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On the Origin of the Large Remanent Polarization in La:HfO₂

Title data

Schenk, Tony ; Fancher, Chris M. ; Park, Min Hyuk ; Richter, Claudia ; Künneth, Christopher ; Kersch, Alfred ; Jones, Jacob L. ; Mikolajick, Thomas ; Schroeder, Uwe:
On the Origin of the Large Remanent Polarization in La:HfO₂.
In: Advanced Electronic Materials. Vol. 5 (2019) Issue 12 . - 1900303.
ISSN 2199-160X

Abstract in another language

The outstanding remanent polarization of 40 µC cm–2 reported for a 10 nm thin La:HfO2 film in 2013 has attracted much attention. However, up to now, no explanation for this large remanent polarization has been presented. Density functional theory and X-ray diffraction are used to shine light onto three major aspects that impact the macroscopically observed remanent polarization: phase fraction, spontaneous polarization, and crystallographic texture. Density functional theory calculations show that the spontaneous polarization (Ps) of La:HfO2 is indeed a bit larger than for other HfO2- or ZrO2-based compounds; however, the Ps is not large enough to explain the observed differences in remanent polarization. While neither phase fractions nor spontaneous polarization nor strain are significantly different from those in other HfO2 films, a prominent 020/002 texture distinguishes La doped from other HfO2-based ferroelectric films. Angular-dependent diffraction data provide a pathway to calculate the theoretically expected remanent polarization, which is in agreement with the experimental observations. Finally, an interplay of the in-plane strain and texture is proposed to impact the formation of the ferroelectric phase during annealing. Further aspects of the special role of La as a dopant are collected and discussed to motivate future research.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Engineering Science > Juniorprofessur Computational Materials Science > Juniorprofessur Computational Materials Science - Juniorprof. Dr. Christopher Künneth
Result of work at the UBT: No
DDC Subjects: 600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences > 620 Engineering
Date Deposited: 05 May 2023 08:55
Last Modified: 05 May 2023 08:55