Title data
Kuboth, Sebastian ; Weith, Theresa ; Heberle, Florian ; Welzl, Matthias ; Brüggemann, Dieter:
Experimental Long-Term Investigation of Model Predictive Heat Pump Control in Residential Buildings with Photovoltaic Power Generation.
In: Energies.
Vol. 13
Issue 22
- 6016.
ISSN 1996-1073
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en13226016
Project information
Project title: |
Project's official title Project's id Graduiertenkolleg Energieautarke Gebäude of the
TechnologieAllianzOberfranken (TAO No information Open Access Publizieren No information |
Project financing: |
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst |
Abstract in another language
This article presents a 125-day experiment to investigate model predictive heat pump control. The experiment was performed in two parallel operated systems with identical components during the heating season. One of the systems was operated by a standard controller and thus represented a reference to evaluate the model predictive control. Both test rigs were heated by an air-source heat pump which is influenced by real weather conditions. A single-family house model depending on weather measurement data ensured a realistic heat consumption in the test rigs. The adapted model predictive control algorithm aimed to minimize the operational costs of the heat pump. The evaluation of the measurement results showed that the electrical energy demand of the heat pump can be reduced and the coefficient of performance can be increased by applying the model predictive controller. Furthermore, the self-consumption of photovoltaic electricity, which is calculated by means of a photovoltaic model and global radiation measurement data, was more than doubled. Consequently, the energy costs of heat pump operation were reduced by 9.0 in comparison to the reference and assuming German energy prices. The results were further compared to the scientific literature and short-term measurements were performed with the same experimental setup. The dependence of the measurement results on the weather conditions and the weather forecasting quality are shown. It was found that the duration of experiments should be as long as possible for a comprehensive evaluation of the model predictive control potential.