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Creation of oscillating electronic wave packets in a quantum dot by capture processes

Title data

Glanemann, Markus ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann:
Creation of oscillating electronic wave packets in a quantum dot by capture processes.
In: Physica Status Solidi C. (2003) Issue 5 . - pp. 1523-1526.
ISSN 1610-1642

Abstract in another language

The creation of oscillating electronic wave packets in a quantum dot embedded in a quantum wire is studied. The packets build up due to optical phonon induced capture processes of electrons from the delocalized states of the wire into the localized states of the dot. The calculations are performed on a quantum kinetic level within the framework of the density matrix theory. Since the trapped electrons in general are found to be in coherent superpositions of the available localized dot states the wave packet exhibits oscillatory dynamics. We have analyzed the impact of the initial spatial extension of the wave packet and of the spatial and spectral properties of the quantum dot on the capture process. It turns out that the resulting electronic oscillations crucially depend on the ratio of the dot excitation time and the period corresponding to the energetic splitting of the dot levels.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Keywords: quantum dot; quantum wire; quamtum kinetics; wave packet transport; carrier capture; phonon induced capture; LO phonons
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Physics
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Physics > Chair Theoretical Physics III > Chair Theoretical Physics III - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Axt
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Physics > Chair Theoretical Physics III
Result of work at the UBT: No
DDC Subjects: 500 Science > 530 Physics
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2017 07:36
Last Modified: 08 Mar 2022 10:17