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The Peace Prefix: Ambiguities of the Word "Peace"

Title data

Kühn, Florian P.:
The Peace Prefix: Ambiguities of the Word "Peace".
In: International Peacekeeping. Vol. 19 (2012) Issue 4 . - pp. 396-409.
ISSN 1743-906X

Abstract in another language

The Western security community has increasingly militarized its politics of peace, through peacekeeping, peace-making and other policies to which the ‘peace’ prefix has been attributed. Peace has become a virtual concept, which at times disguises rather violent management techniques of ‘global governance’. Peace, within this framework, is a practice and a policy, mantled by a narrative of a liberal, and teleological, desire for non-violence. Non-violence towards the governing institutions became viewed as peace, advancing the notion of ‘peace-as-order’. A teleology of liberal development helped to securitize the ‘not-yet-liberalized Other’, excluding non-liberal concepts from the idea of peace. Like the baby thrown out with the bathwater, peace lost its emancipatory content. A particular peace is the result, which includes transitional justice or reconciliation as rhetorical devices for its legitimization. However, the practice of ‘peace’ leaves these processes to the ‘losers’; lasting peace between equals remains elusive and the politics of peace an exercise in managing security.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Institutions of the University: Faculties
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Chair Sociology of Africa
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Chair Sociology of Africa > Chair Sociology of Africa - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke
Result of work at the UBT: No
DDC Subjects: 300 Social sciences
300 Social sciences > 300 Social sciences, sociology and anthropology
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2023 08:28
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2023 08:28