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Antizyklischer Kapitalpuffer aktiviert – zu spät, zu wenig und dennoch richtig

Title data

Gischer, Horst ; Herz, Bernhard ; Menkhoff, Lukas:
Antizyklischer Kapitalpuffer aktiviert – zu spät, zu wenig und dennoch richtig.
In: Wirtschaftsdienst. Vol. 99 (2019) Issue 11 . - pp. 784-788.
ISSN 1613-978X

Official URL: Volltext

Abstract in another language

In Deutschland wurde erstmals der antizyklische Eigenkapitalpuffer für Banken aktiviert. Die
Eigenkapitalanforderungen wurden um den kleinstmöglichen Schritt erhöht. Außerdem erfolgt die Umsetzung im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern relativ spät. Dieses Muster der kleinen und späten Umsetzung kann eine Folge des institutionellen Rahmens mit drei zuständigen Institutionen sein. Die übrigen europäischen Länder handeln schneller und entschlossener, wenn die Entscheidung von einer einzigen Institution getroffen wird.

Abstract in another language

German authorities have implemented a new element of macroprudential regulation for the fi rst time, i.e. they activated the anti-cyclical capital buffer for banks, which will become legally binding from July 2020 onwards. The authorities have chosen to increase capital requirements by the smallest possible step, namely 0.25 percentage points of bank capital. Moreover, the implementation is relatively late compared to other European countries. The authors argue that this pattern of small and late implementation may be a consequence of the institutional setting, that three institutions have to agree on such an action. Generally, it seems that European countries act faster and more decisively if the decision is made by a single institution. Moreover, the arguments provided by German authorities
indicate that a decision could have been made earlier.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: No
Keywords: Bankenpolitik; Bankensystem; Geldpolitik; Kapitalstock; Regulierung
Subject classification: JEL Classification: E58, G28, G28
Institutions of the University: Faculties
Faculties > Faculty of Law, Business and Economics
Faculties > Faculty of Law, Business and Economics > Department of Economics
Faculties > Faculty of Law, Business and Economics > Department of Economics > Chair Economics I - International Economics and Finance
Faculties > Faculty of Law, Business and Economics > Department of Economics > Chair Economics I - International Economics and Finance > Chair Economics I - International Economics and Finance - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Herz
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 300 Social sciences
300 Social sciences > 330 Economics
Date Deposited: 21 Nov 2019 08:01
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2022 09:16