Title data
Probst, Christian ; Meichner, Christoph ; Kreger, Klaus ; Kador, Lothar ; Neuber, Christian ; Schmidt, Hans-Werner:
Athermal Azobenzene-Based Nanoimprint Lithography.
In: Advanced Materials.
Vol. 28
Issue 13
- pp. 2624-2628.
ISSN 1521-4095
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201505552
Abstract in another language
A novel nanoimprint lithography technique based on the photofluidization effect of azobenzene materials is presented. The tunable process allows for imprinting under ambient conditions without crosslinking reactions, so that shrinkage of the resist is avoided. Patterning of surfaces in the regime from micrometers down to 100 nm is demonstrated.