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Transformation of the Familiy Economy in Africa : From Pioneers to Survivors

Title data

Spittler, Gerd:
Transformation of the Familiy Economy in Africa : From Pioneers to Survivors.
In: Bertram, Hans ; Ehlert, Nancy (ed.): Family, ties and care : family transformation in a plural modernitiy. - Opladen : Budrich , 2012 . - pp. 521-536
ISBN 978-3-86649-392-6

Abstract in another language

Families international the new milestone How may care be secured particularly in ageing societies, how may families, relatives and friends support each other and live together beyond market reasons? How can social welfare be secured? How do different countries and different cultures solve the problems they may or may not, now or in days to come, share with other countries and cultures? Families, as is found in this publication by internationally renowned experts, are the base and well of society s fortune in a humane paradigm. Furthermore, it is the very backbone of lifelong solidarity in inter-generational relations, and the very place where the readiness of taking on care and responsibility are experienced and learned. The publication s underlying idea opens up two perspectives: on the one hand, differences and similarities in family life forms are chiselled out on the base of an international cooperation. Simultaneously, the international authors are called upon to express their ideas about their own country s future more distinctly and clearly; thus, distinctions and similarities of the respective paths of development are rather easily perceived.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a book
Refereed: Yes
Keywords: Africa; Economy; Family
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Chair Social and Cultural Anthropology
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Former Professors > Lehrstuhl Ethnologie - Prof. em. Dr. Gerd Spittler
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Former Professors
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 300 Social sciences
300 Social sciences > 300 Social sciences, sociology and anthropology
Date Deposited: 27 Nov 2018 10:40
Last Modified: 14 Aug 2020 06:42