Title data
Räth, Philip ; Smolnik, Stefan ; Urbach, Nils ; Zimmer, Christian:
Towards Assessing the Success of Social Software in Corporate Environments.
15th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2009 : AMCIS 2009 ; San Francisco, California, USA, 6 - 9 August 2009. -
Red Hook, NY
: Curran
. - 10 S.
ISBN 978-1-61567-581-4
Abstract in another language
Induced by the widespread use of social software in personal contexts, companies wish to profit from its advantages. Owing to limited IT budgets and the need to justify investments in such systems, it is important to assess the benefits of employing social software in the corporate context. In this paper, we propose conceptual models for assessing the success of two specific types of social software: wikis and weblogs. These conceptual models are based on the DeLone and McLean IS Success Model as well as on an extensive review of social software literature. The two resulting models form the foundation for future empirical work in this area.