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PersonAnzahl der Einträge: 4.
Nimmesgern, Julian ; Roppel, Matthias ; Alber-Laukant, Bettina ; Tremmel, Stephan:
Extension of Z88ENSI : Consideration of the height-specific burn-up of spent
fuel assemblies and estimation of the fuel rod cladding temperature.
In: ENSI Erfahrungs- und Forschungsbericht.
- S. 304-310.
ISSN 1664-3178
Roppel, Matthias ; Lange, Christopher ; Zimmermann, Markus ; Alber-Laukant, Bettina ; Rieg, Frank ; Tremmel, Stephan:
Further developments of the simulation tool Z88ENSI for the accelerated determination of temperature fields in dual purpose casks.
In: ENSI Erfahrungs- und Forschungsbericht.
- S. 292-300.
ISSN 1664-3178
Roppel, Matthias ; Lange, Christopher ; Alber-Laukant, Bettina ; Tremmel, Stephan ; Rieg, Frank:
Further developments of the simulation tool Z88ENSI for the independent assessment of the thermal and mechanical dimensioning of transport and storage casks.
In: ENSI Erfahrungs- und Forschungsbericht.
- S. 259-265.
ISSN 1664-3178
Roppel, Matthias ; Alber-Laukant, Bettina ; Rieg, Frank:
Further developments of the simulation tool Z88ENSI for the independent assessment of the thermal and mechanical dimensioning of transport and storage casks.
In: ENSI Erfahrungs- und Forschungsbericht.
- S. 273-279.
ISSN 1664-3178
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