Title data
Buck, Christoph ; Grüneke, Timo ; Stelzl, Katharina:
Structuring the Jungle of Capabilities Fostering Digital Innovation.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). -
Duisburg, Germany
Project information
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Project's official title Project's id Projektgruppe WI Digitales Innovationsmanagement No information |
Abstract in another language
Driven by digitalization, the business environment is changing at an increasing pace. To be able to react to this, organizations must gain competitive advantages through Digital Innovation (DI). This special form of innovation requires a reorganization and further development of the resource and capability base of an organization. The existing literature shows a proliferation of definitions and a jungle of individual capabilities with regard to DI. Based on a structured literature review and a qualitative analysis of existing capabilities, the paper presents a DI Capability Model. By structuring layers, areas and associated capabilities, the model provides the first holistic view in the literature. It will serve as a basis for a targeted scientific discourse and a valuable orientation model for the development of a capability composition to nurture DI in organizations.