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"The International Community Needs to Act" : Loose Use and Empty Signalling of a Hackneyed Concept

Title data

Bliesemann de Guevara, Berit ; Kühn, Florian P.:
"The International Community Needs to Act" : Loose Use and Empty Signalling of a Hackneyed Concept.
In: International Peacekeeping. Vol. 18 (2011) Issue 2 . - pp. 135-151.
ISSN 1743-906X

Abstract in another language

When political actors and international relations scholars invoke ‘the international community’, the term is commonly framed very loosely. It is used either as a reference to the norms of international politics or, according to its composition, as a coalition of concerned actors. This article, by contrast, argues that it is the interplay of image and practice of the term's invocation that shapes its multi-faceted character. ‘The international community’ can be used by many different groups, state and non-state alike, to locate their political goals in the context of a wider array of values. Usually, these norms are state related and can be used to simulate political relevance. Conversely, actors defying widely accepted values can be excluded and policy against them legitimized. Addressing domestic as well as international audiences, the claim to be acting as, or on behalf of, ‘the international community’ is mostly virtual but has definite political consequences.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Institutions of the University: Faculties
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Chair Sociology of Africa
Faculties > Faculty of Cultural Studies > Chair Sociology of Africa > Chair Sociology of Africa - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke
Result of work at the UBT: No
DDC Subjects: 300 Social sciences
300 Social sciences > 300 Social sciences, sociology and anthropology
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2023 08:41
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2023 08:41