Title data
Gimpel, Henner ; Graf-Drasch, Valerie ; Hawlitschek, Florian ; Neumeier, Kathrin:
Tackling Scarcity with Smartness : Sustainable Water Systems in Smart Cities.
Event: Pre-ICIS 2020 Workshop
, Oktober 2020
, online.
(Conference item: Workshop
Abstract in another language
IS scholars are committed to significantly address the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping our globe. At the same time, we must not forget that this commitment is only one piece of the puzzle. On a greater scale our discipline is asked to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where we still have blind spots on our agenda, such as SDG#6 "Water." Water is the basis of life and increasing scarcity triggered by climate change threatens humanity. Experts make impassionate calls for sustainable water management solutions as seminal part of smart cities. We follow this call and model a sustainable water system with the help of IS. A prototype is instantiated in a German city.