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Ernst, Wolf-Dieter:
In: Theater Topics. (2010) . - pp. 15-25.
ISSN 1871-3009

Abstract in another language

This papers sets out to propose 'interactivity' as a useful category for analysing how and for what purpose artists make use of digital and telematic set-ups within theatre and performance. In a dictionary style, it offers the reader the concept's history in both sociology and performance studies and contains a case-study on the performance CallCutta (2005) by Rimini Protokoll.

Whereas conventional aesthetic analyses attempt to examine medial configurations in theatre in terms of their aesthetic form, the concept of interactivity defines these aesthetics as dynamic formations. It calls for a paradigm shift from that of meaning towards a paradigm of bodily action. As a notion that shifts between the social and the aesthetic, the concept is particularly useful for describing the transformational potential of digital configurations.

Abstract in another language

Der Artikel präsentiert grundlegende Überlegungen zur Interaktivität vor dem Hintergrund der Begriffsgeschichte in der Soziologie und den Performance Studies und präsentiert deren Brauchbarkeit am Beispiel einer Analyse der Performance "Call Cutta" von Rimini Protokoll.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Keywords: Rimini Protokoll, Performance, Interactivity
Subject classification: Performane Studies, Theatre Studies, Sociology
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Languages and Literature > Professor Theatre and Media Studies > Professor Theatre and Media Studies - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Ernst
Faculties > Faculty of Languages and Literature
Faculties > Faculty of Languages and Literature > Professor Theatre and Media Studies
Result of work at the UBT: No
DDC Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 300 Social sciences, sociology and anthropology
700 Arts and recreation > 700 Arts
Date Deposited: 16 Mar 2015 12:38
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2015 12:38