Title data
Betz, Michaela ; Gründler, Anna ; Schlott, Helen ; Thummert, Robert ; Fridgen, Gilbert:
Ein IKS gestütztes Modell zur Senkung der direkten Strombezugskosten am Energiemarkt mittels Kundenportfoliogestaltung.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). -
Osnabrück, Germany
ISBN 978-3-00-049184-9
Project information
Project title: |
Project's official title Project's id Projektgruppe WI Nachhaltiges Energiemanagement & Mobilität No information |
Abstract in another language
A paradigm shift in electricity markets which is characterized by a higher rate of renewables in energy generation and a stronger position of consumers (demand side management) will be unfolding in the next few years. Thus, new methods for coordinating energy demand and supply have to be found. Information and Communication Techniques (ICT) in combination with concepts from finance and operations research applied to the energy market can shape the role of con-sumers and deal with the challenges of volatile renewable generation. This paper analyses the effect of portfolio selection in terms of consumer load profiles by building an optimization model. The model enables consumers to combine their load profiles in order to generate benefits from a joint procurement. Thus, con-sumers benefit from portfolio effects. ICT plays a crucial role, as portfolio selec-tion will be performed using an electronic platform and required data will be col-lected via smart meter technology. Furthermore, the developed model is evaluated and a possible ICT based concept as a requirement for implementing the model in a broader context is derived.