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Some Aspects of the Development of the Islamic Pious Endowments in Morocco, Algeria and Egypt in the 20th Century

Title data

Kogelmann, Franz:
Some Aspects of the Development of the Islamic Pious Endowments in Morocco, Algeria and Egypt in the 20th Century.
In: Deguilhem, Randi ; Henia, Abdelhamid (ed.): Les fondations pieuses (waqf) en Méditerranée : enjeux de société, enjeux de pouvoir. - Kuwait : Fondation Publique des Awqaf du Koweit , 2004 . - pp. 343-393
ISBN 99906-36-40-0

Further data

Item Type: Article in a book
Refereed: No
Keywords: waqf; Stiftungswesen; Ägypten; Algerien; Marokko; Islam
Institutions of the University: Research Institutions > Research Centres > Institute of African Studies - IAS
Research Institutions
Research Institutions > Research Centres
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 200 Religion > 290 Other religions
900 History and geography > 960 History of Africa
Date Deposited: 14 Sep 2015 07:09
Last Modified: 18 Jul 2017 08:43