Veröffentlichungen "Turner, Irina"

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Anzahl der Einträge: 20.

Buch / Monografie

Decolonisation of Higher Education in Africa : Perspectives from Hybrid Knowledge Production.
Hrsg.: Brahima, Abraham ; Turner, Irina ; Woldegiorgis, Emnet Tadesse
London : Routledge , 2020 . - 244 S. - (Routledge Contemporary Africa Series )
ISBN 978-0-367-36060-3


Turner, Irina:
The State of the Nation : "businification" of political rhetoric in post-apartheid South Africa.
Berlin : LIT , 2015 . - 368 S. - (Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung ; 60 )
ISBN 978-3-643-905601-4

Turner, Irina:
Comprehending Gender Issues Through Photography? : a South African Case Study.
Saarbrücken : VDM , 2008
ISBN 9783836488198

Artikel in einer Zeitschrift

Turner, Irina:
Decolonisation through Digitalisation? African Languages at South African Universities.
In: Curriculum Perspectives. Bd. 43 (2023) Heft Suppl. 1 . - S. 73-82.
ISSN 2367-1793

Turner, Irina:
Dynamics of media convergence in translingual expert interviews : An example from isiXhosa radio in South Africa.
In: Journal of Pragmatics. Bd. 210 (2023) . - S. 71-84.
ISSN 0378-2166

Turner, Irina ; Sijadu, Zameka ; Rudwick, Stephanie:
South Africa Laughs At Covid : A Functional Perspective on Political Humour in Social Media.
In: African Journal of Rhetoric. Bd. 15 (2023) Heft 1 . - S. 375-405.
ISSN 1998-2054

Turner, Irina ; Merron, James ; Lamoureaux, Siri:
Indiscipline as Method : From Telescopes to Ventilators in Times of Covid.
In: Filosofia Theoretica : Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions. Bd. 10 (2021) Heft 3 . - S. 79-101.
ISSN 2276-8386

Rudwick, Stephanie ; Sijadu, Zameka ; Turner, Irina:
Politics of Language in COVID-19 : Multilingual Perspectives from South Africa.
In: Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies. Bd. 48 (2021) Heft 2 . - S. 242-259.
ISSN 0258-9346

Turner, Irina:
As far as the eye can see : Urban bias in South African linguistic research.
In: Sociolinguistic Studies. Bd. 14 (2020) Heft 3 . - S. 257-275.
ISSN 1750-8649

Turner, Irina:
Axing the Rainbow : does Fallism Reconfigure Post-apartheid Nationhood in South Africa?
In: Modern Africa. Bd. 7 (2019) Heft 1 . - S. 81-110.
ISSN 2336-3274

Turner, Irina ; Tchokothe, Rémi Armand:
Editorial: The cultural economy of contemporary aesthetic production : a focus on the breach between text and context.
In: Critical Arts : South-North Cultural and Media Studies. Bd. 29 (2015) Heft 4 . - S. 437-445.
ISSN 0256-0046

Turner, Irina:
A matter of choice? : the Role of English and isiXhosa for University Graduates in their Early Careers.
In: Modern Africa. Bd. 3 (2015) Heft 2 . - S. 43-74.
ISSN 2336-3274

Aufsatz in einem Buch

Turner, Irina:
Selling radio for charity : How convergence affects on-profit promotion.
In: Chiumbu, Sarah ; Motsaathebe, Gilbert (Hrsg.): Radio, Public Life and Citizen Deliberation in South Africa. - London : Routledge , 2021 . - S. 196-216
ISBN 9780367436339

Brahima, Abraham ; Turner, Irina ; Woldegiorgis, Emnet Tadesse:
Epilogue : A long way towards a decolonial future in African higher education.
In: Brahima, Abraham ; Turner, Irina ; Woldegiorgis, Emnet Tadesse (Hrsg.): Decolonisation of Higher Education in Africa : Perspectives from Hybrid Knowledge Production. - London : Routledge , 2020 . - S. 230-240 . - (Routledge Contemporary Africa Series )
ISBN 978-0-367-36060-3

Turner, Irina:
What is the point of studying Africa in Europe? : A micro-ethnographic study of decolonising African studies through international postgraduates in Germany.
In: Brahima, Abraham ; Turner, Irina ; Woldegiorgis, Emnet T. (Hrsg.): Decolonisation of Higher Education in Africa : Perspectives from Hybrid Knowledge Production. - London ; New York, NY : Routledge , 2020 . - S. 78-99 . - (Routledge Contemporary Africa Series )
ISBN 978-0-367-36060-3

Turner, Irina:
The Changing State of the South African Nation : political Proximity to Business from a Rhetorical Perspective.
In: Olorunnisola, Anthony A. ; Douai, Aziz (Hrsg.): New Media Influence on Social and Political Change in Africa. - Hershey : IGI Global , 2013 . - S. 168-186
ISBN 9781466641976

Turner, Irina:
Opposing the Developmental State online : how do South Africans make use of online platforms to challenge government’s macroeconomic strategies?
In: Bakhit, Mohamed A. G. ; Turner, Irina ; Narh, Peter ; Alemu, Girum Getachew ; Boger, Julia ; Brinkmann, Felix (Hrsg.): Challenging notions of development and change from everyday life in Africa. - Bayreuth : Inst. für Afrikastudien , 2013 . - S. 22-48 . - (Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers ; 11 )


Turner, Irina:
Rezension von: Cap, Piotr ; Okulska, Urszula (eds): Analyzing Genres in Political Communication. Amsterdam, 2013.
In: Discourse & Society. Bd. 26 (2015) Heft 3 . - S. 401-403.
ISSN 1460-3624


Mohr, Susanne ; Turner, Irina ; Ellece, Sibonile:
Sociolinguistics in Southern Africa.
In: Ball, Martin J. ; Mesthrie, Rajend ; Meluzzi, Chiara (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of Sociolinguistics Around the World. 2. Auflage. - Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge , 2023 . - S. 400-410
ISBN 978-1-032-05612-8

Vollständiges Zeitschriftenheft

The cultural economy of contemporary aesthetic production : a focus on the breach between text and context.
Hrsg.: Turner, Irina ; Tchokothe, Rémi Armand
Critical Arts : South-North Cultural and Media Studies. Bd. 29 (2015) Heft 4 .
ISSN 0256-0046

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