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JahrAnzahl der Einträge: 4.
Artikel in einer Zeitschrift
Du, Yixuan ; Wang, Yuemeng ; Shamraienko, Volodymyr ; Pöschel, Kathrin ; Synytska, Alla:
Donor:Acceptor Janus Nanoparticle-Based Films as Photoactive Layers : Control of Assembly and Impact on Performance of Devices.
In: Small.
Bd. 19
Heft 28
- 2206907.
ISSN 1613-6829
Kopsch, Fabian ; Drechsler, Astrid ; Priebs, Martina ; Caspari, Anja ; Müller, Anett ; Lentz, Sarah ; Friedrichs, Jens ; Synytska, Alla:
Zwitterionic Polymer Brushes and Core-Shell Particles Based thereon for Control of Biofouling.
In: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics.
Bd. 224
Heft 9
- 2200454.
ISSN 1521-3935
Uribe Gómez, Juan Manuel ; Schönfeld, Dennis ; Posada Murcia, Andrés ; Roland, Michel-Manuel ; Caspari, Anja ; Synytska, Alla ; Salehi, Sahar ; Pretsch, Thorsten ; Ionov, Leonid:
Fibrous Scaffolds for Muscle Tissue Engineering Based on Touch‐Spun Poly(Ester‐Urethane) Elastomer.
In: Macromolecular Bioscience.
Bd. 22
Heft 4
- 2100427.
ISSN 1616-5195
Du, Yixuan ; Li, Yue ; Aftenieva, Olha ; Tsuda, Takuya ; Formanek, Petr ; König, Tobias A. F. ; Synytska, Alla:
High Yield Synthesis of Water-Processable Donor : Acceptor Janus Nanoparticles with Tuned Internal Morphology and Highly Efficient Charge Separation/Transfer.
In: Advanced Optical Materials.
Bd. 10
Heft 8
- 2101922.
ISSN 2195-1071
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