Title data
Buck, Christoph ; Eder, David:
The Impact of Digitization on Business Models : A Systematic Literature Review.
Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). -
New Orleans, USA
. - pp. 3185-3194
ISBN 978-1-5108-7016-1
Abstract in another language
The emergence of digital technologies is disrupting entire industries and businesses face severe shifts in their competitive environment. New competitors with digitally driven business models enter the market and challenge incumbent firms. The concept of business model can help to understand the influence of digitization, but current research efforts do not fully provide a broad understanding. The aim of the paper is to structure the existing literature and provide a conceptual framework for future research. Therefore, a systematic literature review is conducted to gain comprehensive insights. Findings reveal that the impact of digitization on business models can be described through the concept of business model change, namely: creation, termination, revision and extension. This paper provides a conceptual framework for future research on the impact of digitization on business models.