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Unequal refugeeness : Race, gender, and co-belligerence from Poles in colonial Africa to Ukrainians in Poland


Lingelbach, Jochen:
Unequal refugeeness : Race, gender, and co-belligerence from Poles in colonial Africa to Ukrainians in Poland.
In: Journal of Refugee Studies. (Dezember 2024) . - feae089.
ISSN 1471-6925


Link zum Volltext (externe URL): Volltext

Angaben zu Projekten

Offizieller Projekttitel
Africa in the Global History of Refugee Camps (1940s to 1950s)
Ohne Angabe

Projektfinanzierung: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Exzellenzcluster "Africa multiple"


Refugee-receiving states do not live up to the universalist ideals of international refugee legislation but are selective and discriminatory. The case of Poland’s acceptance of Ukrainians while simultaneously building a border wall to keep out non-Ukrainians is an obvious case. Based on historical research on the British Empire’s policies towards European refugees, this article looks into a comparable moment when governments made an exception to their established anti-refugee policy and accepted certain groups of refugees. The British colonial administration in East Africa rejected Jewish refugees but accepted a specific group of Poles during the Second World War. This exception under war conditions was legitimized with an emphasis on the group’s gender, race, and connection to the co-belligerent Polish army. They were the white women and children of the Polish male soldiers fighting with the British against the Axis. The recent welcome for Ukrainian refugees in Poland followed similar lines of argumentation.

Weitere Angaben

Publikationsform: Artikel in einer Zeitschrift
Begutachteter Beitrag: Ja
Keywords: race; Poland; colonialism; Ukraine; war; history; refugees
Institutionen der Universität: Fakultäten > Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät > Lehrstuhl Geschichte Afrikas
Forschungseinrichtungen > Sonderforschungsbereiche, Forschergruppen > EXC 2052 - Africa Multiple: Afrikastudien neu gestalten
Fakultäten > Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Forschungseinrichtungen > Sonderforschungsbereiche, Forschergruppen
Titel an der UBT entstanden: Ja
Themengebiete aus DDC: 900 Geschichte und Geografie > 900 Geschichte
900 Geschichte und Geografie > 960 Geschichte Afrikas
Eingestellt am: 23 Jan 2025 09:06
Letzte Änderung: 30 Jan 2025 13:36