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Strategy Optimization in Sports : A Two-Scale Approach via Markov Decision Problems

Title data

Hoffmeister, Susanne ; Rambau, Jörg:
Strategy Optimization in Sports : A Two-Scale Approach via Markov Decision Problems.
Bayreuth , 2015 . - 31 S.

Abstract in another language

We present a paradigm to model sports strategy optimization via Markov Decision Problems (MDP). If one employs a detailed model, optimal policies can be prohibitive to compute. If one chooses a rather aggregated model, input probabilities can be impossible to determine. We suggest a way-out: To answer questions about optimal policies, we employ an accessible aggregated model. Its critical input parameters are estimated by simulations in a detailed model whose input parameters can be derived from observations during training hours. As an example, we characterize when risky play is better than safe play in beach volleyball.

Further data

Item Type: Preprint, postprint
Keywords: Dynamic programming; Markov Decision Processes; Simulation
Subject classification: MSC 90C39
MSC 90C40
MSC 90C90
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Mathematics
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Mathematics > Chair Mathematical Economics
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Mathematics > Chair Mathematical Economics > Chair Mathematical Economics - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Rambau
Research Institutions > Research Centres > Forschungszentrum für Modellbildung und Simulation (MODUS)
Research Institutions
Research Institutions > Research Centres
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 500 Science > 510 Mathematics
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2015 08:05
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2019 12:52