Title data
Heiduk, Annemarie ; Haenni, Jean-Paul ; Meve, Ulrich ; Schulz, Stefan ; Dötterl, Stefan:
Flower scent of Ceropegia stenantha : electrophysiological activity and synthesis of novel components.
In: Journal of Comparative Physiology A.
Vol. 205
Issue 3
- pp. 301-310.
ISSN 1432-1351
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-019-01318-4
Abstract in another language
In specialized pollination systems, floral scents are crucial for flower–pollinator communication, but key volatiles that attract pollinators are unknown for most systems. Deceptive Ceropegia trap flowers are famous for their elaborate mechanisms to trap flies. Recent studies revealed species-specific floral chemistry suggesting highly specialized mimicry strategies. However, volatiles involved in fly attraction were until now identified in C. dolichophylla and C. sandersonii, only. We here present data on C. stenantha for which flower scent and pollinators were recently described, but volatiles involved in flower–fly communication stayed unknown. We performed electrophysiological measurements with scatopsid fly pollinators (Coboldia fuscipes) and identified 12 out of 13 biologically active floral components. Among these volatiles some were never described from any organism but C. stenantha. We synthesized these components, tested them on antennae of male and female flies, and confirmed their biological activity. Overall, our data show that half of the volatiles emitted from C. stenantha flowers are perceived by male and female fly pollinators and are potentially important for flower–fly communication in this pollination system. Further studies are needed to clarify the role of the electrophysiologically active components in the life of scatopsid fly pollinators, and to fully understand the pollination strategy of C. stenantha.