Title data
Thäter, Markus ; Chudej, Kurt ; Pesch, Hans Josef:
Optimal vaccination strategies for an improved SEIR model.
Event: OR 2015 : International Conference on Operations Research 2015 : Optimal Decisions and Big Data
, 02.-04.09.2015
, Wien, Austria.
(Conference item: Conference
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Abstract in another language
An improved SEIR model for an infectious disease is presented which includes logistic growth for the the total population. The aim is to develop optimal vaccination strategies against the spread of a generic desease in a city on the one hand and in rural areas on the other hand. These vaccination strategies arise from the study of optimal control problems with various kinds of constraints including mixed control-state and state constraints and, for the two different area-types, a quadratic respectively a linear cost functional is used. After presenting the new models and implementing the optimal control problems by means of a first-discretize-then-optimize method, numerical results for the scenarios are discussed and compared to an analytical optimal control law based on Pontrygin’s minimum principle respectively by a switching-function-method that allows to verify these results as approximations of candidate optimal solutions.