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What science means to me : Understanding personal identification with (evolutionary) science using the sociology of (non)religion

Title data

Jones, Stephen H. ; Elsdon-Baker, Fern ; Catto, Rebecca ; Kaden, Tom:
What science means to me : Understanding personal identification with (evolutionary) science using the sociology of (non)religion.
In: Public Understanding of Science. Vol. 29 (2020) Issue 6 . - pp. 579-596.
ISSN 1361-6609

Abstract in another language

Within science and technology studies, there is an established tradition of examining publics’ knowledge of, trust in, access to and engagement with science, but less attention has been paid to whether and why publics identify with science. While this is understandable given the field’s interest in bridging gaps between publics and producers of scientific knowledge, it leaves unanswered questions about how science forms part of people’s worldviews and fits into cultural politics and conflict. Based on 123 interviews and 16 focus groups with mixed religious and nonreligious publics and scientists in the United Kingdom and Canada, this article utilises approaches from the sociology of (non)religion to delineate varieties of science identification. It maps out ‘practical’, ‘norm-based’, ‘civilisational’ and ‘existential’ identifications and explores how these interrelate with people’s social characteristics. The article illustrates how science identification is typically dependent on a constellation of cultural/political influences rather than just emerging out of interest in science.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Chair Sociology of Culture and Religion > Chair Sociology of Culture and Religion - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernt Schnettler
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Chair Sociology of Culture and Religion
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 300 Social sciences, sociology and anthropology
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2020 07:07
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2022 14:00