Title data
Schott, Paul ; Sedlmeir, Johannes ; Strobel, Nina ; Weber, Thomas ; Fridgen, Gilbert ; Abele, Eberhard:
A Generic Data Model for Describing Flexibility in Power Markets.
In: Energies.
Vol. 12
Issue 10
- 1893.
ISSN 1996-1073
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en12101893
Abstract in another language
In this article, we present a new descriptive model for industrial flexibility with respect to power consumption. The advancing digitization in the energy sector opens up new possibilities for utilizing and automatizing the marketing of flexibility potentials and therefore facilitates a more advanced energy management. This requires a standardized description and modeling of power-related flexibility. The data model in this work has been developed in close collaboration with several partners from different industries in the context of a major German research project.
A suitable set of key figures allows for also describing complex production processes that exhibit interdependencies and storage-like properties. The data model can be applied to other areas as well, e.g., power plants, plug-in electric vehicles, or power-related flexibility of households.