Sepand ; Roast, Michael James ; Rocha, Felipe Pereira ; Roche, Dominique G. ; Román-Palacios, Cristian ; Rosenberg, Michael S. ; Ross, Jessica ; Rowland, Freya E. ; Rugemalila, Deusdedith ; Russell, Avery L. ; Ruuskanen, Suvi ; Saccone, Patrick ; Sadeh, Asaf ; Salazar, Stephen M. ; Sales, Kris ; Salmón, Pablo ; Sanchez-Tojar, Alfredo ; Santos, Leticia Pereira ; Santostefano, Francesca ; Schilling, Hayden T. ; Schmidt, Marcus ; Schmoll, Tim ; Schneider, Adam C. ; Schrock, Allie E. ; Schroeder, Julia ; Schtickzelle, Nicolas ; Schultz, Nick L. ; Scott, Drew A. ; Shapiro, Julie Teresa ; Sharma, Nitika ; Shearer, Caroline L. ; Simón, Diego ; Sitvarin, Michael I. ; Skupien, Fabrício Luiz ; Slinn, Heather Lea ; Smith, Grania Polly ; Smith, Jeremy A. ; Sollmann, Rahel ; Whitney, Kaitlin Stack ; Still, Shannon Michael ; Stuber, Erica F. ; Sutton, Guy F. ; Swallow, Ben ; Taff, Conor Claverie ; Takola, Elina ; Tanentzap, Andrew J. ; Tarjuelo, Rocío ; Telford, Richard J. ; Thawley, Christopher J. ; Thierry, Hugo ; Thomson, Jacqueline ; Tidau, Svenja ; Tompkins, Emily M. ; Tortorelli, Claire Marie ; Trlica, Andrew ; Turnell, Biz R. ; Urban, Lara ; Van de Vondel, Stijn ; van der Wal, Jessica Eva Megan ; Van Eeckhoven, Jens ; van Oordt, Francis ; Vanderwel, K. Michelle ; Vanderwel, Mark C. ; Vanderwolf, Karen J. ; Vergara-Florez, Diana Carolina ; Verrelli, Brian C. ; Vieira, Marcus Vinícius ; Villamil, Nora ; Vitali, Valerio ; Vollering, Julien ; Walker, Xanthe J. ; Walter, Jonathan A. ; Waryszak, Pawel ; Weaver, Ryan J. ; Wedegärtner, Ronja E. M. ; Weller, Daniel L. ; Whelan, Shannon ; White, Rachel ; Wolfson, David William ; Wood, Andrew ; Yanco, Scott W. ; Yen, Jian D. L. ; Youngflesh, Casey ; Zilio, Giacomo ; Zimmer, Cédric ; Zimmerman, Gregory Mark ; Zitomer, Rachel A.:
Same data, different analysts : variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology.
Faghih-Naini, Sara ; Aizinger, Vadym ; Kuckuk, Sebastian ; Angersbach, Richard ; Alt, Christoph ; Kenter, Tobias ; Köstler, Harald:
Algorithm re-design and code generation for performance improvements of a discontinuous Galerkin shallow water model on CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs and heterogeneous systems.
Event: European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH) 2023
, 4.-8. September 2023
, Lisbon, Portugal.
(Conference item: Conference
Lang, Sabrina ; Hennerici, Lukas ; Linz, Mario ; Avadanii, Diana ; Kita, Jaroslaw ; Kramer, Dominik ; Moos, Ralf ; Mönig, Rainer:
Characterisation of Electrodes, Electrolyte and Electrode/Electrolyte Stacks Obtained by Powder Aerosol Deposition.
Event: The 4th World Conference on Solid Electrolytes for Advanced Applications: Garnets and Competitors
, 04.-07. September 2023
, Tromsø, Norway.
(Conference item: Conference
Wöhrl, Thomas ; König, Mario ; Ritter, Thomas ; Sauter, Andre ; Eisazadeh, Hessam ; Hagen, Gunter ; Moos, Ralf:
Konzepte zur Optimierung der Selektiven Katalytischen Reduktion (SCR) von Stickoxiden bei der Verbrennung biogener Rest- und Abfallstoffe.
Event: 11. Statuskonferenz Bioenergie
, 20.-22.9.2023
, Leipzig.
(Conference item: Conference
Hennerici, Lukas ; Linz, Mario ; Schamel, Maximilian ; Nazarenus, Tobias ; Kita, Jaroslaw ; Danzer, Michael A. ; Moos, Ralf:
Powder Aerosol Deposition, a Novel Way for Processing Garnet Solid Electrolytes to fabricate All-Solid-State Batteries.
Event: The 4th World Conference on Solid Electrolytes for Advanced Applications, Garnets and Competitors
, 04.-07. September 2023
, Tromsø, Norway.
(Conference item: Conference
Faghih-Naini, Sara ; Aizinger, Vadym ; Kuckuk, Sebastian ; Angersbach, Richard ; Zint, Daniel ; Kemmler, Samuel ; Köstler, Harald ; Grosso, Roberto:
HPC code generation framework for the discontinuous Galerkin method as a technology demonstrator for digital twins.
Event: Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2023
, 26.-28. June 2023
, Davos, Switzerland.
(Conference item: Conference
Distler, Johanna ; Werner, Robin ; Gerlach, Michael ; Gollner, Michael ; Linseis, Florian ; Kita, Jaroslaw ; Moos, Ralf:
Development of a Miniaturized Combined DSC and TGA Sensor.
Event: SMSI 2023 Sensor and Measurement Science International
, 08-11 May 2023
, Nuremberg, Germany.
(Conference item: Conference
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5162/SMSI2023/P07
Hagen, Gunter ; Wöhrl, Thomas ; Müller, Andreas ; Herrmann, Julia ; Hartmann, Ingo ; Moos, Ralf:
Flue gas analysis of wood combustion.
Event: SMSI 2023 Sensor and Measurement Science International
, 08-11 May 2023
, Nuremberg, Germany.
(Conference item: Conference
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5162/SMSI2023/D3.4
Witt, Christina ; Schötz, Konstantin ; Kuhn, Meike ; Leupold, Nico ; Biberger, Simon ; Ramming, Philipp ; Köhler, Anna ; Moos, Ralf ; Herzig, Eva M. ; Panzer, Fabian:
Understanding Structural Differences in Completely Dry-Processed MAPbI3 Thin Films by Detailed Analyses of Temperature-Dependent Optical Spectroscopy.
Event: 2023 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
, April 10-14, 2023
, San Francisco, California, USA.
(Conference item: Conference
Chudej, Kurt ; Folger, Gaby:
Dengue Fieber Modelle.
Event: Workshop Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften
, 02.-03.03.2023
, Bayreuth.
(Conference item: Workshop
Faghih-Naini, Sara ; Aizinger, Vadym ; Kuckuk, Sebastian ; Angersbach, Richard ; Kemmler, Samuel ; Köstler, Harald:
A discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations on CPU-GPU systems.
Event: Oral presentation at ASIM Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften
, 2.-3. Fabruary 2023
, Bayreuth, Germany.
(Conference item: Other
Event type,
Foken, Thomas ; Oliviera, Bruna R. F. ; Jentzsch, Katharina ; Kittler, Fanny ; Schaller, Carsten ; Keizer, J. Jacob ; Boike, Julia ; Göckede, Mathias:
Quality control of very small trace gas fluxes.
Event: 24th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence
, 8-12 January 2023
, Denver, CO, USA.
(Conference item: Conference
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006870
Faghih-Naini, Sara ; Aizinger, Vadym ; Kuckuk, Sebastian ; Angersbach, Richard ; Zint, Daniel ; Kemmler, Samuel ; Köstler, Harald ; Grosso, Roberto:
Computational performance optimizations for a discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the shallow water equations.
Event: Invited presentation at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT
, 22.-27. January 2023
, Lappeenranta, Finland.
(Conference item: Other
Event type,
Rembold, Katja ; Aas, Gregor ; Bayer, Clemens ; Berg, Christian ; Burkart, Michael ; Fechtler, Thomas ; Fischer, Markus ; Friesen, Nikolai ; Gliniars, Robert ; Gröger, Andreas ; Hoffmann, Matthias H. ; Kehl, Alexandra ; Köhler, Lars ; König, Andreas ; Kusber, Wolf-Henning ; Lauerer, Marianne ; Pietsch, Susanne ; Pietzarka, Ulrich ; Rudolph, Klaus ; Schepker, Hartwig ; Schlumpberger, Boris O. ; Schmidt, Marco ; Schwerdtfeger, Michael ; Spaethe, Johannes ; Steinecke, Hilke ; Vogg, Gerd ; von Hagen, Klaus Bernhard ; Zippel, Elke ; Obermaier, Elisabeth:
Botanische Gärten als Orte urbaner Biodiversität.
In: Natur und Landschaft.
Vol. 98
Issue 1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.19217/NuL2023-01-02
Zhang, Yuanming ; Tariq, Akash ; Hughes, Alice C. ; Hong, Deyuan ; Wei, Fuwen ; Sun, Hang ; Sardans, Jordi ; Peñuelas, Josep ; Perry, Gad ; Qiao, Jianfang ; Kurban, Alishir ; Jia, Xiaoxia ; Raimondo, Domitilla ; Pan, Borong ; Yang, Weikang ; Zhang, Daoyuan ; Li, Wenjun ; Ahmed, Zeeshan ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Lazkov, Georgy ; Toderich, Kristina ; Karryeva, Shirin ; Dehkonov, Davron ; Hisoriev, Hikmat ; Dimeyeva, Liliya ; Milko, Dmitry ; Soule, Ahmedou ; Suska-Malawska, Malgozhata ; Saparmuradov, Jumamurat ; Bekzod, Alilov ; Allin, Paul ; Dieye, Sidy ; Cissse, Birane ; Whibesilassie, Wondmagegne ; Ma, Keping:
Challenges and solutions to biodiversity conservation in arid lands.
In: Science of the Total Environment.
Vol. 857, Part 3
- 159695.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159695
Englmeier, Jana ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Benbow, M. Eric ; Hothorn, Torsten ; von Hoermann, Christian ; Benjamin, Caryl ; Fricke, Ute ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Redlich, Sarah ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Rojas Botero, Sandra ; Rummler, Thomas ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf ; Stengel, Elisa ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Uhler, Johannes ; Uphus, Lars ; Zhang, Jie ; Müller, Jörg:
Diverse Effects of Climate, Land Use, and Insects on Dung and Carrion Decomposition.
In: Ecosystems.
Vol. 26
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-022-00764-7
Dengler, Jürgen ; Jansen, Florian ; Chusova, Olha ; Hüllbusch, Elisabeth ; Nobis, Michael P. ; Van Meerbeek, Koenraad ; Axmanová, Irena ; Bruun, Hans Henrik ; Chytrý, Milan ; Guarino, Riccardo ; Karrer, Gerhard ; Moeys, Karlien ; Raus, Thomas ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Tichý, Lubomir ; Tyler, Torbjörn ; Batsatsashvili, Ketevan ; Bita-Nicolae, Claudia ; Didukh, Yakiv ; Diekmann, Martin ; Englisch, Thorsten ; Fernández-Pascual, Eduardo ; Frank, Dieter ; Graf, Ulrich ; Hájek, Michal ; Jelaska, Sven D. ; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja ; Julve, Philippe ; Nakhutsrishvili, George ; Ozinga, Wim A. ; Ruprecht, Eszter-Karolina ; Šilc, Urban ; Theurillat, Jean-Paul ; Gillet, François:
Ecological Indicator Values for Europe (EIVE) 1.0.
In: Vegetation Classification and Survey.
Vol. 4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3897/VCS.98324
Ramsperger, Anja ; Bergamaschi, Enrico ; Panizzolo, Marco ; Fenoglio, Ivana ; Barbero, Francesco ; Peters, Ruud ; Undas, Anna ; Purker, Sebastian ; Giese, Bernd ; Lalyer, Carina R. ; Tamargo, Alba ; Moreno-Arribas, M. Victoria ; Grossart, Hans-Peter ; Kühnel, Dana ; Dietrich, Jana ; Paulsen, Friedrich ; Afanou, Anani K. ; Zienolddiny-Narui, Shan ; Eriksen Hammer, Stine ; Ervik, Torunn Kringlen ; Graff, Pål ; Brinchmann, Bendik C. ; Nordby, Karl-Christian ; Wallin, Håkan ; Nassi, Matteo ; Benetti, Federico ; Zanella, Michela ; Brehm, Julian ; Kress, Holger ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Laforsch, Christian:
Nano- and microplastics : a comprehensive review on their exposure routes, translocation, and fate in humans.
In: NanoImpact.
Vol. 29
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.impact.2022.100441
Bergami, E. ; Ferrari, E. ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Birarda, G. ; Laforsch, Christian ; Vaccari, L. ; Corsi, I.:
Textile microfibers in wild Antarctic whelk Neobuccinum eatoni (Smith, 1875) from Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica).
In: Environmental Research.
Vol. 216, Part 2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2022.114487
Nguyen, Ann N. ; Mane, Prajkta ; Keller, Lindsay P. ; Piani, Laurette ; Abe, Yoshinari ; Aléon, Jérôme ; Alexander, Conel M. O'D. ; Amari, Sachiko ; Amelin, Yuri ; Bajo, Ken-ichi ; Bizzarro, Martin ; Bouvier, Audrey ; Carlson, Richard W. ; Chaussidon, Marc ; Choi, Byeon-Gak ; Dauphas, Nicolas ; Davis, Andrew M. ; Di Rocco, Tommaso ; Fujiya, Wataru ; Fukai, Ryota ; Gautam, Ikshu ; Haba, Makiko K. ; Hibiya, Yuki ; Hidaka, Hiroshi ; Homma, Hisashi ; Hoppe, Peter ; Huss, Gary R. ; Ichida, Kiyohiro ; Iizuka, Tsuyoshi ; Ireland, Trevor R. ; Ishikawa, Akira ; Itoh, Shoichi ; Kawasaki, Noriyuki ; Kita, Noriko T. ; Kitajima, Kouki ; Kleine, Thorsten ; Komatani, Shintaro ; Krot, Alexander N. ; Liu, Ming-Chang ; Masuda, Yuki ; McKeegan, Kevin D. ; Morita, Mayu ; Motomura, Kazuko ; Moynier, Frédéric ; Nakai, Izumi ; Nagashima, Kazuhide ; Nesvorný, David ; Nittler, Larry ; Onose, Morihiko ; Pack, Andreas ; Park, Changkun ; Qin, Liping ; Russell, Sara S. ; Sakamoto, Naoya ; Schönbächler, Maria ; Tafla, Lauren ; Tang, Haolan ; Terada, Kentaro ; Terada, Yasuko ; Usui, Tomohiro ; Wada, Sohei ; Wadhwa, Meenakshi ; Walker, Richard J. ; Yamashita, Katsuyuki ; Yin, Qing-Zhu ; Yokoyama, Tetsuya ; Yoneda, Shigekazu ; Young, Edward D. ; Yui, Hiroharu ; Zhang, Ai-Cheng ; Nakamura, Tomoki ; Naraoka, Hiroshi ; Noguchi, Takaaki ; Okazaki, Ryuji ; Sakamoto, Kanako ; Yabuta, Hikaru ; Abe, Masanao ; Miyazaki, Akiko ; Nakato, Aiko ; Nishimura, Masahiro ; Okada, Tatsuaki ; Yada, Toru ; Yogata, Kasumi ; Nakazawa, Satoru ; Saiki, Takanao ; Tanaka, Satoshi ; Terui, Fuyuto ; Tsuda, Yuichi ; Watanabe, Sei-ichiro ; Yoshikawa, Makoto ; Tachibana, Shogo ; Yurimoto, Hisayoshi:
Abundant presolar grains and primordial organics preserved in carbon-rich exogenous clasts in asteroid Ryugu.
In: Science Advances.
Vol. 9
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Reger, Philip M. ; Roebbert, Yvonne ; Neumann, Wladimir ; Gannoun, Abdelmouhcine ; Regelous, Marcel ; Schwarz, Winfried H. ; Ludwig, Thomas ; Trieloff, Mario ; Weyer, Stefan ; Bouvier, Audrey:
Al-Mg and U-Pb chronological records of Erg Chech 002 ungrouped achondrite meteorite.
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Vol. 343
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Kriegel, Peter ; Vogel, Sebastian ; Angeleri, Romain ; Baldrian, Petr ; Borken, Werner ; Bouget, Christophe ; Brin, Antoine ; Bussler, Heinz ; Cocciufa, Cristiana ; Feldmann, Benedikt ; Gossner, Martin M. ; Haeler, Elena ; Hagge, Jonas ; Hardersen, Sönke ; Hartmann, Henrik ; Hjältén, Joakim ; Kotowska, Martyna M. ; Lachat, Thibault ; Larrieu, Laurent ; Leverkus, Alexandro B. ; Macagno, Anna L. M. ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Müller, Jörg ; Obermaier, Elisabeth ; Parisi, Francesco ; Pelz, Stefan ; Schuldt, Bernhard ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Stengel, Elisa ; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne ; Weisser, Wolfgang ; Thorn, Simon:
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Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto ; Zannini, Piero ; Piovesan, Gianluca ; Alessi, Nicola ; Basset, Alberto ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Di Musciano, Michele ; Field, Richard ; Halley, John M. ; Hoffmann, Samuel ; Iaria, Jacopo ; Kallimanis, Athanasios ; Lövei, Gabor L. ; Morera, Albert ; Provenzale, Antonello ; Rocchini, Duccio ; Vetaas, Ole R. ; Chiarucci, Alessandro:
Analysing the distribution of strictly protected areas toward the EU2030 target.
In: Biodiversity and Conservation.
Vol. 32
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Scherer, Sascha ; Höpfer, Benjamin ; Deckers, Katleen ; Fuchs, Markus ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Lomax, Johanna ; Marhan, Sven ; Poll, Christian ; Wroth, Kristen ; Knopf, Thomas ; Scholten, Thomas ; Kühn, Peter:
Archaeopedological reconstruction of Middle Bronze Age subsistence farming in SW-Germany from sedimentary archives in the Western Allgäu.
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Sylvester, Francisco ; Weichert, Fabian G. ; Lozano, Verónica L. ; Groh, Ksenia J. ; Bálint, Miklós ; Baumann, Lisa ; Bässler, Claus ; Brack, Werner ; Brandl, Barbara ; Curtius, Joachim ; Dierkes, Paul ; Döll, Petra ; Ebersberger, Ingo ; Fragkostefanakis, Sotirios ; Helfrich, Eric J. N. ; Hickler, Thomas ; Johann, Sarah ; Jourdan, Jonas ; Klimpel, Sven ; Kminek, Helge ; Liquin, Florencia ; Möllendorf, Darrel ; Mueller, Thomas ; Oehlmann, Jörg ; Ottermanns, Richard ; Pauls, Steffen U. ; Piepenbring, Meike ; Pfefferle, Jakob ; Schenk, Gerrit Jasper ; Scheepens, J. F. ; Scheringer, Martin ; Schiwy, Sabrina ; Schlottmann, Antje ; Schneider, Flurina ; Schulte, Lisa M. ; Schulze-Sylvester, Maria ; Stelzer, Ernst ; Strobl, Frederic ; Sundermann, Andrea ; Tockner, Klement ; Tröger, Tobias ; Vilcinskas, Andreas ; Völker, Carolin ; Winkelmann, Ricarda ; Hollert, Henner:
Better integration of chemical pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss.
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Smith, Jansen ; Rillo, Marina C. ; Kocsis, Ádám T. ; Dornelas, Maria ; Fastovich, David ; Huang, Huai‐Hsuan M. ; Jonkers, Lukas ; Kiessling, Wolfgang ; Li, Qijian ; Liow, Lee Hsiang ; Margulis‐Ohnuma, Miranda ; Meyers, Stephen ; Na, Lin ; Penny, Amelia M. ; Pippenger, Kate ; Renaudie, Johan ; Saupe, Erin E. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Sugawara, Mauro ; Tomašovỳch, Adam ; Williams, John W. ; Yasuhara, Moriaki ; Finnegan, Seth ; Hull, Pincelli M.:
BioDeepTime: A database of biodiversity time series for modern and fossil assemblages.
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography.
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Buoyancy of slabs and plumes enhanced by curved post-garnet phase boundary.
In: Nature Geoscience.
Vol. 16
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Fujiya, Wataru ; Kawasaki, Noriyuki ; Nagashima, Kazuhide ; Sakamoto, Naoya ; Alexander, Conel M. O’D. ; Kita, Noriko T. ; Kitajima, Kouki ; Abe, Yoshinari ; Aléon, Jérôme ; Amari, Sachiko ; Amelin, Yuri ; Bajo, Ken-ichi ; Bizzarro, Martin ; Bouvier, Audrey ; Carlson, Richard W. ; Chaussidon, Marc ; Choi, Byeon-Gak ; Dauphas, Nicolas ; Davis, Andrew M. ; Di Rocco, Tommaso ; Fukai, Ryota ; Gautam, Ikshu ; Haba, Makiko K. ; Hibiya, Yuki ; Hidaka, Hiroshi ; Homma, Hisashi ; Hoppe, Peter ; Huss, Gary R. ; Ichida, Kiyohiro ; Iizuka, Tsuyoshi ; Ireland, Trevor R. ; Ishikawa, Akira ; Itoh, Shoichi ; Kleine, Thorsten ; Komatani, Shintaro ; Krot, Alexander N. ; Liu, Ming-Chang ; Masuda, Yuki ; McKeegan, Kevin D. ; Morita, Mayu ; Motomura, Kazuko ; Moynier, Frédéric ; Nakai, Izumi ; Nguyen, Ann ; Nittler, Larry ; Onose, Morihiko ; Pack, Andreas ; Park, Changkun ; Piani, Laurette ; Qin, Liping ; Russell, Sara S. ; Schönbächler, Maria ; Tafla, Lauren ; Tang, Haolan ; Terada, Kentaro ; Terada, Yasuko ; Usui, Tomohiro ; Wada, Sohei ; Wadhwa, Meenakshi ; Walker, Richard J. ; Yamashita, Katsuyuki ; Yin, Qing-Zhu ; Yokoyama, Tetsuya ; Yoneda, Shigekazu ; Young, Edward D. ; Yui, Hiroharu ; Zhang, Ai-Cheng ; Nakamura, Tomoki ; Naraoka, Hiroshi ; Noguchi, Takaaki ; Okazaki, Ryuji ; Sakamoto, Kanako ; Yabuta, Hikaru ; Abe, Masanao ; Miyazaki, Akiko ; Nakato, Aiko ; Nishimura, Masahiro ; Okada, Tatsuaki ; Yada, Toru ; Yogata, Kasumi ; Nakazawa, Satoru ; Saiki, Takanao ; Tanaka, Satoshi ; Terui, Fuyuto ; Tsuda, Yuichi ; Watanabe, Sei-ichiro ; Yoshikawa, Makoto ; Tachibana, Shogo ; Yurimoto, Hisayoshi:
Carbonate record of temporal change in oxygen fugacity and gaseous species in asteroid Ryugu.
In: Nature Geoscience.
Vol. 16
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Klein, T. ; Zulauf, Gernold ; Evans, David ; Gerdes, A. ; Glodny, Johannes ; Heidelbach, Florian ; Kirst, F. ; Linckens, Jolien ; Müller, Wolfgang ; Özcan, E. ; Petschick, Rainer ; Xypolias, P.:
Cenozoic evolution of the Tripolitza carbonate platform in the Tethyan realm : new age constraints on deposition, diagenesis, metamorphism and nappe emplacement based on U-Pb and Rb-Sr dating (External Hellenides, Crete).
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Weiser, Frank ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Baumann, Esther ; Shatto, Christopher ; Guerrero-Campos, María ; Jentsch, Anke ; Nogales, Manuel ; Medina, Félix Manuel ; Vetaas, Ole Reidar ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl:
Combining in-situ monitoring and remote sensing to detect spatial patterns of volcanic sulphur impact on pine needles.
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Namier, Namier ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Gao, Xinbo ; Fu, Yu ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Mason, Joseph A. ; Song, Yang ; Deng, Chenglong ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Marković, Rastko ; Guo, Zhengtang:
Comprehensive magnetic analysis of the tephras in Middle-Late Pleistocene loess records of Serbia, and implications for tephra identification, correlation and loess chronology.
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Biberger, Simon ; Leupold, Nico ; Witt, Christina ; Greve, Christopher ; Markus, Paul ; Ramming, Philipp ; Lukas, Daniel ; Schötz, Konstantin ; Kahle, Frank-Julian ; Zhu, Chenhui ; Papastavrou, Georg ; Köhler, Anna ; Herzig, Eva M. ; Moos, Ralf ; Panzer, Fabian:
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Formalized classification of the class Montio-Cardaminetea in Europe.
In: Preslia.
Vol. 95
Issue 3
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Witt, Christina ; Schötz, Konstantin ; Biberger, Simon ; Leupold, Nico ; Kuhn, Meike ; Ramming, Philipp ; Herzig, Eva M. ; Moos, Ralf ; Panzer, Fabian ; Köhler, Anna:
Fully Dry-Processed and Powder-Based Halide Perovskite Solar Cells by Powder-Aerosol-Deposition and Hot-Pressing.
Event: 2023 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
, April 10-14, 2023
, San Francisco, California, USA.
(Conference item: Conference
Atienza Casas, Sara ; Calicis, Camille ; Candiago, Sebastian ; Dendoncker, Nicolas ; Desair, Jomme ; Fickel, Thomas ; Finne, Eirik Aasmo ; Frison, Christine ; Haensel, Maria ; Hinsch, Malte ; Kulfan, Tyler ; Kumagai, Joy A. ; Mialyk, Oleksandr ; Nawrath, Maximilian ; Nevzati, Fiona ; Washbourne, Carla ; Wübbelmann, Thea:
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground: how transdisciplinary learning can foster transformative change - insights from a summer school.
In: Biodiversity and Conservation.
Vol. 32
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-023-02603-0
Piani, Laurette ; Nagashima, Kazuhide ; Kawasaki, Noriyuki ; Sakamoto, Naoya ; Bajo, Ken-ichi ; Abe, Yoshinari ; Aléon, Jérôme ; Alexander, Conel M. O’D. ; Amari, Sachiko ; Amelin, Yuri ; Bizzarro, Martin ; Bouvier, Audrey ; Carlson, Richard W. ; Chaussidon, Marc ; Choi, Byeon-Gak ; Dauphas, Nicolas ; Davis, Andrew M. ; Di Rocco, Tommaso ; Fujiya, Wataru ; Fukai, Ryota ; Gautam, Ikshu ; Haba, Makiko K. ; Hibiya, Yuki ; Hidaka, Hiroshi ; Homma, Hisashi ; Hoppe, Peter ; Huss, Gary R. ; Ichida, Kiyohiro ; Iizuka, Tsuyoshi ; Ireland, Trevor R. ; Ishikawa, Akira ; Itoh, Shoichi ; Kita, Noriko T. ; Kitajima, Kouki ; Kleine, Thorsten ; Komatani, Shintaro ; Krot, Alexander N. ; Liu, Ming-Chang ; Masuda, Yuki ; McKeegan, Kevin D. ; Morita, Mayu ; Motomura, Kazuko ; Moynier, Frédéric ; Nakai, Izumi ; Nguyen, Ann ; Nittler, Larry ; Onose, Morihiko ; Pack, Andreas ; Park, Changkun ; Qin, Liping ; Russell, Sara S. ; Schönbächler, Maria ; Tafla, Lauren ; Tang, Haolan ; Terada, Kentaro ; Terada, Yasuko ; Usui, Tomohiro ; Wada, Sohei ; Wadhwa, Meenakshi ; Walker, Richard J. ; Yamashita, Katsuyuki ; Yin, Qing-Zhu ; Yokoyama, Tetsuya ; Yoneda, Shigekazu ; Young, Edward D. ; Yui, Hiroharu ; Zhang, Ai-Cheng ; Nakamura, Tomoki ; Naraoka, Hiroshi ; Okazaki, Ryuji ; Sakamoto, Kanako ; Yabuta, Hikaru ; Abe, Masanao ; Miyazaki, Akiko ; Nakato, Aiko ; Nishimura, Masahiro ; Okada, Tatsuaki ; Yada, Toru ; Yogata, Kasumi ; Nakazawa, Satoru ; Saiki, Takanao ; Tanaka, Satoshi ; Terui, Fuyuto ; Tsuda, Yuichi ; Watanabe, Sei-ichiro ; Yoshikawa, Makoto ; Tachibana, Shogo ; Yurimoto, Hisayoshi:
Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Hydrous Minerals in Asteroid Ryugu.
In: The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Vol. 946
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Biberger, Simon ; Spies, Maximilian ; Schötz, Konstantin ; Kahle, Frank-Julian ; Leupold, Nico ; Moos, Ralf ; Grüninger, Helen ; Köhler, Anna ; Panzer, Fabian:
Improved Control of Perovskite Thin Film Formation by Reactive Spin Coating and Real Time In-Situ Feedback.
Event: 12th SolTech Conference 2023
, 03.-05.10.2023
, Würzburg, Germany.
(Conference item: Conference
Heinzle, Jakob ; Liu, Xiaofei ; Tian, Ye ; Kwatcho Kengdo, Steve ; Heinze, Berthold ; Nirschi, Annika ; Borken, Werner ; Inselsbacher, Erich ; Wanek, Wolfgang ; Schindlbacher, Andreas:
Increase in fine root biomass enhances root exudation by long-term soil warming in a temperate forest.
In: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.
Vol. 6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2023.1152142
Siegert, Tobias ; Greve, Christopher ; Moos, Ralf ; Herzig, Eva M. ; Panzer, Fabian ; Köhler, Anna ; Grüninger, Helen:
Influence of Particle Size on Halide Mixing Between MAPbI3 and MAPbBr3.
Event: 12th SolTech Conference 2023
, 03.-05.10.2023
, Würzburg, Germany.
(Conference item: Conference
Strandberg, Nichola A. ; Edwards, Mary ; Ellison, Joanna C. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Fall, Patricia L. ; Sear, David ; Langdon, Peter ; Cronin, Shane ; Castilla‐Beltrán, Alvaro ; Croudace, Ian W. ; Prebble, Matiu ; Gosling, William D. ; Nogué, Sandra:
Influences of sea level changes and volcanic eruptions on Holocene vegetation in Tonga.
In: Biotropica.
Vol. 55
Issue 4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/btp.13231
Cutts, Vanessa ; Hanz, Dagmar M. ; Barajas‐Barbosa, Martha Paola ; Schrodt, Franziska ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Denelle, Pierre ; Fernández‐Palacios, José María ; Gaüzère, Pierre ; Grenié, Matthias ; Irl, Severin D. H. ; Kraft, Nathan ; Kreft, Holger ; Maitner, Brian ; Munoz, François ; Thuiller, Wilfried ; Violle, Cyrille ; Weigelt, Patrick ; Field, Richard ; Algar, Adam C.:
Links to rare climates do not translate into distinct traits for island endemics.
In: Ecology Letters.
Vol. 26
Issue 4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14169
Tian, Ye ; Shi, Chupei ; Urbina Malo, Carolina ; Kwatcho Kengdo, Steve ; Heinzle, Jakob ; Inselsbacher, Erich ; Ottner, Franz ; Borken, Werner ; Michel, Kerstin ; Schindlbacher, Andreas ; Wanek, Wolfgang:
Long-term soil warming decreases microbial phosphorus utilization by increasing abiotic phosphorus sorption and phosphorus losses.
In: Nature Communications.
Vol. 14
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36527-8
Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Lenzner, Bernd ; Essl, Franz ; Strandberg, Nichola ; Castilla‐Beltrán, Alvaro ; Fernández‐Palacios, José María ; Björck, Svante ; Connor, Simon ; Haberle, Simon G. ; Ljung, Karl ; Prebble, Matiu ; Wilmshurst, Janet M. ; Froyd, Cynthia A. ; de Boer, Erik J. ; de Nascimento, Lea ; Edwards, Mary E. ; Stevenson, Janelle ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Nogué, Sandra:
Long‐term trajectories of non‐native vegetation on islands globally.
In: Ecology Letters.
Vol. 26
Issue 5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14196
Vogler, Jonas ; Song, Jieun ; Huber, Jakob ; Völkl, Rainer ; Glatzel, Uwe:
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Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives. -
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27447-3_28
Wang, Yu ; Xiang, Leilei ; Amelung, Wulf ; Elsner, Martin ; Gan, Jay ; Kueppers, Stephan ; Laforsch, Christian ; Jiang, Xin ; Adu-Gyamfi, Joseph ; Heng, Lee ; Ok, Yong Sik ; Ivleva, Natalia P. ; Luo, Yongming ; Barceló, Damià ; Schäffer, Andreas ; Wang, Fang:
Micro- and nanoplastics in soil ecosystems : Analytical methods, fate, and effects.
In: TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry.
Vol. 169
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2023.117309
Narangarvuu, Dashdondog ; Enkhdul, Tuuguu ; Erdenetsetseg, Erdenesukh ; Enkhrii-Ujin, Enkhbat ; Irmuunzaya, Khurtsbaatar ; Batbayar, Gunsmaa ; Oyundelger, Khurelpurev ; Yam, Rita Sau-Wai ; Pfeiffer, Martin:
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In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
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Hu, Pengjie ; Zhang, Yu ; Wang, Jiajia ; Du, Yanpei ; Wang, Zimeng ; Guo, Qinghai ; Pan, Zezhen ; Ma, Xingmao ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta ; Luo, Yongming ; Wu, Longhua:
Mobilization of Colloid- and Nanoparticle-Bound Arsenic in Contaminated Paddy Soils during Reduction and Reoxidation.
In: Environmental Science & Technology.
Vol. 57
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Hoffmann, Hendrik ; Paulisch-Rinke, Melanie Cornelia ; Gernhard, Marius ; Jännsch, Yannick ; Timm, Jana ; Brandmeir, Carola ; Lechner, Steffen ; Marschall, Roland ; Moos, Ralf ; Manke, Ingo ; Roth, Christina:
Multi-scale morphology characterization of hierarchically porous silver foam electrodes for electrochemical CO₂ reduction.
In: Communications Chemistry.
Vol. 6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s42004-023-00847-z
Dupuy, Rémi ; Filser, Jakob ; Richter, Clemens ; Buttersack, Tillmann ; Trinter, Florian ; Gholami, Shirin ; Seidel, R. ; Nicolas, C. ; Bozek, J. ; Egger, David ; Oberhofer, Harald ; Thürmer, S. ; Hergenhahn, U. ; Reuter, Karsten ; Winter, Bernd ; Bluhm, Hendrik:
Ångstrom-Depth Resolution with Chemical Specificity at the Liquid-Vapor Interface.
In: Physical Review Letters.
Vol. 130
Issue 15
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.156901
Roy, Friederike ; Ibayev, Orkhan ; Arnstadt, Tobias ; Bässler, Claus ; Borken, Werner ; Groß, Christina ; Hoppe, Björn ; Hossen, Shakhawat ; Kahl, Tiemo ; Moll, Julia ; Noll, Matthias ; Purahong, Witoon ; Schreiber, Jasper ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Hofrichter, Martin ; Kellner, Harald:
Nitrogen addition increases mass loss of gymnosperm but not of angiosperm deadwood without changing microbial communities.
In: Science of the Total Environment.
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Nakanishi, N. ; Yokoyama, T. ; Ishikawa, A. ; Walker, R. J. ; Abe, Y. ; Aléon, J. ; Alexander, C. M. O'D ; Amari, S. ; Amelin, Y. ; Bajo, K.-I. ; Bizzarro, M. ; Bouvier, Audrey ; Carlson, R. W. ; Chaussidon, M. ; Choi, B.-G. ; Dauphas, N. ; Davis, A. M. ; Di Rocco, T. ; Fujiya, W. ; Fukai, R. ; Gautam, I. ; Haba, M. K. ; Hibiya, Y. ; Hidaka, H. ; Homma, H. ; Hoppe, P. ; Huss, G. R. ; Ichida, K. ; Iizuka, T. ; Ireland, T. R. ; Itoh, S. ; Kawasaki, N. ; Kita, N. T. ; Kitajima, K. ; Kleine, T. ; Komatani, S. ; Krot, A. N. ; Liu, M.-C. ; Masuda, Y. ; Morita, M. ; Motomura, K. ; Moynier, F. ; Nakai, I. ; Nagashima, K. ; Nguyen, A. ; Nittler, L. ; Onose, M. ; Pack, A. ; Park, C. ; Piani, L. ; Qin, L. ; Russell, S. S. ; Sakamoto, N. ; Schönbächler, M. ; Tafla, L. ; Tang, H. ; Terada, K. ; Terada, Y. ; Usui, T. ; Wada, S. ; Wadhwa, M. ; Yamashita, K. ; Yin, Q.-Z. ; Yoneda, S. ; Young, E. D. ; Yui, H. ; Zhang, A.-C. ; Nakamura, T. ; Naraoka, H. ; Noguchi, T. ; Okazaki, R. ; Sakamoto, K. ; Yabuta, H. ; Abe, M. ; Miyazaki, A. ; Nakato, A. ; Nishimura, M. ; Okada, T. ; Yada, T. ; Yogata, K. ; Nakazawa, S. ; Saiki, T. ; Tanaka, S. ; Terui, F. ; Tsuda, Y ; Watanabe, S.-I. ; Yoshikawa, M. ; Tachibana, S. ; Yurimoto, H.:
Nucleosynthetic s-Process Depletion in Mo from Ryugu samples returned by Hayabusa2.
In: Geochemical Perspectives Letters.
Vol. 28
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7185/geochemlet.2341
Witt, Christina ; Schötz, Konstantin ; Kuhn, Meike ; Leupold, Nico ; Biberger, Simon ; Ramming, Philipp ; Kahle, Frank-Julian ; Köhler, Anna ; Moos, Ralf ; Herzig, Eva M. ; Panzer, Fabian:
Orientation and Grain Size in MAPbI₃ Thin Films : Influence on Phase Transition, Disorder, and Defects.
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.
Vol. 127
Issue 22
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c08968
Ramming, Philipp ; Siegert, Tobias ; Biberger, Simon ; Witt, Christina ; Leupold, Nico ; Moos, Ralf ; Grüninger, Helen ; Panzer, Fabian ; Köhler, Anna:
Perovskite Research Highlights.
Event: 12th SolTech Conference 2023
, 03.-05.10.2023
, Würzburg, Germany.
(Conference item: Conference
Ke, Yuguang ; Yu, Qiang ; Wang, Hongqiang ; Zhao, Yi ; Jia, Xiaotong ; Yang, Yadong ; Zhang, Yunlong ; Zhou, Wei ; Wu, Honghui ; Xu, Chong ; Sun, Tao ; Gao, Yingzhi ; Jentsch, Anke ; He, Nianpeng ; Yu, Guirui:
The potential bias of nitrogen deposition effects on primary productivity and biodiversity.
In: Global Change Biology.
Vol. 29
Issue 4
- pp. 1054-1061.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16530
Moos, Ralf ; Hennerici, Lukas ; Kita, Elisabeth ; Leupold, Nico ; Linz, Mario ; Paulus, Daniel ; Schneider, Jürgen ; Schönauer-Kamin, Daniela ; Sozak, Mutlucan ; Werner, Robin ; Kita, Jaroslaw:
Powder aerosol deposition (PAD) : a promising coating tool (not only) for functional ceramics.
Event: 98. DKG-Jahrestagung
, 27.03.-30.03.2023
, Jena.
(Conference item: Conference
Vysoudil, Filip ; Hansen, Sönke ; Mennenga, Mark ; Fukuda, Maho ; Ohnemüller, Gregor ; Rüther, Tom ; Goers, Dietrich ; Koller, Jan ; Nikolowski, Kristian ; Rosemann, Bernd ; Wolter, Mareike ; Danzer, Michael A. ; Döpper, Frank ; Herrmann, Christoph ; Vietor, Thomas:
Procedure Model to Support the Recycling-Oriented Design of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles.
In: Fukushige, Shinichi ; Kobayashi, Hideki ; Yamasue, Eiji ; Hara, Keishiro
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Amelung, Wulf ; Meyer, Nele ; Rodionov, Andrei ; Knief, Claudia ; Aehnelt, Michaela ; Bauke, Sara L. ; Biesgen, Danh ; Dultz, Stefan ; Guggenberger, Georg ; Jaber, Maguy ; Klumpp, Erwin ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid ; Nischwitz, Volker ; Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Wu, Bei ; Totsche, Kai U. ; Lehndorff, Eva:
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Rocchini, Duccio ; Tordoni, Enrico ; Marchetto, Elisa ; Marcantonio, Matteo ; Barbosa, A. Márcia ; Bazzichetto, Manuele ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Castelnuovo, Elisa ; Gatti, Roberto Cazzolla ; Chiarucci, Alessandro ; Chieffallo, Ludovico ; Da Re, Daniele ; Di Musciano, Michele ; Foody, Giles M. ; Gabor, Lukas ; Garzon-Lopez, Carol X. ; Guisan, Antoine ; Hattab, Tarek ; Hortal, Joaquin ; Kunin, William E. ; Jordán, Ferenc ; Lenoir, Jonathan ; Mirri, Silvia ; Moudrý, Vítězslav ; Naimi, Babak ; Nowosad, Jakub ; Sabatini, Francesco Maria ; Schweiger, Andreas ; Šímová, Petra ; Tessarolo, Geiziane ; Zannini, Piero ; Malavasi, Marco:
A quixotic view of spatial bias in modelling the distribution of species and their diversity.
In: npj Biodiversity.
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Aguilar‐Trigueros, Carlos A. ; Krah, Franz-Sebastian ; Cornwell, William K. ; Zanne, Amy E. ; Abrego, Nerea ; Anderson, Ian C. ; Andrew, Carrie J. ; Baldrian, Petr ; Bässler, Claus ; Bissett, Andrew ; Chaudhary, V. Bala ; Chen, Baodong ; Chen, Yongliang ; Delgado‐Baquerizo, Manuel ; Deveautour, Coline ; Egidi, Eleonora ; Flores‐Moreno, Habacuc ; Golan, Jacob ; Heilmann‐Clausen, Jacob ; Hempel, Stefan ; Hu, Yajun ; Kauserud, Håvard ; Kivlin, Stephanie N. ; Kohout, Petr ; Lammel, Daniel R. ; Maestre, Fernando T. ; Pringle, Anne ; Purhonen, Jenna ; Singh, Brajesh K. ; Veresoglou, Stavros D. ; Větrovský, Tomáš ; Zhang, Haiyang ; Rillig, Matthias C. ; Powell, Jeff R.:
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Synergistically Stabilizing Zinc Anodes by Molybdenum Dioxide Coating and Tween 80 Electrolyte Additive for High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries.
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Wang, Kai ; Hua, Weibo ; Huang, Xiaohui ; Stenzel, David ; Wang, Junbo ; Ding, Ziming ; Cui, Yanyan ; Wang, Qingsong ; Ehrenberg, Helmut ; Breitung, Ben ; Kübel, Christian ; Mu, Xiaoke:
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Tinya, Flóra ; Doerfler, Inken ; de Groot, Maarten ; Heilman-Clausen, Jacob ; Kovács, Bence ; Mårell, Anders ; Nordén, Björn ; Aszalós, Réka ; Bässler, Claus ; Brazaitis, Gediminas ; Burrascano, Sabina ; Camprodon, Jordi ; Chudomelová, Markéta ; Čížek, Lukáš ; D'Andrea, Ettore ; Gossner, Martin ; Halme, Panu ; Hédl, Radim ; Korboulewsky, Nathalie ; Kouki, Jari ; Kozel, Petr ; Lõhmus, Asko ; López, Rosana ; Máliš, František ; Martín, Juan A. ; Matteucci, Giorgio ; Mattioli, Walter ; Mundet, Roser ; Müller, Jörg ; Nicolas, Manuel ; Oldén, Anna ; Piqué, Míriam ; Preikša, Žydrūnas ; Rovira Ciuró, Joan ; Remm, Liina ; Schall, Peter ; Šebek, Pavel ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Simončič, Primož ; Ujházy, Karol ; Ujházyová, Mariana ; Vild, Ondřej ; Vincenot, Lucie ; Weisser, Wolfgang ; Ódor, Péter:
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Toughening oxide glasses through paracrystallization.
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Engel, Thore ; Bruelheide, Helge ; Hoss, Daniela ; Sabatini, Francesco M. ; Altman, Jan ; Arfin Khan, Mohammed Abu Sayed ; Bergmeier, Erwin ; Černý, Tomáš ; Chytrý, Milan ; Dainese, Matteo ; Dengler, Jürgen ; Dolezal, Jiri ; Field, Richard ; Fischer, Felícia M. ; Huygens, Dries ; Jandt, Ute ; Jansen, Florian ; Jentsch, Anke ; Karger, Dirk N. ; Kattge, Jens ; Lenoir, Jonathan ; Lens, Frederic ; Loos, Jaqueline ; Niinemets, Ülo ; Overbeck, Gerhard E. ; Ozinga, Wim A. ; Penuelas, Josep ; Peyre, Gwendolyn ; Phillips, Oliver ; Reich, Peter B. ; Römermann, Christine ; Sandel, Brody ; Schmidt, Marco ; Schrodt, Franziska ; Velez‐Martin, Eduardo ; Violle, Cyrille ; Pillar, Valério:
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In: Global Ecology and Biogeography.
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Wu, Zixin ; Zeng, Guifan ; Yin, Jianhua ; Chiang, Chao-Lung ; Zhang, Qinghua ; Zhang, Baodan ; Chen, Jianken ; Yan, Yawen ; Tang, Yonglin ; Zhang, Haitang ; Zhou, Shiyuan ; Wang, Qingsong ; Kuai, Xiaoxiao ; Lin, Yan-Gu ; Gu, Lin ; Qiao, Yu ; Sun, Shi-Gang:
Unveiling the Evolution of LiCoO₂ beyond 4.6 V.
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Biberger, Simon ; Schötz, Konstantin ; Leupold, Nico ; Ramming, Philipp ; Spies, Maximilian ; Moos, Ralf ; Köhler, Anna ; Grüninger, Helen ; Panzer, Fabian:
Using Multimodal In Situ Spectroscopy to Understand the Influence of the Ionic Liquid BMIMBF4 on the Film Formation and Optoelectronic Properties of MAPbI3 Thin Films.
Event: 2023 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
, April 10-14, 2023
, San Francisco, California, USA.
(Conference item: Conference
Di Genova, Danilo ; Bondar, Dmitry ; Zandonà, Alessio ; Valdivia Munoz, Pedro Antonio ; Al-Mukadam, Raschid ; Fei, Hongzhan ; Withers, Anthony ; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana ; Kurnosov, Alexander ; McCammon, Catherine ; Deubener, Joachim ; Katsura, Tomoo:
Viscosity of anhydrous and hydrous peridotite melts.
In: Chemical Geology.
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Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Nogales, Manuel ; Field, Richard ; Vetaas, Ole R. ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Weiser, Frank ; Stahlmann, Reinhold ; Guerrero-Campos, María ; Jentsch, Anke ; Medina, Félix M. ; Chiarucci, Alessandro:
Volcanic ash deposition as a selection mechanism towards woodiness.
In: npj Biodiversity.
Vol. 2
Issue 1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s44185-023-00018-2
Malyshev, Andrey V. ; Blume-Werry, Gesche ; Spiller, Ophelia ; Smiljanić, Marko ; Weigel, Robert ; Kolb, Alexander ; Nze, Byron Y. ; Märker, Frederik ; Sommer, Freymuth Carl-Fried Johannes ; Kinley, Kinley ; Ziegler, Jan ; Pasang, Pasang ; Mahara, Robert ; Joshi, Silviya ; Heinsohn, Vincent ; Kreyling, Jürgen:
Warming nondormant tree roots advances aboveground spring phenology in temperate trees.
In: New Phytologist.
Vol. 240
Issue 6
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Vinnepand, Mathias ; Fischer, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Jöris, Olaf ; Craig, Carol-Ann ; Zeeden, Christian ; Thornton, Barry ; Tütken, Thomas ; Prud'homme, Charlotte ; Schulte, Philipp ; Moine, Olivier ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Laag, Christian ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Schirmer, Wolfgang ; Vött, Andreas:
What do dust sinks tell us about their sources and past environmental dynamics? A case study for oxygen isotope stages 3-2 in the Middle Rhine Valley, Germany.
In: Quaternary Science Journal.
Vol. 72
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Zou, Jia-Yun ; Cadotte, Marc W. ; Bässler, Claus ; Brandl, Roland ; Baldrian, Petr ; Borken, Werner ; Stengel, Elisa ; Luo, Ya-Huang ; Müller, Jörg ; Seibold, Sebastian:
Wood decomposition is increased by insect diversity, selection effects, and interactions between insects and microbes.
In: Ecology.
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Baumann, Michael Heinrich:
On the Risks of Feedback-Trading.
Event: 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
, 12-16 September 2022
, University of Bayreuth.
(Conference item: Conference
Epprecht, Marc ; Mbaye, Aminata Cécile:
In: Bhana, Deevia ; Crewe, Mary ; Aggleton, Peter
Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Health in Southern Africa. -
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003139782
Faghih-Naini, Sara ; Aizinger, Vadym ; Kuckuk, Sebastian ; Angersbach, Richard ; Zint, Daniel ; Kemmler, Samuel ; Köstler, Harald ; Grosso, Roberto:
GHODDESS : p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin discretization for ocean simulations.
Event: LSS Summer Retreat 2022
, 18.-20. July 2022
, Waischenfeld, Germany.
(Conference item: Workshop
Kita, Jaroslaw ; Nazarenus, Tobias ; Paulus, Daniel ; Leupold, Nico ; Linz, Mario ; Sozak, Mutlucan ; Hennerici, Lukas ; Moos, Ralf:
The Powder Aerosol Deposition Method : Possibilities and Actual Limitations.
Event: Ceramics in Europe
, 10.-14. July 2022
, Cracow, Poland.
(Conference item: Conference
Tchokothe, Rémi Armand:
Le Franç(h)ais en Mode DésappartenUance dans Les Démons de l’Aube.
In: Barry, Alpha ; Chadli Abdelkader, Yamna
Le français et ses usages dans l’espace francophone : Créativités langagières et identités socio-discursives : En Hommage à Musanji Mwatha Ngalasso, Professeur émérite à l’université Bordeaux Montaigne. -
: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux,
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; 11
Faghih-Naini, Sara ; Zint, Daniel ; Kuckuk, Sebastian ; Kemmler, Samuel ; Aizinger, Vadym ; Grosso, Roberto ; Köstler, Harald:
Shallow water simulations on complex ocean domains using block-structured grids.
Event: Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2022
, 27.-29. June 2022
, Basel, Switzerland.
(Conference item: Conference
Baumann, Michael Heinrich ; Baumann, Michaela ; Herz, Bernhard:
Financial Stability and Actively Traded Exchange-Traded Funds.
Event: 26th Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (ICMAIF)
, 26-28 May 2022
, University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece.
(Conference item: Conference
Li, Bingtao ; Deodeshmukh, Vinay ; Schlereth, Clara ; Ulrich, Anke Silvia ; Galetz, Mathias C.:
Metal Dusting Resistance of N06235 Alloy and its Weld Overlay Under High Pressure Condition.
Event: AMPP Annual Conference + Expo
, March 2022
, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
(Conference item: Conference
Abhilash, K. P. ; Pazhaniswamy, Sivaraj ; Pal, Bhupendar ; Nithyadharseni, P. ; Nalini, B. ; Yadav, Sudheer Kumar ; Illango, Robert ; Sofer, Zdenek:
Advanced Characterization Techniques to Unveil the Dynamics of Challenging Nano-scale Interfaces in All-Solid-State Batteries.
In: Palaniyandy, Nithyadharseni ; Abhilash, K. P. ; Nalini, B.
Solid State Batteries : Design, Challenges and Market Demands. -
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-12470-9_8
Zint, Daniel ; Grosso, Roberto ; Aizinger, Vadym ; Faghih-Naini, Sara ; Kuckuk, Sebastian ; Köstler, Harald:
Automatic Generation of Load-Balancing-Aware Block-Structured Grids for Complex Ocean Domains.
In: Robinson, Trevor ; Moxey, David ; Tomov, Vladimir Z.
Proceedings of the 2022 SIAM International Meshing Roundtable. -
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Wulfmeier, Hendrik ; Kohlmann, Dhyan ; Defferriere, Thomas ; Steiner, Carsten ; Schewe, Marvin ; Rembe, Christian ; Moos, Ralf ; Tuller, Harry ; Fritze, Holger:
Chemical expansion of cerium oxide based thin films.
Event: Solid State Ionics 23
, 17.-22.07.2022
, Boston, USA.
(Conference item: Conference
Schultz, Emily L. ; Hülsmann, Lisa ; Pillet, Michiel D. ; Hartig, Florian ; Breshears, David D. ; Record, Sydne ; Shaw, John D. ; DeRose, Justin D. ; Zuidema, Peter A. ; Evans, Margaret E. K.:
Climate-driven, but dynamic and complex? : A reconciliation of competing hypotheses for species’ distributions.
In: Ecology Letters.
Vol. 25
Issue 1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13902
Hanz, Dagmar M. ; Cutts, Vanessa ; Barajas‐Barbosa, Martha Paola ; Algar, Adam C. ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Fernández-Palacios, José María ; Field, Richard ; Kreft, Holger ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Weigelt, Patrick ; Irl, Severin D. H. ; Davies, Jonathan:
Climatic and biogeographical drivers of functional diversity in the flora of the Canary Islands.
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography.
Vol. 31
Issue 7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13507
Walter, Stefanie ; Schwanzer, Peter ; Hagen, Gunter ; Rabl, Hans-Peter ; Dietrich, Markus ; Moos, Ralf:
Combined Ash and Soot Monitoring in Gasoline Particulate Filters with a Radio-Frequency-Based Sensor.
Event: SAE World Congress Experience
, April 5-7, 2022
, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
(Conference item: Conference
Sarkar, Abhishek ; Eggert, Benedikt ; Witte, Ralf ; Lill, Johanna ; Velasco, Leonardo ; Wang, Qingsong ; Sonar, Janhavika ; Ollefs, Katharina ; Bhattacharya, Subramshu S. ; Brand, Richard A. ; Wende, Heiko ; de Groot, Frank M. F. ; Clemens, Oliver ; Hahn, Horst ; Kruk, Robert:
Comprehensive investigation of crystallographic, spin-electronic and magnetic structure of (Co₀.₂Cr₀.₂Fe₀.₂Mn₀.₂Ni₀.₂)₃O₄ : Unraveling the suppression of configuration entropy in high entropy oxides.
In: Acta Materialia.
Vol. 226
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117581
Vinnepand, Mathias ; Fischer, Peter ; Jöris, Olaf ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zeeden, Christian ; Schulte, Philipp ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Prud’homme, Charlotte ; Peric, Zoran ; Schirmer, Wolfgang ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Fiedler, Sabine ; Vött, Andreas:
Decoding geochemical signals of the Schwalbenberg Loess-Palaeosol-Sequences : A key to Upper Pleistocene ecosystem responses to climate changes in western Central Europe.
In: Catena.
Vol. 212
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2022.106076
Menzel, Teresa ; Meides, Nora ; Mauel, Anika ; Mansfeld, Ulrich ; Kretschmer, Winfried ; Kuhn, Meike ; Herzig, Eva M. ; Altstädt, Volker ; Strohriegl, Peter ; Senker, Jürgen ; Ruckdäschel, Holger:
Degradation of low-density polyethylene to nanoplastic particles by accelerated weathering.
In: Science of the Total Environment.
Vol. 826
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