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Protein purification by affinity precipitation

Title data

Hilbrig, Frank ; Freitag, Ruth:
Protein purification by affinity precipitation.
In: Journal of Chromatography B. Vol. 790 (2003) Issue 1-2 . - pp. 79-90.
ISSN 1873-376X

Official URL: Volltext

Abstract in another language

Developing the most efficient strategy for the purification of a (recombinant) protein especially at large scale remains a challenge. A typical problem of the downstream process of mammalian cell products is, for instance, the early capture of the highly diluted product from the complex process stream. Affinity precipitation has been suggested in this context. The technique is known for over 20 years, but has recently received more attention due to the development of new materials for its implementation, but also because it seems ideally suited to specific product capture at large scale. The present review gives a comprehensive overview over this technique. Besides an introduction to the basic principle and a brief summary of the historical development, the main focus is on the current state-of-art of the technique, the available materials, important recent applications, as well as process design strategies and operating procedures. Special consideration is given to affinity precipitation for product recovery at large scale.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Additional notes: Preparative Chromatography of Proteins
Keywords: Proteins
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Engineering Science > Chair Process Biotechnology > Chair Process Biotechnology - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ruth Freitag
Faculties > Faculty of Engineering Science
Faculties > Faculty of Engineering Science > Chair Process Biotechnology
Result of work at the UBT: No
DDC Subjects: 500 Science
500 Science > 500 Natural sciences
600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences
600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences > 620 Engineering
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2016 15:01
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2022 10:26