Title data
Körner, Marc-Fabian ; Bauer, Dennis ; Keller, Robert ; Rösch, Martin ; Schlereth, Andreas ; Simon, Peter ; Bauernhansl, Thomas ; Fridgen, Gilbert ; Reinhart, Gunther:
Extending the Automation Pyramid for Industrial Demand Response.
Proceedings of the 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS). -
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Project information
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Project's official title Project's id Projektgruppe WI Nachhaltiges Energiemanagement & Mobilität No information |
Abstract in another language
Industrial demand response uses a multitude of energy flexibility measures. Their planning and control requires various production IT systems. A widely accepted approach to classify these inhouse IT systems are the levels of the automation pyramid in companies. This paper broadens the scope of this concept to overcome the limitation to companies’ (virtual) borders by including required IT systems that refine and monetarize a company’s energy flexibility, e.g. energy markets, aggregators, etc. Therefore, a holistic approach for the classification of functionalities for industrial demand response across companies and energy markets is developed and applied exemplarily.