Jocher, Georg ; Schulz, Alexander ; Ritter, Christoph ; Neuber, Roland ; Dethloff, Klaus ; Foken, Thomas:
The Sensible Heat Flux in the Course of the Year at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard: Characteristics of Eddy Covariance Data and Corresponding Model Results.
In: Advances in Meteorology.
Bd. 2015
- 852108.
ISSN 1687-9317
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/852108
In this paper we present one year of meteorological and flux measurements obtained near Ny- ˚ Alesund, Spitsbergen. Fluxes arederived by the eddy covariance method and by a hydrodynamic model approach (HMA) as well. Both methods are compared andanalyzed with respect to season and mean wind direction. Concerning thewind field we find a clear distinction between 3 prevailingregimes (which have influence on the flux behavior) mainly caused by the topography at the measurement site. Concerning thefluxes we find a good agreement between the HMA and the eddy covariance method in cases of turbulent mixing in summer butdeviations at stable conditions, when the HMA almost always shows negative fluxes. Part of the deviation is based on a dependenceof HMA fluxes on friction velocity and the influence of the molecular boundary layer. Moreover, the flagging system of the eddycovariance software package TK3 is briefly revised. A new quality criterion for the use of fluxes obtained by the eddy covariancemethod, which is based on integral turbulence characteristics, is proposed.