Title data
Ritter, Christian ; Oberländer, Anna Maria ; Stahl, Bastian ; Häckel, Björn ; Klees, Carsten ; Koeppe, Ralf ; Röglinger, Maximilian:
How WashTec Explored Digital Business Models.
In: MIS Quarterly Executive.
Vol. 22
Issue 3
- 3.
ISSN 1540-1960
Project information
Project title: |
Project's official title Project's id Projektgruppe WI Digitales Innovationsmanagement No information Projektgruppe WI Digitale Innovationswerkstatt No information Projektgruppe WI Digitalisierung No information Projektgruppe WI Digital Value Network No information Projektgruppe WI Strategisches IT-Management No information |
Abstract in another language
Many incumbent companies excel in digitally enhancing their existing business models (exploiting) but struggle to develop new digital business models (exploring). We describe how WashTec, a global leader in the car wash industry, successfully explored three digital business models using a four-phase exploration approach. The WashTec case offers incumbents a blueprint and gives rise to five recommendations for exploring new digital business models.