Title data
Mickoleit, Frank ; Rosenfeldt, Sabine ; Schenk, Anna ; Schüler, Dirk ; Uebe, René:
Multifunktionale bakterielle Nanomagnete für Biotechnologie und Medizin.
In: BIOspektrum.
Vol. 27
Issue 4
- pp. 442-444.
ISSN 1868-6249
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12268-021-1593-5
Abstract in another language
Bacterial magnetosomes represent magnetic core-shell nanoparticles biomineralized by magnetotactic bacteria like Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. The establishment of fermentation regimes for high-yield particle production, standardized isolation procedures as well as the development of a genetic toolkit for the generation of “tailored” particles might soon pave the way for the application of engineered magnetosomes in the biomedical and biotechnological field.