Title data
Gramlich, Vincent ; Körner, Marc-Fabian ; Michaelis, Anne ; Strüker, Jens:
SSI in the Energy sector : A Study.
. - 14 p.
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Project's official title Project's id Projektgruppe WI BLockchain-Labor No information Projektgruppe WI Nachhaltiges Energiemanagement & Mobilität No information |
Abstract in another language
As the energy landscape becomes increasingly and rapidly decentralised, Elia Group recognises the potential for self-sovereign-identity (SSI) technology to fulfil the pressing need for a secure and efficient way to verify participant identities. This paper highlights the transformative power that SSI holds. It outlines several SSI use cases, exemplifying how SSI can be employed to redefine identity management and data exchanges across the sector. Unlocking the potential of SSI will require deliberate, collaborative action to be taken. To ensure SSI is widely adopted, Elia Group believes it is imperative to bring together regulators, industry consortia and forward-thinking companies to create standards, address interoperability issues and manage regulatory uncertainties. As an initiator of such discussions, Elia Group is calling for unity and strategic foresight from stakeholders as they join hands on this transformative journey. Through the adoption of an ecosystem approach, the energy sector can make good on the promise of SSI, enabling a future that is more efficient, secure, and prioritises individual sovereignty in the digital world.