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Bürger, Olga:
How to Structure a Company-wide Adoption of Big Data Analytics.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). -
Siegen, Deutschland
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Abstract in another language
Driven by increasing amounts of data and by emerging technologies to store and analyze them, companies adopt Big Data Analytics (BDA) to improve their innovativeness and decision-making. However,adopting BDA across the company in the sense of an insight-driven organization (IDO) is challenging, since it influencesthe entire company and requires an organizational change. Despite mature knowledge, approaches that provide concrete methods for structuring the company-wide adoption of BDA tofully exploit the benefits of BDA andtoreduce the risk of its failureare still missing. Following action design research, we developed and evaluated a method for structuring the company-wide adoption of BDAin a concerted research effort at a German bank. Based on knowledge of BDA and the roadmapping approach, the method structures the adoptionalong the BDA capabilities. We illustrate how companies can define a target state, identify gaps, and derive aBDAroadmap