Title data
Häckel, Björn ; Huber, Rocco ; Stahl, Bastian ; Stöter, Maximilian:
Becoming a Product-Service System Provider : A Maturity Model for Manufacturers.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). -
Duisburg, Germany
Project information
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Project's official title Project's id Projektgruppe WI IT-gestütztes Finanzmanagement No information |
Abstract in another language
For the manufacturing industry, exploiting the opportunities of digital transformation often implies the strategic development from being a manufacturer of pure physical products to one providing Product-Service Systems (PSS). In literature, PSS can be distinguished in different types, which differ substantially in their configuration of the underlying business model. However, since distinct PSS types require different organizational capabilities, the transformation toward a PSS provider is a challenge for managers. To provide guidance, scientific and professional literature mostly focuses on selected aspects. Though, a holistic consideration of relevant capabilities for the respective PSS type remains untapped. Against this backdrop, we developed a PSS Maturity Model (PSSMM) to guide organizations in developing appropriate capabilities. To provide an integrated view, the PSSMM refers to 5 focus areas, 20 capability dimensions, and associated capabilities. To develop and evaluate our model, we used the well-known approach of Becker et al.