Title data
Urbach, Nils ; Buchwald, Arne ; Ahlemann, Frederik:
Understanding IT Governance Success and its Impact: Results from an Interview Study.
ECIS 2013 : 21st European Conference on Information Systems, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 5-8, 2013 ; Proceedings. -
: Association of Information Systems
ISBN 978-90-393-6112-2
Abstract in another language
Owing to the increasing regulatory pressure and the need for aligned IT decisions, governance of IT has become important for both academia and practice. However, knowledge that integrates the determinants and consequences of IT governance success remains scarce. Although some studies investigate single aspects of IT governance success and its impact, none of these combine these factors into a comprehensive and integrated model. To address this gap, our research aims at understanding what factors influence and result from successful IT governance, and at determining how they can be translated into a model to explain IT governance success and its impact. Therefore, we conducted 28 interviews in 19 companies across different industries. Based on the analysis, we present a model that helps understanding what factors make IT governance successful and how IT governance contributes to an IT organization’s success and, eventually, unfolds to the overall organization. Thus, it allows organizational decision-makers to develop an effective IT governance implementation and to explain the implications of successful IT governance.