Title data
Fehrer, Tobias ; Fischer, Dominik Andreas ; Leemans, Sander J. J. ; Röglinger, Maximilian ; Wynn, Moe T.:
A tool for assisted Business Process Redesign.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM). -
Münster, Germany
Abstract in another language
The continuous optimization of business processes remains a critical success factor for companies. The assisted business process redesign (aBPR) concept guides users in improving business processes based on redesign patterns. Depending on the process data at hand, it generates four types of recommendations that differ in their level of automation. This paper presents a tool implementation of the aBPR concept as a stand-alone desktop application that has been successfully used in several case studies. The aBPR tool uses BPMN diagrams, redesign best practices, and simulation experiments to guide the user to the next best process design in a modeling application.