Title data
Stahl, Bastian ; Renner, Julia ; Huber, Rocco:
Combining Individual and Organizational Capabilities : An Integrated Maturity Model for Ambidexterity.
Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). -
Honolulu, USA
ISBN 978-0-9981331-4-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24251/HICSS.2021.699
Abstract in another language
Ambidexterity, the ability to simultaneously explore and exploit, has become a success factor to benefit from digitalization. Yet, especially for market incumbents, it is still challenging to develop needed capabilities for mastering ambidexterity. Existing work on ambidexterity lacks approaches for a holistic and combined perspective on the organization and the individual. Therefore, we develop an Individual and Organizational Ambidexterity Maturity Model (IOAMM) that provides holistic guidance for practitioners in approaching ambidexterity. Based on a literature review, our model consists of two dimensions for individual and organizational capabilities and is structured along five maturity stages. A prelim-inary evaluation with industry experts provides first feedback regarding comprehensiveness, consistency, and problem adequacy. Our IOAMM contributes to research by integrating two previously separate perspectives and extending both perspectives by a digital capability. For practitioners, it provides practical guidance for assessing and developing needed capabilities.