Title data
Gimpel, Henner ; Graf-Drasch, Valerie ; Hawlitschek, Florian ; Neumeier, Kathrin:
Information Systems for Sustainable Use of Water in Smart Cities : A Review and Call for Future Research.
Event: SIGGreen Pre-ICIS 2020 Workshop
, 12. Dez. 2020
, Online.
(Conference item: Workshop
Abstract in another language
Water is the basis of life—that being said, the rising scarcity triggered by climate change and urbanization is an increasingly important challenge in urban areas. The United Nations present “water” as one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and experts make impassionate calls for sustainable water management solutions as a seminal part of smart cities. While there are numerous research efforts in the IS community regarding certain SDGs and smart cities, we demonstrate in a structured literature review that urban water scarcity is still a blind spot. In this paper, we present pathways for future research alleys on this topic. We sketch out a vision for a smart city water system that is based on a novel information system. We draw on the energy informatics framework as a theoretical basis for our work and provide a context-specific discussion on its transferability to the resource of water in smart cities. By introducing urban water scarcity to the IS research agenda and showing opportunities as well as boundaries for the transfer of the energy informatics framework, we hope to stimulate IS researchers to be more active in pursuing research efforts in this pressing topic.