Title data
Blaß, Marlene ; Hörold, Felix ; Schoch, Manfred:
“I Need Help–Now!” : The Role of Technical Support in the Process of IS Use Coping.
Proceedings of the 31th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). -
Kristiansand, Norway
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Abstract in another language
IS research has identified technical support as an important organizational measure that increases user satisfaction and may reduce technostress. Yet, the effectiveness of such offers is dependent on whether and how users utilize them. Research has shown that there are manifold different coping sequences that users take after discrepant IT events. However, insights on the intersection between technical support and the user’s own coping sequences are missing so far. To address this gap, we conduct a qualitative interview study with 31 users of technical support in a German service organization. We develop a process model that explains the coping sequences taken by users after experiencing a discrepant IT event and identify factors that influence how and why they contact technical support. Thus, we provide insights on the effective utilization of technical support and derive measures on how to best support employees in their coping efforts.